COD4 Demo Tomorrow

wow this is one of the greatest games! i love it! i already pre ordered it before and i cant wait until it comes out now.
Jeeeezzuussss!! This might be the most exciting game I've ever played!!

I just broke my cardinal rule against pre-ordering and got COD4 from Amazon.
Jeeeezzuussss!! This might be the most exciting game I've ever played!!

I just broke my cardinal rule against pre-ordering and got COD4 from Amazon.

i totally agree that was the best demo i have played in a while, i know some are bashing it a bit for being a rehash linear game but i just love the demo, protecting the tank was very intense u couldn't just camp and shoot from one spot because the enemy was coming from all around.

and it plays great @ 1680x1050 maxed game setting 4xaa 16xaf i am for sure going to play this through before cyrsis
The torrent isn't a fake as I just installed it a little while ago, but don't bother, the game is trash just like its predecessors.
Giganews Platinum SSL FTW!!! 2.5MB a sec, I pretty much saturate my 20Mb FIOS connection with that Usenet service. Anyway, it's installing now and I can't wait. I just installed Timeshift also (another Giganews DL), and that file has a 5 star rating on Fileplanet so I can't wait to try that one after I finish the COD4 demo.

This second half of 2007 is off the hook as far as PC gaming goes. Too many games to mention but whoever says PC gaming is dead needs a slap upside their head!
By the way, it runs *great* on a 7900GS @ 590/690 at 1650x1080, no AA.
The filefront link worked great for me. Thanks Conker for the link. Download @580 or so took only about 35-40 min. The demo seems ok so far but need to play it some more before I make up my mind.
Is it any different this time? MoH and CoD were ok, but by the time CoD 2 rolled around, I was bored to tears. It's still the only single player game I have not bothered to finish.
That torrent posted before is excellent. PLEASE SEED IT IF YOU FINISHED.

The game itself is astonishing. Omg, I am so happy I preordered it. Can't wait for a multiplayer tactical experience. The good thing is that is plays like COD2. Except I would have shit as melee for default instead of v. That was my only complaint.

It runs fine on my system (see sig) with a little tweaking.
Wow. This is one of the best demos I've ever played for the PC. Amazing!!

I'm definitely going to get this game, but the question is whether I will for the PC or the PS3 (my PC wasn't up to snuff to play it maxed out, footage I've seen from PS3 is smoother and very good looking).

That was freaking incredible. The gameplay felt like Call of Duty2 but much better. It felt more chaotic which is a good thing. The graphics are awesome and it ran smoothly on my system. I maxed the settings with 4XAA and max AF, texture settings were set to 'Extra' where possible @ 1920X1200.
Ran smooth as butta at 1440x900 everything on but AA. Was very pretty, sounds great too. Good times, I was pretty stoked about this before as I love CoD, but now I'm pretty much going to buy it when it comes out.
Fuck, it was running at 15fps for me @ 1680x1050 4x AA 16x AF with the specs in my sig.

It's a sad day when your video card isn't able to handle games at 4x AA anymore.
Fuck, it was running at 15fps for me @ 1680x1050 4x AA 16x AF with the specs in my sig.

It's a sad day when your video card isn't able to handle games at 4x AA anymore.
video cards are pretty cheap now man, it's worth it to upgrade every couple years or even sooner if you enjoy playing
Depends on your definition of cheap. He'd have to spend a good chunk of change for an upgrade to an 8 series.
Just played COD4 for a while. Yeah, gonna buy! Very intense and visually fantastic. Runs smooth as butter on my sig rig with 4xAA and max in game settings and looks great!

I know, smooth as butter can be subjective, but if you have a Q6600 and an 8800 GTX you'll be fine at 1920x1200.
Awesome game.. Woohoo!
I tried taking some screenshots with the game's control, f12. Anyone know where I can find those? I went to the folder, but can't find anything. Is this feature disabled for the demo?
I just played through the demo a few times. LOTS of fun. I just wish they had a multi player demo. Thats one of the main reasons why I would buy this game.
I dont know if it was the excellent sound, the excellent graphics, the AMAZING GAMEPLAY, or the excellent animations, but COD4 is so amazingggggggggg. It feels so lifelike... The Immersion factor adds to the game in so much ways its not explainable.
This game is going to be amazing thats for sure. Just played the demo. Really intense action here. The graphics are actually really good in game and its not too demanding on the system requirements. They really got this right. I'm going to get this title once its out thats for sure :cool:
I tried taking some screenshots with the game's control, f12. Anyone know where I can find those? I went to the folder, but can't find anything. Is this feature disabled for the demo?

X2. where the hell are these?
Really liked the demo. Played it through a few times. However, it is short, very short. Pre-order incoming.
That was by far the most immersive demo I have ever played. I will definitely be buying this!
Really surprised how well it ran on my ancient rig :) Had to tweak the settings a bit (only shadows off, everything else on high) at 2x aa and some AF and ran well at 1680x1050. I found the frame rate sank quite a bit when using the scope. Anyone else notice that?
My guess would be that he, (Superhuman), would be better off with a memory upgrade over the video card... 1Gb is light even with xp...

There's no way I'm spending anymore money upgrading this rig. Next time I upgrade, it'll be building an entirely new rig.
This demo is really good. I'm really looking forward to this game now. i shot a guy in the leg and he fell to the ground. Then he started shooting at me with a pistol as he attempted to drag himself behind cover. :D
There's no way I'm spending anymore money upgrading this rig. Next time I upgrade, it'll be building an entirely new rig.

Your rig is neary IDENTICAL to mine. All the way down to the dual Raptors. I just upgraded after nearly two years. May be time for you as well. I'm going to:

Abit IP35 Pro
4gb G.Skill memory
8800GTX Superclocked
Corsair 620HX