COD4 - How to change difficulty setting halfway?


Limp Gawd
May 4, 2006
I currently playing on Hardened.
I just cannot pass the sniper/ferris wheel level.
I must have tried at least 50 times now. I even tried to cheat hiding under a table and picking off people till the Heli came. But as soon as I step out, I've got grenades all over the place.

I was having a total blast till this part.
Can I change the difficulty level to normal so that I can just pass this level?

Isn't that the level where you have to take that guy who is injured and carry him around?

My bro was having a tough time with that level.
I currently playing on Hardened.
I just cannot pass the sniper/ferris wheel level.
I must have tried at least 50 times now. I even tried to cheat hiding under a table and picking off people till the Heli came. But as soon as I step out, I've got grenades all over the place.

I was having a total blast till this part.
Can I change the difficulty level to normal so that I can just pass this level?


haha, how did I know you were talking about this mission before even viewing the thread?

The mission is completely ridiculous, but thankfully you can take advantage of a glitch that allows you to easily pass it.

Before the enemies drop from the helicopers, run south into the city and go as far left as possible. You will be in the corner of the city where enemies usually spawn from, but since you are camping there they will no longer spawn.

Now you can either:

a) Hide in the building
b) Wait outside the building (you will be in an alleyway in the city, with the occasional enemy running towards you from a far away distance where you can easily snipe them)

It's very cheap, but it works. You don't have to worry about your sniper buddy, just leave him alone and camp in the city like I told you. He will never die.

The only challenge is running back to him to pick him up and get into the helicopter. You should actually plant all of your C4 in the field before camping in the city. Then when it comes time to pick up your friend and board the helicoper, blow it up and RUN LIKE HELL (while shooting any large groups of enemies). You'll want to sprint behind the helicopter on the way to pick up your buddy, because there are friendly AI helping you out behind the helicopter. You can take a breather if you get injured by running inside of the helicopter (again, there are AI in the back that will kill any nearby enemies, so consider it a "safe point."

That should help, good luck to ya!

edit - See my thread on the same topic:
And there's more where that came from! I'm beginning to wonder if Infinity Ward even play tested that mission on hardened and veteran, because it's easily the most difficult and frustrating part of the whole entire game!