COD4 - HC or SC

Hardcore or Softcore?

  • Hardcore

    Votes: 54 67.5%
  • Softcore

    Votes: 26 32.5%

  • Total voters


Jan 3, 2006
I get too many people talking to me about this in my server and on xfire so I'm curious to what the [H] community thinks.

Which is better, Hardcore or Softcore. And a brief explanation would be nice too.

Also, which is for noobs (Hopefully this isn't flamebait)? :)
Which is better, Hardcore or Softcore. And a brief explanation would be nice too.

Are you sure your talking about a game? :D

Hardcore, I don't find it fun constantly having a radar. You can take way too much damage in non-HC, and grenade indicators...
Are you sure your talking about a game? :D

Hardcore, I don't find it fun constantly having a radar. You can take way too much damage in non-HC, and grenade indicators...

Well when you put it that way...;)
Im pretty noob about even kill/death ratio, I like softcore cause of the minimap. But hardcore can be fun sometimes b/c kills are so easy.
depends on what kind of mood you're in. Hardcore can be fun if you're taking it serious. Softcore is more relaxed.
HC is fun cuz of no hud and stuff. but i dont like how any gun can be pretty much 1 shot kill. a desert eagle is a deadly sniper rifle lol.
Harcore is more fun than console-mode because people fucking die. It's total shit when you rinse someone with nine or ten rounds of your assault rifle, think "that'll do" and they spin around and get a lucky headshot on you.

Console mode is utter wank.
I play HC almost exclusively. Every once in awhile I check out SC but never stay long. It's basically run and gun. If your weapon is superior you'll win the fight. In HC it seems more like you have to outmaneuver your opponent.

I won't say at all that one's for noobs and the other is not, but SC seems to invite more of the 12 year old loudmouths and what nots (you know the type). Also everybody and their brother seems to be bunny hopping on SC servers. That's ok for something like Quake or UT, but on something like CoD it's just annoying.
I love playing softcore mode -- I haven't really gotten into HC just yet.. maybe when i get bored of softcore i'll head on over to HC.

I love a bit of survivability -- a mixture of cs in it somewhat. (No I do not use juggernaut, lol).
Don't really play COD4 anymore. When I did play, however, I prefer Hardcore over regular, makes the game funner.
I play both HC and SC, but mainly SC as of now. Hardcore is fun and adds a new level of playing with no HUD. Only thing is, it does get annoying fast when basically any gun is an easy kill. I use to play it with my friend (I'm alot better then him). I was doing so poor in a recent Hardcore match against him, even he was wondering what was going on. He was able to kill me with any gun, usually 1 shot, and I wasn't able to bring him down. Meh, quirks of the game I guess....
hardcore all the way. when I shoot someone in the head with an M21, I want them to stay down.
hardcore all the way. when I shoot someone in the head with an M21, I want them to stay down.

Oooo don't get me started on that damn last standing perk. Thats a joke.

1st. they receive enough hits to be dead, yet they just fall down.
2nd. The hit boxes are fubar (at least on the 360 version) when the player is laying down, if you aim anywhere except the middle of their torso, the shot will not hit. You can put multiple m16 bursts into their "head" and they will turn around and kill you, even on HC.
I am in TWL hardcore 5v5 S&D, I love it. Our team is not bad either, we are 3-1 so far.
Oooo don't get me started on that damn last standing perk. Thats a joke.

1st. they receive enough hits to be dead, yet they just fall down.
2nd. The hit boxes are fubar (at least on the 360 version) when the player is laying down, if you aim anywhere except the middle of their torso, the shot will not hit. You can put multiple m16 bursts into their "head" and they will turn around and kill you, even on HC.

Shoot 'em in the nuts!!:eek::eek:
hardcore is lame because someone can spray at you through a wall or from a distance more effectively.

regular mode is to the advantage of those who can react and aim well, consistently.

The best way though is on a league spec server, where BS perks like martyrdom and jug are disabled.
Hardcore definitely.
Makes you think,
Makes you find cover,
Makes you get aware of all your surroundings.

I only play HC.

But I occasionally try out a few reg. server.

CoD4 over all as a game is amazingly fun.
Oooo don't get me started on that damn last standing perk. Thats a joke.

1st. they receive enough hits to be dead, yet they just fall down.
2nd. The hit boxes are fubar (at least on the 360 version) when the player is laying down, if you aim anywhere except the middle of their torso, the shot will not hit. You can put multiple m16 bursts into their "head" and they will turn around and kill you, even on HC.

Not to mention the fact that the transition animation, where they drop to the floor after you've 'killed' them, renders them invulnerable.

As they are dropping, you can fill them with bullets and it doesn't register until the animation is complete, meaning that on console-mode servers, you can spend ten rounds on killing someone, another ten on them as they drop, and the two or three you have left after killing them when they're on the floor go all the way to making the next enemy mildly irritated.
Hardcore is better on PC. Softcore is better on consoles.

Why? Camping is more readily counter-acted on pc because you can aim faster and more accurately to hit that speck in a window at 300 yards, or quickly snap your view side to side when rounding a corner to check for campers.

Console hardcore turns into a camp-fest.
Both have their plus and minuses. But if I had to choose, I would say hardcore.

Hardcore can get camperiffic but that's just the nature of the game. I would also have to say it depends on what mod you're playing.
Hardcore mode is just retarded. Arcadish no recoil guns + 1 hit kills = lame.

Yeah, arcadish no-recoil guns + million hit kills + superstars running around holding down mouse1 with a bajillion airstrikes going off around the place is far better, because there's no thinking involved, you just slap on your pubstar name with your Bandolier perk and let rip with the internet speak.

Yeah, arcadish no-recoil guns + million hit kills + superstars running around holding down mouse1 with a bajillion airstrikes going off around the place is far better, because there's no thinking involved, you just slap on your pubstar name with your Bandolier perk and let rip with the internet speak.

Thats why I play CAL, which btw, is NOT hardcore mode.
I used to prefer softcore, but after awhile I really came to enjoy hardcore and for my running and gunning style I generally do better. Oddly enough.
For PC I don't mind either but I would like SC sometimes. But what really chaps my ass is no cursing, or no certain perks. But on console I never have that problem.
The main issue is whether people like to play realistically or just run n gun. This game obviously does an excellent job on catering to both styles of gamers. I guess it may sometimes depend on what kind of mood ur in...

I used to like the more "arcady" games, much like FEAR (still love it!). I just have grown love more games that somewhat instill a sense of realism, ie like when you shoot someone, they are actually down - not hurt and have to replenish their health bar. As RON FTL said, it does make you think and be more aware of your surroundings and IMO plays extremely better with tactics especially when you have your buddies on TS...
For team modes I prefer Hardcore, for FFA deathmatch it's a tough call.
Hardcore, when others don't have radar assistance it allows skill in information gathering to assist in further distinguishing your score for the rest. I didn't like when they added it to CS either.
Gyah, I can't stand hardcore mode. Weapons lose their differentiation (when they're all basically one-shot kill), and it's way too easy to die. Granted, I'm very much a fan of run-n-gun, arcadey type shooters (FEAR, HL2: DM, Unreal Tournament series, etc.). I almost exclusively play large (20+ man) FFA servers, and I have a blast. I want explosions and chaos and bullets flying everywhere, not that lame "tactical" malarky. :p

Edit: Something I think we can all agree on: There really needs to be a server filter for hardcore mode.
Gyah, I can't stand hardcore mode. Weapons lose their differentiation (when they're all basically one-shot kill), and it's way too easy to die. Granted, I'm very much a fan of run-n-gun, arcadey type shooters (FEAR, HL2: DM, Unreal Tournament series, etc.). I almost exclusively play large (20+ man) FFA servers, and I have a blast. I want explosions and chaos and bullets flying everywhere, not that lame "tactical" malarky. :p

Edit: Something I think we can all agree on: There really needs to be a server filter for hardcore mode.

Yes there does.
This is especially frustrating when you wanna do some SnD on pubs to warm up but almost EVERY SnD server is hardcore and half of them don't even say so in the name. Btw, if hardcore mode was any good leagues would use it. It's so easy to shoot in COD4 that 1 shot kills break the game entirely. Playing with radar adds a whole other element of skill and strategy where you have to pick your shots and never unnecessarily expose yourself.
I love that in hardcore I can walk into a room with three guys and take them all out with one clip, whereas in regular mode I can take out 1, maybe two and then have to reload or knife the last one. Nothing wrong with either way, just different. It also makes some perks useless in HC, so you really just need different kits for each mode.

I think they made a mistake taking the entire HUD out of HC too. Would it have been too much to leave the score piece in HC at least? You can tab to see the score, but it doesn't show you the limit for some reason in HC.
Okay, I admit. I reinstalled CoD 4 yesterday and started playing some mp. This is the first I've played since release day.

So quick question: does the silencer attachment have any benefit in HC mode? Whenever I see myself shooting in the kill cam, there are still tracers and such flying out of my gun - so the enemy is still easily able to pinpoint my location despite the silencer.

The silencer is supposed to prevent my location from showing up on the minimap while shooting, correct? Would this be the same as shooting during an enemy UAV? For example, lets say I have no silencer attachment and the enemy launches a UAV. If I fired my gun, would I become highlighted on their temporary minimap?

Just trying to figure out the usefulness of this thing, as I usually only prefer HC.

It is not as beneficial, but it does make your gun quieter, which will keep people who might be in hearing range of a non-silenced gun from pinpointing your location. I use sound just as much as anything to find people. I don't know if it is just me, but doesn't it also seem like the recoil is reduced when you use a silencer as well?

I typically go with Red Dot over silencer in HC though. The benefit of being able to be more accurate from a long distance outweighs the noise issues.
It is not as beneficial, but it does make your gun quieter, which will keep people who might be in hearing range of a non-silenced gun from pinpointing your location. I use sound just as much as anything to find people. I don't know if it is just me, but doesn't it also seem like the recoil is reduced when you use a silencer as well?

I typically go with Red Dot over silencer in HC though. The benefit of being able to be more accurate from a long distance outweighs the noise issues.

The recoil always seemed different to me with silencers as well. I typically don't use them though. Normally I use an M4 or G36 with the M203 grenade launcher attached. I go for speed and firepower over stealth.
No Dan! Not a noob tube!

What the fuck ever. I love grenade launchers. Great for vehicles that are parked all over the place, and in a game red-dots, or iron sights make no difference to me. In real life I'd prefer the optics over the grenade launcher if I had to make a choice.