COD4 Motion Sickness


Aug 10, 2006
I tell you I cannot play for mor than 10 mins.
Rarely happens to me (I play BF2 and Unreal 2004/UT3 all the time for HOURS), but COD4 is just making me feel soo sick, I cannot even look at screen after 10 mins.

I like the game, but I cannot play it b/c of this.

Any solution?
Anyone got same issue with CoD4?

Thanks a lot in advance,
i allready finished the game twice as recruit and regular, now playing on the third difficulty settings for the third time. haven't faced any such issues. may be cause i have to turn off most of the gfx setting in the display options for my weak gfx card aka 7300gt :( playing on a crt monitor, if that matters.
I remember people used to get sick playing hl2 and changing the fov ( field of vision) in the game using some console commands made it better. I never did it because I didn't get sick so you may want to google.
i dunno if there is any medication that might help you, i have a friend that some fps games does that too, but he did not find any relief from it. however in the past some people have said that if you move when playing it helps. like if you shift left and right when you look, and up and down and forward back while playing, that it helps the body cope a little. dunno if its true, but worth trying if you did not do it already. I doubt motion sickness pills would work. good luck.
I have a similar issue with some games. I've found that enabling V-Sync fixes the problem completely.
Agreed on V-Sync. I'm also wondering, maybe if the game is highly contrasted, a lot of dark areas against sharply lit objects and textures, gun fire flare etc, maybe upping the overall Gamma and or slightly upping Bightness would help some. I imagine this would wash the image out a bit, but maybe it'll relieve some of the issues you're haivng with the game.
Its such an awesome game. I've been distracted by the multiplayer I need to go back and finish the single player. A mission or two past the C130 gunship iirc. How far through am I btw?
If there's an option to disable "view bob" then disable it.

Also, sit in a well lit room, that should help further. And sit as far away from the screen as you reasonably can.

Severe epilepsy sufferers wear an eye patch when playing games as a matter of course, not sure if that'll help with motion sickenss, but it might help.
Try some Dramamine. Also, how big is your screen? Depending on how much of your view it takes up will have an effect. So if its a fairly large monitor and you sit somewhat close, try sitting back away from it more. That way you have a stationary object in view at the same time. It seems to help. Also, try taking a break every so often. How quickly does your motion sickness bout come on once you're playing?
Wow I thought I was the only one with this problem. I play on my 24" screen. Only after breaking one 24" screen and having to use a 15" monitor for a couple days did I realize how immersive 24" screens feel to me. I imagine larger screens are even more so. Compared to a 15" screen, playing on a 24" screen is like you're THERE. It only happened to me after playing for maybe 3 hours a couple times though. This one time, I was winning, but I had to quit in an FFA game because I had to run to the restroom and lose my dinner.
Try chewing gum when you play, or just eating. It helped me with single player hl2.
Wow I thought I was the only one with this problem. I play on my 24" screen. Only after breaking one 24" screen and having to use a 15" monitor for a couple days did I realize how immersive 24" screens feel to me. I imagine larger screens are even more so. Compared to a 15" screen, playing on a 24" screen is like you're THERE. It only happened to me after playing for maybe 3 hours a couple times though. This one time, I was winning, but I had to quit in an FFA game because I had to run to the restroom and lose my dinner.

Yep, I definitely felt a little nauseous after I got my 30". Now it doesn't bother me. Same thing happened when I went from my 27" TV to a 34" widescreen tube and from the 34" to a 50" rear projection with the console games.
Heres some things that may help

Altering the FOV of the game
Turning off motion blur
Turning off HDR/Bloom (i.e less contrast)
Turning off depth of field
Turning on Vsync as tearing maybe having a negative effect

Also try moving your monitor away from you a bit, if you have something as a static frame of reference easily in your sight range then I expect that will help.

I don't get this myself, however when I got my 30" I had to move it back a little bit, I sit quite close to my monitor and it was a bit too overwhelming when playing first person shooters, moving it back and getting my speakers either side into my peripheral vision helped a lot.
I don't think you can change the fov in COD 4. At least, it's not an option on most servers (I think...I tried it on like 5 different servers and it didn't was the same for COD 2 for I dunno)
I haven't had this problem with any recent shooters, but the old school ones used to get me pretty bad (e.g. Doom, Wolf etc). I am not sure what changed, but it doesn't bother me anymore so long as the FPS stays constant.

I would do whatever you can to keep FPS high and try to play on the smallest screen (I know, I know, evil :( ) you can.

also cg_fov should change it for you too.

I'm aware of the command..that's what I was talking about when I was talking about how it doesn't work on most servers, in fact I wasn't able to find any that it WOULD work on. Neither in COD 2 or COD 4. The command itself is fine, but returns with a "disabled" or somethin'. Works in single player I think. I haven't tried it. I assume it would though. Also tried changing the fov using that command in the cfg file and then joining a server. Doesn't work that way either.

Sort of sucks since I prefer changing my fov in every game I play taht allows it. Quake 3, UT2k4, etc. All work really well with changing FOV. I guess they consider it to be more of a hack in other games. Does it work in CS:S I wonder?
my mistake...cod 4 lets you change the fov between 65 and 80 I believe..I have it set at 80...but i wish I could get like 110
So have you tried eating gum, like I've suggested....? I'm pretty sure it works.
never had these problems but i remember way back in the day people were complaining alot when super mario 64 came out...
My suggestion of enabling V-Sync fixed this exact problem for me in CoD4. I'm pretty confident that it will fix it for other people as well.
My suggestion of enabling V-Sync fixed this exact problem for me in CoD4. I'm pretty confident that it will fix it for other people as well.

Yeah..but then I would have to deal with the mouse lag. Something I refuse to do...
I'd rather ralph on my keyboard.
my mistake...cod 4 lets you change the fov between 65 and 80 I believe..I have it set at 80...but i wish I could get like 110
CoD4's FOV is defined vertically, not horizontally. 110 is the "big fisheye", in the words of John Carmack.

75 should be 'correct' -- just like HL2.