CoD4 multiplayer getting very old, very fast

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It's extremely repetitive and ceases to be interesting in the slightest once you unlock all of the weapons and have nothing else to strive for when you play.
I just hate how its basically: Spawn - Move - Die. Spawn - Die. Spawn - Run - Hide - Die.

I don't know that I have ever lived longer than one or two minutes. :(
All I see here is people who struggle to do well in MP, and use the game's supposed ''repetitively'' as an excuse.
Learn to use your radar and make sure you don't stay in wide open areas for long. If you are in a wide open area make sure you are running and its to a place for cover.
you can honestly say that about any FPS

No, I can't. I can't think of any other online games aside from CoD4 series where you die 90% of the time within 15-30 seconds of spawning. CoD2 was kind of like that in that there were 1 hit kills on most guns, but at least then you got to move around the map before dying.
Yeah, it's stupid how many deaths I get just because of the f-ed up system of spawning. Oh, spawn next to your noob friends who are shooting with a unsilenced gun and love to be seen. Grenade thrown, BWWOOOSHHH dead 3s after I spawned.(The first 2 I going, shit shit shit shit)
I assume this if for the PC. On the 360 I actually live pretty long and I found it semi-noob friendly. I mean at least I could pick it up and do ok on my first few goes dispite being meh at console controllers in FPS games. I would have gotten it for my PC, but most of my friends got it for the 360 so here I am. I like it overall. Though at times I do wish I could plug my mouse into my 360 and show them a thing or two ;)
Marty seems to have an extended radius, I can't prove it, and it's not been addressed, but I feel like I can't even sprint to a safe distance half the time, even when I feel like I'm there when compared to other grenade encounters.

And if it's in a room, fuggedabouddit.

Otherwise, I have fewer complaints about call of duty 4 than with any online shooter I've played in quite some time. It's held my attention in a way that nothing since Counter Strike (pre-source) did in High School, and many of my friends feel the same way.

Now if we could just do something about those people who throw grenades over buildings at the beginning of matches...
I'm wondering if smaller servers will be better suited to the map sizes they've created. Most maps seem too congested with 30-50 people..
These are all people who've been playing TDM. The CoD series has a totally fucked spawn system, and always has done; 90% of the time you'll spawn on top of a grenade or with three enemies standing five feet behind you.

Solution is to play S&D. More fun anyway.

Hardcore, too.

Marty seems to have an extended radius, I can't prove it, and it's not been addressed, but I feel like I can't even sprint to a safe distance half the time, even when I feel like I'm there when compared to other grenade encounters.

I thought I was imagining this. It also tends to get you through walls. GAYBO
All I see here is people who struggle to do well in MP, and use the game's supposed ''repetitively'' as an excuse.

No, not really, I'm not that good at FPS games in general but I'm not horrible. I'm just sick of kids thinking that finding some corner to camp in and shooting anyone who goes by equates to some sort of skill.
It would be nice when you spawn you get 5 secs of invincibility (similiar to Q3) so you can view your surroundings & get cover if needed.
It sometimes does get stupid on bigger servers, I like spawning on anade or getting killed by random fire. Hardcore servers are very fun, so are regular ones, but I do not really play that much due to the lack of time.

But even when I do play, I get tired of the game due to mindless gameplay. I prefer something with a little more trategy to it.
No, not really, I'm not that good at FPS games in general but I'm not horrible. I'm just sick of kids thinking that finding some corner to camp in and shooting anyone who goes by equates to some sort of skill.

All I can say is L2P.. I agree there are a ton of noobs who camp mostly because christmas has passed and these 14 year olds dont know how to play.. But after I die from a camper I get my satisfaction and I laugh after I get the knife kill. Once you familiarize yourself with the maps it wont be as bad...
All I can say is L2P.. I agree there are a ton of noobs who camp mostly because christmas has passed and these 14 year olds dont know how to play.. But after I die from a camper I get my satisfaction and I laugh after I get the knife kill. Once you familiarize yourself with the maps it wont be as bad...

Ah yes, the standard gaming elitist apologetic nonsense. My ability or inability to deal with campers does not change the fact that all the camping is LAME AS HELL.
Lemme know how puberty works out for ya.

Lol comming from a guy who cant learn to deal with common camping problems in EVERY FPS game.. Let me know when you grow some balls... I think your vagina has some sand in it.
No other game has camping anywhere near as bad as what I've seen in CoD4, and no other game encourages it to near the same extent that CoD4 does.

Thanks for proving my point, kid.
Ah yes, the standard gaming elitist apologetic nonsense. My ability or inability to deal with campers does not change the fact that all the camping is LAME AS HELL.

i wouldnt call it apologetic nonsense. i think sniping is part of the game. if someone is going to snipe they have to camp. its silly to be a sniper and run around like you would if you chose to be assault. what i do if i get sniped a lot especially by the same person is i watch the kill cam and figure out where he is. then i flank him and while he is sniping i either knife him or shoot him in the head.
i wouldnt call it apologetic nonsense. i think sniping is part of the game. if someone is going to snipe they have to camp. its silly to be a sniper and run around like you would if you chose to be assault. what i do if i get sniped a lot especially by the same person is i watch the kill cam and figure out where he is. then i flank him and while he is sniping i either knife him or shoot him in the head.

Nah, what I'm talking about is not sniping. It's hiding in a corner or behind a trash can or whatever and just shooting anyone who walks by. It's not done with a sniper rifle and it's not done from a sniper position.
Nah, what I'm talking about is not sniping. It's hiding in a corner or behind a trash can or whatever and just shooting anyone who walks by. It's not done with a sniper rifle and it's not done from a sniper position.

oh ok. luckily i havent come across that much yet. usually everyone is running around like maniacs on the servers i play.
I think you guys are playing on crowded servers, I find this game was not built well for more than 20 people in a map, I always play in 15-20 player servers and have a blast, its alot more fun than 30+ servers.
One map I hate is the small one with the con-ex boxes. The game starts and people chuck nades. Instant death.
ive only been playing crash and winter crash. i really think mp rocks. this has been the only game that has taken me away from cs:s
All I see here is people who struggle to do well in MP, and use the game's supposed ''repetitively'' as an excuse.

Yeah..I suppose getting killed over and over again and there being nothing they can do about it would be considered repetitive, wouldn't it? ;)

I'll go ahead right now and apologize for killing all of you over and over again. Last night I joined some random pub FFA server and went 100-17. I didn't camp EVER but I did get a TON of kills simply by knowing the maps well enough to realize where the best camping spots are. As I'm hunting around the map like a shark, I always check out the campsites and lay waste to anyone hanging out in them. I literally had 10 or 12 knife kills in a row in that game last night. It was a 32 man server and the map was Ambush.
Overgrown and Wetworks are the only maps I really like. Shipment is totally useless, it should be removed from rotation.
I assume this if for the PC. On the 360 I actually live pretty long and I found it semi-noob friendly. I mean at least I could pick it up and do ok on my first few goes dispite being meh at console controllers in FPS games. I would have gotten it for my PC, but most of my friends got it for the 360 so here I am. I like it overall. Though at times I do wish I could plug my mouse into my 360 and show them a thing or two ;)

Yes, on the 360, which I also play quite a bit, the most players you have in an FFA game is 8 on a server whereas on the PC, 16 is about the lowest number of players I've played in. I've played on 32 man servers and it does tend to get insane especially on the smaller maps. I don't know what the limit on player spots is for the game itself, but anyone who runs a FFA server with many more than 20 spots is a moron, IMO :p
1.) "Camping" is a real life tactic, espcially for snipers. If you bitch about "camping", you should also be bitching about bullets going through walls, since thats realistic too. :p

2.) CoD4 uses a dynamic spawning system, so you dont have to worry about people spawn camping. Which is about the only reason "camping" should be frowned upon.

3.) It also has Kill Cam, so if someone is camping, you know exactly where they are when you spawn back in. Thusly CoD4 activly "punishes" campers for staying in one spot.

Anyone who seriously bitches about camping obviously just does not have the skill to deal with said campers. And yes, when I'm sniping, I'll lay myself down in a nice camoflaged spot. If I have an automatic weapon, I'll usually run around, maybe stick on a spot for a little while.

Cry..cry...cry... deal with it.

On a more humours note, I can just immagine WWII soldiers in the afterlife bitching, "Man, that damn nazi sniper was sooo camping! What a noob!"
1.) "Camping" is a real life tactic, espcially for snipers. If you bitch about "camping", you should also be bitching about bullets going through walls, since thats realistic too. :p

2.) CoD4 uses a dynamic spawning system, so you dont have to worry about people spawn camping.

3.) It also has Kill Cam, so if someone is camping, you know exactly where they are when you spawn back in.

Anyone who seriously bitches about camping obviously just does not have the skill to deal with said campers. And yes, when I'm sniping, I'll lay myself down in a nice camoflaged spot. If I have an automatic weapon, I'll usually run around, maybe stick on a spot for a little while.

Cry..cry...cry... deal with it.

On a more humours note, I can just immagine WWII soldiers in the afterlife bitching, "Man, that damn nazi sniper was sooo camping! What a noob!"

In real life war, there is no "free for all" mode either...usually ..hehe.
Always a TDM or a S&D ;)
I don't have a problem with dying quickly.

The key is not to just run through the streets hoping you find someone to shoot. That's stupid. That's why you get killed a lot.

You need to use the cover provided. Do your best to make sure an area is totally clear before moving through it. Stay crouched. Use prone. You might not get to shoot quite as many people, but it's a more rewarding, challenging experience and you die WAY less.

Start playing S&D servers. They will teach you not to get killed and to go nice and slow.
I don't have a problem with dying quickly.

The key is not to just run through the streets hoping you find someone to shoot. That's stupid. That's why you get killed a lot.

You need to use the cover provided. Do your best to make sure an area is totally clear before moving through it. Stay crouched. Use prone. You might not get to shoot quite as many people, but it's a more rewarding, challenging experience and you die WAY less.

Start playing S&D servers. They will teach you not to get killed and to go nice and slow.

Going nice and slow and not running around is great in S&D, HQ and a number of other modes I haven't even tried yet, probably. In FFA, if that's your thing, you're not gonna win by doing alot of sitting around in one spot. I run around like a mad man in FFA and sometimes I die alot and sometimes I don't. I usually end up winning though. If you wanna take a go, xire me ub3rnoobee
@ WhiteZero:

Again, not talking about sniping.

And again, never said anything about my ability or inability to deal with it. I even run around on some maps and hit up all the camping spots specifically to get the drop on and kill said campers.

It doesn't change the fact that it's lame as hell.

As far as the kill cam punishing campers...LOL? Most of the maps are big enough that you'll usually spawn far enough away from the camping twat to often prevent just going and killing him now that you know where he is.
In FFA, if that's your thing, you're not gonna win by doing alot of sitting around in one spot. I run around like a mad man in FFA and sometimes I die alot and sometimes I don't. I usually end up winning though. If you wanna take a go, xire me ub3rnoobee

Free for all is just what it says - a free for all.

That mode, in any FPS game with a packed map, is an exercise in "trying to kill as many as I can before I get killed."
I think you guys are playing on crowded servers, I find this game was not built well for more than 20 people in a map, I always play in 15-20 player servers and have a blast, its alot more fun than 30+ servers.

THIS, end of story.
I'm wondering if smaller servers will be better suited to the map sizes they've created. Most maps seem too congested with 30-50 people..

That's precisely what I like. I enjoy the chaos. I do much better with that than I do sneaking around with just four or five guys on the map.
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