COD World at War, Worth buying??


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 8, 2001
I am looking at picking it up
as far as single player, worth it?
I mean is it good/great or just OK?

and the co-op is it palyable over a LAN I assume?

I thought COD4 was really good, so is this better or worse?
It's about the same as COD4 just with different guns/maps when it comes to multiplayer. I haven't tried the single player yet.
co-op and multiplayer is alright if you like WW2 stuff, but i still prefer cod4 single player and multiplayer by a mile.

bring on modern warfare 2 !!
The downside of CoD WaW MP mode is the levels are 3 - 4 times bigger than CoD4 on average so its best played online or at large lan parties.

It is a fun game though in both SP and especially MP modes. The nice thing is there aren't any weapon perks that take one of your other perks away like in CoD4.
Single Player is Decent, has its moments for sure.
Co-op is playable on LAN and Internet

As far as better or worse, I still prefer CoD4 over this one. I like the newer tech in CoD4. That doesn't mean that it's better. If you like WW2 era toys, or think you can have loads of fun with a bolt action rifle, then CoD5 might be your cup. The maps are pretty good in CoD5 as well. I particularly like the elevation changes in the maps.
co-op and multiplayer is alright if you like WW2 stuff, but i still prefer cod4 single player and multiplayer by a mile.

bring on modern warfare 2 !!

I just bought it last week. I kind of regret it a bit.
Its cool playing with friends, but if I did not have any friends playing the game it would kinda suck for me. I prefer cod4 way way more then waw. People say its the same but it sure doesn't feel the same to me. (I have about 500hrs of cod4 playtime)

Here are the things that I hate the most.
1. Sound - feels like I am wearing cups over my ears or something. As if anything over 5 meters away is extremely muffled. Bad balance of sound.

2. Accuracy of weapons - There is no reason a MP40 should be just as accurate as a SVT-40. I find myself not even trying to use rifles any more because there are people hopping around sniping me with SMG's left and right.

3. Damage - (compared to CoD4) I feel it is far easier to kill in this game. Kids running around with a ppsh or Type99 not even using Ironsights just jumping and spraying hitting enemies with at least a 70% hit accuracy.

4 Spawns - (Probably the one that is the most aggravating for me) I do not understand how the spawns are so horrid with this game. With a huge maps playing HQ or TDM why is it that someone always spawns at my back 3 feet away from me. Or I will be running and turn a corner to see a Jap spawn and I instantly kill him? on a 4v4 map there is more then enough space to have hidden spawns where it wont create havoc. When playing HQ, the enemies should spawn more then 1/2 across the map.

To be honest. The game is frustrating to say the least when trying to enjoy the use of a bolt action rifle. Other guns are just way too accurate.
/end rant

I'll stick with cod4 unless I have a friend on my team.
(good ol AK47 & silenced-MP5 :p)
I cant wait for Modern Warfare 2 though! :D :D

I just bought it last week. I kind of regret it a bit.
Its cool playing with friends, but if I did not have any friends playing the game it would kinda suck for me. I prefer cod4 way way more then waw. People say its the same but it sure doesn't feel the same to me. (I have about 500hrs of cod4 playtime)

Here are the things that I hate the most.
1. Sound - feels like I am wearing cups over my ears or something. As if anything over 5 meters away is extremely muffled. Bad balance of sound.

2. Accuracy of weapons - There is no reason a MP40 should be just as accurate as a SVT-40. I find myself not even trying to use rifles any more because there are people hopping around sniping me with SMG's left and right.

3. Damage - (compared to CoD4) I feel it is far easier to kill in this game. Kids running around with a ppsh or Type99 not even using Ironsights just jumping and spraying hitting enemies with at least a 70% hit accuracy.

4 Spawns - (Probably the one that is the most aggravating for me) I do not understand how the spawns are so horrid with this game. With a huge maps playing HQ or TDM why is it that someone always spawns at my back 3 feet away from me. Or I will be running and turn a corner to see a Jap spawn and I instantly kill him? on a 4v4 map there is more then enough space to have hidden spawns where it wont create havoc. When playing HQ, the enemies should spawn more then 1/2 across the map.

To be honest. The game is frustrating to say the least when trying to enjoy the use of a bolt action rifle. Other guns are just way too accurate.
/end rant

I'll stick with cod4 unless I have a friend on my team.
(good ol AK47 & silenced-MP5 :p)
I cant wait for Modern Warfare 2 though! :D :D

1. The sound is bad in CoD4 and CoD5.

3. CoD4 takes 0 amount of skill. The guns are completely bland and at least in CoD5 there's a balance between subs, bolts and machine guns.

CoD5 is better in my opinion.

I just bought it last week. I kind of regret it a bit.
Its cool playing with friends, but if I did not have any friends playing the game it would kinda suck for me. I prefer cod4 way way more then waw. People say its the same but it sure doesn't feel the same to me. (I have about 500hrs of cod4 playtime)

Here are the things that I hate the most.
1. Sound - feels like I am wearing cups over my ears or something. As if anything over 5 meters away is extremely muffled. Bad balance of sound.

2. Accuracy of weapons - There is no reason a MP40 should be just as accurate as a SVT-40. I find myself not even trying to use rifles any more because there are people hopping around sniping me with SMG's left and right.

3. Damage - (compared to CoD4) I feel it is far easier to kill in this game. Kids running around with a ppsh or Type99 not even using Ironsights just jumping and spraying hitting enemies with at least a 70% hit accuracy.

4 Spawns - (Probably the one that is the most aggravating for me) I do not understand how the spawns are so horrid with this game. With a huge maps playing HQ or TDM why is it that someone always spawns at my back 3 feet away from me. Or I will be running and turn a corner to see a Jap spawn and I instantly kill him? on a 4v4 map there is more then enough space to have hidden spawns where it wont create havoc. When playing HQ, the enemies should spawn more then 1/2 across the map.

To be honest. The game is frustrating to say the least when trying to enjoy the use of a bolt action rifle. Other guns are just way too accurate.
/end rant

I'll stick with cod4 unless I have a friend on my team.
(good ol AK47 & silenced-MP5 :p)
I cant wait for Modern Warfare 2 though! :D :D

Nah man, COD5 bolting is fun and does make a difference. If you play on hardcore it may seem a bit easy, but rifles do make a difference.

its a crap game imo, only the flamethrower made it fun, i would suggest "try before you buy"
no compteittions are ever going to make it to cod5, so cod4 is still the way to go in proffesional gaming

its a crap game imo, only the flamethrower made it fun, i would suggest "try before you buy"
lol, so you are basing your opinion on the fact that its not 100% authentic? Pssh, its a game....
no compteittions are ever going to make it to cod5, so cod4 is still the way to go in proffesional gaming

Ya that is true, some kids tend to hate the game for some reason; guess it is a bug. Either way, it is a fun game. I just want a game that DOESNT GET MODDED TO HELL in order to play in a league; promod anyone? :(
It's an arcade shooter. I was deeply disappointed by COD:WaW.

At the rate IW's turning them out, we might as well start labeling them Call of Duty 2009, Call of Duty 2010, etc. They've Madden-ized the series, and with less-than-spectacular results ...

Don't get me wrong, COD4 was great and was a well-needed injection of fresh blood into the COD series ... but WaW just comes across as arcade BS. For example, did you know that a lone Russian T43 tank can take out THREE Panzer/Tiger tanks, and several dozen German soldiers (half of which are shooting Panzershreks at you)? There is no permanent damage to the tank, either, and you have unlimited ammo! Not to mention it can turn on a dime - impressive! They ripped the opening Russian sniper scene from Enemy at the Gates originally in COD1 (or was it 2?), and then re-did it for World at War ... I don't know. WaW just rubs me the wrong way.
lol, so you are basing your opinion on the fact that its not 100% authentic? Pssh, its a game....

Ya that is true, some kids tend to hate the game for some reason; guess it is a bug. Either way, it is a fun game. I just want a game that DOESNT GET MODDED TO HELL in order to play in a league; promod anyone? :(

It has to get modded because Treyarch thought we didn't want so many of those features that COD4 offered. All they had to do was copy and paste the goddamn game and replace shit with WW2.

They removed shit in the process for no reason at all.
lol, so you are basing your opinion on the fact that its not 100% authentic? Pssh, its a game....

im basing my opinion on the fact that its a bad game, i own it and i hate it. As soon as i realised i had just reloaded my garand halfway through a clip i knew that meant lazy game devs, which would mean a lazy game. I was right.
I mea ffs, every single other ww2 game in the history of the world has been accurate with it.
im basing my opinion on the fact that its a bad game, i own it and i hate it. As soon as i realised i had just reloaded my garand halfway through a clip i knew that meant lazy game devs, which would mean a lazy game. I was right.
I mea ffs, every single other ww2 game in the history of the world has been accurate with it.

Don't forget that you can fire the MG42 from a standing position for more than a short burst without it knocking you on your ass with barely any recoil. Realism!
It's an arcade shooter. I was deeply disappointed by COD:WaW.

At the rate IW's turning them out, we might as well start labeling them Call of Duty 2009, Call of Duty 2010, etc. They've Madden-ized the series, and with less-than-spectacular results ...

Don't get me wrong, COD4 was great and was a well-needed injection of fresh blood into the COD series ... but WaW just comes across as arcade BS. For example, did you know that a lone Russian T43 tank can take out THREE Panzer/Tiger tanks, and several dozen German soldiers (half of which are shooting Panzershreks at you)? There is no permanent damage to the tank, either, and you have unlimited ammo! Not to mention it can turn on a dime - impressive! They ripped the opening Russian sniper scene from Enemy at the Gates originally in COD1 (or was it 2?), and then re-did it for World at War ... I don't know. WaW just rubs me the wrong way.

Both COD4 and COD5 are arcadish IMHO. They both have accurate jump shooting, arcadish elements and require less aim and less teamwork than a true PC FPS like CSS, or 1.6. Both COD4 and COD5 are both based around the same gameplay/graphics engines afterall.
Dolphin Diving made a tremendous return in CoD5, also. Try it out. You can fire from a jumping to a prone position even in the latest patch.
Both COD4 and COD5 are arcadish IMHO. They both have accurate jump shooting, arcadish elements and require less aim and less teamwork than a true PC FPS like CSS, or 1.6. Both COD4 and COD5 are both based around the same gameplay/graphics engines afterall.

I was okay with COD4 being more arcade-ish because the series was FINALLY detracting from the traditional WW2 standard ... and moving into modern times, where combat's more fast-paced and movie-stylized. Arcade elements work better there, where people aren't nitpicking for historical accuracy like they are in WaW ...
I thought COD5 co-op with my friends was VERY enjoyable. However, we beat it in a measly 4 hours. We tried playing it a second time today and it was still fun but wearing off already. I would get it if you like co-op games but only when it's on sale.
no compteittions are ever going to make it to cod5, so cod4 is still the way to go in proffesional gaming

CoD4 and professional gaming don't even belong in the same sentence. If you want professional gaming you should look towards games that take real skill like CS 1.6 or Quake 3.

CoD4 is a good game from a pub standard, and I've played my fair share of it but it's an extremely easy game, very arcadish, and isn't cut out to be a professional game of any kind.
CoD4 and professional gaming don't even belong in the same sentence. If you want professional gaming you should look towards games that take real skill like CS 1.6 or Quake 3.

CoD4 is a good game from a pub standard, and I've played my fair share of it but it's an extremely easy game, very arcadish, and isn't cut out to be a professional game of any kind.

couldn't agree more.

CoD5 is pretty fun on console when you play with your friends though. The maps are bigger and less crowded.
At the rate IW's turning them out, we might as well start labeling them Call of Duty 2009, Call of Duty 2010, etc. They've Madden-ized the series, and with less-than-spectacular results ...

Infinity Ward doesn't put them out every year. Treyarch and Infinity Ward have a deal with Activision to alternate between games.

IMO Infinity Ward makes a better game
Infinity Ward doesn't put them out every year. Treyarch and Infinity Ward have a deal with Activision to alternate between games.

IMO Infinity Ward makes a better game

Agreed. Infinity Ward makes extremely solid games. CoD3 was awful, but CoD5 I feel is superior to 4. 4 is good but I prefer WW2. CoD2 is still my favorite.

Also, the team @ treyarch that does their CoD games, Grey Matter, is the same team that developed united offensive.
I have COD4 and WaW and I keep finding myself going back to play COD4. Professional or "arcade" like (I don't get paid for playing so.... Professional?), who cares, it is fun. That's why I play games anyway.
I have COD4 and WaW and I keep finding myself going back to play COD4. Professional or "arcade" like (I don't get paid for playing so.... Professional?), who cares, it is fun. That's why I play games anyway.

That's the way it should be. I think WaW more fun but a lot of my co-workers and friends who aren't that into WW2 like MW.
Cod4 singleplayer is far better than Cod5's by miles and miles , Cod4's weapon balance was complete crap for multiplayer . I mean you can make a case for a few weapons having balance but come on , the P90 with double tap on hardcore was just downright cheating .. you spray any wall and you'll slaughter anyone behind it.

Not to mention the noob canon attached to the M16A , the M16A is just downright overpowered in Cod4 , its the first rifle you get and the best overall (followed by the Carb), you honestly can't say Cod4 had better MP balance than Cod5 because they both fail at balance.

Cod 4 and 5 are arcade shooters , they aren't CS 1.6 and thats a good thing , I'm not playing to earn money as professional .. I'm playing to have fun and both Cod4 and 5 are FUN.
If you have COD4, you have the better game already. Don't bother.

Not that this is entirely accurate, but according to xfire today:

COD4 = 292,306 mins logged.

COD:WaW = 44,608 mins logged.

Looking at the xfire numbers are usually a pretty good indication of player habbits. There is a reason COD4 is played a good 7x more than WaW. It's the better game.
Umm Cod4 has been out a year before Cod5 , not really fair to use time as judge of play habbits. Give Cod5 a year and then check those numbers again.
Cod4 singleplayer is far better than Cod5's by miles and miles , Cod4's weapon balance was complete crap for multiplayer . I mean you can make a case for a few weapons having balance but come on , the P90 with double tap on hardcore was just downright cheating .. you spray any wall and you'll slaughter anyone behind it.

Not to mention the noob canon attached to the M16A , the M16A is just downright overpowered in Cod4 , its the first rifle you get and the best overall (followed by the Carb), you honestly can't say Cod4 had better MP balance than Cod5 because they both fail at balance.

Cod 4 and 5 are arcade shooters , they aren't CS 1.6 and thats a good thing , I'm not playing to earn money as professional .. I'm playing to have fun and both Cod4 and 5 are FUN.

Thats why you should play on pro mod servers. Hardcore mod is a joke as any gun can kill you within 2 hits making sniper rifles and rifles in general useless when you can pop someone across the map with the mp5 or p90 twice and kill them.
The downside of CoD WaW MP mode is the levels are 3 - 4 times bigger than CoD4 on average so its best played online or at large lan parties.

I don't get how that is a problem? I played cod4 multiplayer for about 5 hours before i got tired of the clusterfuck nade spamming mindless gameplay that was obviously catered to the masses of a.d.d. kiddies. You can't move 5 steps without the stupid flying hunterkiller chopper shooting u up, 10 nades being spammed in ur direction or random player sprinting by while unloading on you.
I don't get how that is a problem? I played cod4 multiplayer for about 5 hours before i got tired of the clusterfuck nade spamming mindless gameplay that was obviously catered to the masses of a.d.d. kiddies. You can't move 5 steps without the stupid flying hunterkiller chopper shooting u up, 10 nades being spammed in ur direction or random player sprinting by while unloading on you.

You must have been playing in killhouse:p:p
1. The sound is bad in CoD4 and CoD5.

I beg to differ on this point. I think the sound of guns and explosions is really wimpy in COD5. It sound really tinny.

Having said that, overall, I like WAW. But it pales to COD4 IMHO. COD5 is a good game; COD4 is a great game.

Just my 2 cents. :D
Spawn logic with W@W is messed up, but it makes you better at using the mini-radar. Maps though are much better than COD4. It also has some truly big maps. Textures are much better, and for me the guns are more enjoyable to use. I haven't jumped on COD4 for a few months. W@W is my main game now.
initially i thought WAW was the better game, but i find myself playing cod4 over waw every day of the week. is been a solid 3 weeks since i even fired up WAW to be honest.

I agree that sounds in WAW are lacking, much worse than 4's (not that 4's were THAT great or anything, but they were passable)

SP in cod4 is a million times better than WAW. i had to struggle to finish WAW and lost all interest in whatever pitiful excuse for a story there was. MW holds your attention much better and remained far more interesting all along.

spawns in WAW are wacky.

WAW has better maps overall, but cod4 custom maps are far better than WAW maps anyway. I avoid custom map loading regardless.

the weapons in WAW end up feeling like "more of the same". the differences are unnoticeable aside from a slight difference in sound. most of the rifles seem the same in accuracy / distance, especially if you use a red dot on both. the snipers all feel the same except for one. the SMGs stand out a bit from eachother, but thats the most variety.

I alwasy felt like in COD4, all the guns had far more variety. g36c and m4 seemed to overlap a bit, and to an extent the r700 and first sniper (cant remember the model..m1a4 or something) were alot alike - but there just felt to be far more variety.

WAW HC S&D just cant keep me interested as much has COD4 HC S&D...and its a shame to me lol.

*anxiously awaiting CODMW2*
two words nazi zombies thats about the most fun thing about the games i prefer cod 4 its better imo for multiplayer which is all i play.