CoD2 Hacking and Activision's Response...


Limp Gawd
Mar 3, 2003
Well, I posed this question to the Activision Customer Support:

What are you going to do about the rampant hacking and aimbot usage in Call of Duty 2?

And they replied with:

Unfotunately Activision cannot enforce the rules in an online game. These games are run by other players and are out of our control.

Thank you for contacting Customer Support.
I don't even have to elaborate on that. It sucks more than I ever thought a response could suck. I urge each and every one of you that even has the slightest interest in the intergity of CoD2 MP to open a support ticket asking them what they plan on doing about the hacking. If they get enough hits, and that pie chart that middle management looks at starts showing "Hacking concerns" Maybe they'll change their tune. Oh and PLEASE be civil about it. Asinine requests don't get as much consideration.

If anyone gets a different reply please post it here so we can all partake in the action.

Good luck!

P.S. - If you want to know where to get the aimbots just play CoD2 online for a while. one of the bots actually auto-talks the URL during the game. LAME! At least you know who's using that bot though. heh...
I don't know how many people here are for or against PunkBuster, but that could be one particular thing to mention.
listen. the best defense against "hackers" who really should just be called cheaters or any other bad word is a human admin. there are ways, even a website which charges 95 bucks a year for undetectable cheats, around any game so yeah unless there's someone who's adminning don't waste your time crying that their cheating just leave or call their mom.
spaceman said:
listen. the best defense against "hackers" who really should just be called cheaters or any other bad word is a human admin. there are ways, even a website which charges 95 bucks a year for undetectable cheats, around any game so yeah unless there's someone who's adminning don't waste your time crying that their cheating just leave or call their mom.

I agree. Most anti-cheat systems aren't worth the hassle (I am looking at you punkbuster!). A well trained and judicious admin staff is the only anti-cheat system that you can rely on. Yes, it is nice when a company has the decency to support their product with anti-cheat measures, but I don't think they are violating any unwritten contract with the consumer by not adding anti-cheat.

Go find a good server.
deathBOB said:
I agree. Most anti-cheat systems aren't worth the hassle (I am looking at you punkbuster!). A well trained and judicious admin staff is the only anti-cheat system that you can rely on. Yes, it is nice when a company has the decency to support their product with anti-cheat measures, but I don't think they are violating any unwritten contract with the consumer by not adding anti-cheat.

Go find a good server.
It's hard to find a server that has admins on it. Some are admined more than others and half the time if a server is admined they're nazi whores with the rules, and people get booted for saying "damnit" or for going AFK for 5 minutes to handle real life. While ideally, human intelligence is the only real defense against hacking, it's still nice to have some level of protection. The idea posed that PB doesn't stop every hack so it's not worth it is the same as saying, "Well Norton AV doesn't stop every virus, so you may as well just not install any Anti-Virus." I would be able to put up with a cheater here and there ruining a game every once in a while, but with CoD2 I see players using wall hacks and aimbots in nearly half the servers I join. Killcam shows lots of evidence to those who know what to look for. You know, my idea of a good time is not spending half my night searching for an adminned server, and the other half wondering if the admin is really watching out for the honest players.
even a website which charges 95 bucks a year for undetectable cheats

are you serious?

do they ban cd keys .... I would think that would be a BIG deterent

I don't think I've played an Activision game since Pitfall on my Atari. That's one of the worst standard responses I've ever heard.
Not sure how this could be adapted to COD2 but I liked how Blizzard handled hacks for warcraft 3. After every game there was an option to save a replay of the game, either for learning or because you think the other person was cheating. Then you could watch the replay to see if they were cheating. If they were you could submit the replay to them and they would review it to look for the things you thought were cheating. You had to included a description of what the cheating was so that they could look for it or could send a quick response back to you telling you if it was legit and was just a good player. It did take a while to get a response but I know of a few occasions that accounts I had sumbitted were later posted as banned accounts. Not only can they see the cheating they can check out the in game code as well.

but I don't think they are violating any unwritten contract with the consumer by not adding anti-cheat.

Actually I think they are. In the EULA it says that you can't use programs to modify this one. by not enforcing their end of a contract there is probably grounds for a class action suit. Much in the same way that the game makers can sue if you copy and distribute the game. It is a contract and both sides have to honor it.

the release of the new anti-cheat program would be them holding up their end, even if it's very lame, it's an attempt.
Enemy Territory has punkbuster. Although I think because it's a free game that they rarely if ever update it any more. ET is so full of hacks I deleted it. :mad:
It doesn't matter how good the anti-cheat is, because people will call others on cheating regardless. Even if PB could stop all the hacks the second they booted to MP, people would still bitch that people are hacking.

How many times have you been called a cheater on a server when you're laying asses to waste? I had a COD:UO clan put me up on their website as a cheater, because one Saturday morning I shredded them all over Foy for 2 solid hours using the MP44 and the k98.
I can swear up and down to them that I'm not a cheater, wouldn't make a difference, and they had no proof i was cheating, I even offered to give the admin remote desktop connection so he could scan through my files.

I don't even understand why cheating is such a big deal, you'll never get anywhere with them. There is no real gain to cheating at computer games, oh boy, you can brag it up on a server for being a badass that rocks the "nooBzoRz." Where does that get you? I'm guessing 99% of hackers don't have a real friend in the world.

I just max derailed this post, my apologies to the OP.

I'm just in awe CoD2 didn't ship with anti-cheat, someone had a head up their ass.
QuimZ said:
I don't even understand why cheating is such a big deal, you'll never get anywhere with them. There is no real gain to cheating at computer games, oh boy, you can brag it up on a server for being a badass that rocks the "nooBzoRz." Where does that get you? I'm guessing 99% of hackers don't have a real friend in the world.
None of them are hackers they are more like script kiddies. Why do they do it? Simple most of them probably are not old enough to drive. Go on Xbox live sometime, you will run into millions of snot nosed brats with nothing better to do than ruin a game by being a complete asshat.

It's easy for me to picture a teenager using an aimbot and thinking it's the coolest thing in the world. However once they get older and discover beer they will learn what true enjoyment is.
Well I used to play AA tooo damn much. I have seen every cheat there is I guess.
One of my friends was over at a friends house and saw his son playing AA and running
a hack that did it all, wall hack, chams, radar hack...etc
He asked him why he was running a hack playing a free online game.
The kids response was because I can't win.

So if you cant win you cheat...its the American way...well for a LOT of people it is.

If you don't have it-- STEAL IT. ===== SAME THING as far as I am concerned.


oh don't forget AA has the almighty punk buster....WHAT A F'ing JOKE

punkbuster in cod1 wasn't worth for shit!!!! Isaw people using aimbots on pb server and not even getting kicked. as for cod2 i got called a hacker over 10 times, I do not ahck I just find the game easy, I think it is just that people whine too much that some are good, I actally think there are less hackers in cod2.
QuimZ said:
It doesn't matter how good the anti-cheat is, because people will call others on cheating regardless. Even if PB could stop all the hacks the second they booted to MP, people would still bitch that people are hacking.

How many times have you been called a cheater on a server when you're laying asses to waste? I had a COD:UO clan put me up on their website as a cheater, because one Saturday morning I shredded them all over Foy for 2 solid hours using the MP44 and the k98.
I can swear up and down to them that I'm not a cheater, wouldn't make a difference, and they had no proof i was cheating, I even offered to give the admin remote desktop connection so he could scan through my files.

I don't even understand why cheating is such a big deal, you'll never get anywhere with them. There is no real gain to cheating at computer games, oh boy, you can brag it up on a server for being a badass that rocks the "nooBzoRz." Where does that get you? I'm guessing 99% of hackers don't have a real friend in the world.

I just max derailed this post, my apologies to the OP.

I'm just in awe CoD2 didn't ship with anti-cheat, someone had a head up their ass.
Oh, I'm sure you got called a NOOB about 1000 times too just because you were using the MP44. For some reason ppl really hate that gun.
vmerc said:
Oh, I'm sure you got called a NOOB about 1000 times too just because you were using the MP44. For some reason ppl really hate that gun.
Yea, one time wen i was pissed at my old clan i changed my name and went on our server. After owning them up with a sniper they banned me and postedon a site that Orion is a hacker (i hancged my name to that). Anyway, people on most FPS think they are too good and if you are better than them you msut be hacking, few servers even in cod2 will ban you if ou do better than them.
Okay besides all the BS in MP, the SP is AWESOME, just FUCKING AWESOME!

I wasn't expecting the game to be like this in anyway at all.
I was expecting I walk down the stree, 3 guys jump out at me, bang, bang, bang... Next.


I love it, it's so intense and you feel like you are really fighting for your life!

Awesome game play!
Majin said:
Okay besides all the BS in MP, the SP is AWESOME, just FUCKING AWESOME!

I wasn't expecting the game to be like this in anyway at all.
I was expecting I walk down the stree, 3 guys jump out at me, bang, bang, bang... Next.


I love it, it's so intense and you feel like you are really fighting for your life!

Awesome game play!

AND DEN, AND DEN ITS LIKE PSHWEEEEEEEEEEEEOWW, BOOOOOOOOOOM, and the trumpets are like BRR BRR BRRRRRRRRR BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR BRBRBRBR BR as you walk across the snow covered battlefield with your gun on your back, smoke in your eyes, with a feeling of such victory. Ah I love it.

But yea MP has a lot of BS.