cod4 on console or pc?

Consoles are good at the time of their release for graphics but after a year or 2 they start showing their age which it is starting to now. As for pc is the best over everything. Its the best at what it does which is certain genres but the console is also i think better sometimes for adventures and stuff like that. Console is geared toward a family entertainment system like the wii and ps3 with bluray and 360 with hddvd and all that. I have a wii and i have one because it doesn't try to imitate a pc with pc ports and all that. I have fun with that and i also have fun playing with great graphics on my pc to. If any console is trying to imitate the pc to me then why not just get the real thing instead of a imitation. If you just mainly play mmo, fps, strategy, racing then the pc is the best way to go. Anything else is pretty much console. For cod 4 its definitely the pc version. Mods, 64 players, Community custom maps/models and all that. If you get the 360 version your most likely only going to experience 50% of what the game really has to offer thats for sure :)
all fps games are not as good on consoles... that is just how it is.. just think about it for a bit and you will understand..
The PC version not only allows for way more players per game, but you are going to run into way better skilled people on the pc version. That for me is why I choose fps for the pc as they are way more challenging than playing with console peeps.
plus its not good to stick with a 360 has your only gaming rig has the 360 is not reliable

Does the console versions support dedicated servers online? i fail to see how a p2p network can cater for up to 18 players on xbox live or in ps3 network without lag
? i fail to see how a p2p network can cater for up to 18 players on xbox live or in ps3 network without lag

It doesnt, but some people on consoles just deal with it or something since they can't see their ping (at least in Halo 3) and they dont know any better?
plus its not good to stick with a 360 has your only gaming rig has the 360 is not reliable

Does the console versions support dedicated servers online? i fail to see how a p2p network can cater for up to 18 players on xbox live or in ps3 network without lag

The beta was 16 players and it was lag free. I agree with having both a gaming PC and a 360 as gaming rigs though, It's always PC gaming first with me though. But being that I play both I never understood this PC elitism I have seen some people display. It's like some race war where some PC gamers hate the console and anyone who touches it, lol, and there are alot of asnine generalizations made too. Doesn't make sense to me. I mean these things are just games.
Only reason why I will not get CoD 4 on my Xbox 360 is because I don't like Xbox live and I HATE playing FPS with controllers.
So I just bought CoD4 for the PC today, it looks great, plays great, but now I think I would rather have the 360 version (with my 50" HDTV setup)... I bought it at best buy, is it in their policy to exchange my PC CoD4 for a 360 CoD4 and pay the difference? Its kinda a stretch since I opened the box.

Just buy the PC version, and leave the kiddie controllers for the kiddies :)

Now we get to see the reviews

Xbox360 reviews, 100% awesome uber its super mommy, I love 640x480 resolution!

And the PC reviews, "marked down 10%" as i saw a tiny bit of clipping on a rock 4 hrs in 90%.
Just buy the PC version, and leave the kiddie controllers for the kiddies :)

Now we get to see the reviews

Xbox360 reviews, 100% awesome uber its super mommy, I love 640x480 resolution!

And the PC reviews, "marked down 10%" as i saw a tiny bit of clipping on a rock 4 hrs in 90%.


ummmm what are you talking about.

However I can confirm that the 360 version looks about identical at 1920x1080 (1080p) to the PC version of the demo. There are virtually no jaggies on the 360 version at 1080p via vga, same goes for the PC version which looks amazing.

At this point it depends on you. Graphics aren't a deciding factor. However mouse/keys are always better.
i'l abandon my mates on x box live for cod4 has i hate competivie online fps games has i suck at it big time due to no keyboard and mouse. aiming on a pad is very difficult!

plus i am worried that for the 5th time my 360 may decide to pack up again and if it does then i wont be able to game at all till it gets fixed. at least if i get some pc games i can enjoy those titles such has cod4 and ut3 wihout missing my 360..

maybe if the 360 was reliable i may just get it on that but because its not AND it takes 6 weeks to repair i am not gunna depend on just one machine ie putting all your eggs in one basket(not good).

at least with a pc i dont have to worrie about no stupid rrod lights on my pc LOL and if i do get a hardware failure i can fix it myself by replacing the component thats fucked up but still how often does a cpu, ram and a graphics card fail in comparison to a 360 lol...
why do you hate xbox live?

Well actually hate is a strong word, I really meant it's not worth to pay for multiplayer when I can get it for PC for free with better graphics and controls. I have a 360 but not Xbox live and to buy a 6 hour game for 50 bucks is NOT worth it.
At this point it depends on you. Graphics aren't a deciding factor. However mouse/keys are always better.

I was bing a tad harsh, but many of the reviews are calling the PC best graphics with a high end rig (which many people don't have for sure), mind due they all look good.

COD4 is a FPS, which will always win out with a mouse and keyboard, there is no contest.

Car racing games, platform games, sure all better with a controller, but not a FPS not ever.
I personally don't like playing FPS on console.

Unless you're comfortable playing FPS on a console, don't get the console version just cause your friends all have them. better to stick to PC and enjoy the game the way fps is meant to be played:D

same, cant stand console shooters... nothing compares to my keyboard and trackman.
picking it up for my pc tomorrow @ 9am

currently 19:45 here in New Zealand Nov 8th
However I can confirm that the 360 version looks about identical at 1920x1080 (1080p) to the PC version of the demo.
I thought cod4 will only run at 1280x720, if you run 1080p mode it is just scaling.
I have no idea how people play FPS games with a console controller, it's always driven me crazy.

It's also more difficult on the PC because you need precise aim, the game doesn't help you aim like on console...therefore you have more gaming experience and it lasts longer. Playing it on Vetran is nigh impossible on PC. But that means you play over and over again.
If you mean because of the simple fact that a mouse and keyboard work better with FPS's than your right. All your other reasons aren't valid though.

There are other reasons why too. Such as, mods, more players, etc.
I don't have a new console (just an old dusty PS2), so there wasn't ever even any debate on this for me. I can't stand FPSes on consoles, anyway.

I'm rocking CoD4 on my 24" wide monitor. 1920x1200 with all the details cranked. It's a beautiful game, and intense as all getout. Since I haven't played it on the consoles, I can't comment on graphical comparison.
PC version has mouse + KB. Consoles do not.

PC version supports up to 32 players. Consoles do not (I think it's 16).

PC version is open to new maps, modding, all sorts of fun stuff. Consoles probably have to pay for their new maps.

PC version will probably be played for years to come, like CoD 1 and 2. Console versions will be played for 3 months, because everyone on XBL has ADD and will find something new to play and abandon CoD 4 (or just go back to Halo 3).

PC version will get patches and quick fixes when they are needed. Console's have to wait for MS to approve everything, and probably will never be as balanced as the PC version.

This is just PC vs 360 here, as the PS3 version will see no support ever, because dev's hate the PS3.
Always, always, always get a FPS on the PC, over the console.

Pretty much sums it up right there.

I bought it for PC and it looks amazing on my 22inch widescreen.... and I am only running a 6800GT for the moment (8800GT on the way). The only times I see any major loss of frames is when there are lots of smoke grenades going off around me.

There are also achievements to earn and items/ranks to unlock. This is not some 360 special feature.

The only reason i can see someone buying it for a console instead of a PC would be because they have a crap computer... or none at all.