COD4 Stuttering issue


Jul 18, 2007
Has anyone else experienced this?

The demo ran beautifully at all high but with retail I am getting this weird stuttering when ever I turn or move....its SUPER annoying and makes it seem like the whole game is extremely slow in transitioning between frames.

Specs in sig.
On my Vista partition, there have been two times during SP where the video freezed and the audio was slow/draggy, but it picked back up no problem.
Bump for help and a better discription.

In game, when you run and turn your view at the same time, the sides of the screen stutter. It isn't vsync or anything like that. It looks like the game skips frames when you turn for a millisecond.

Anyone know of a fix?
I think i might be having a similar problem where especially on the


first mission on the boat, there was stuttering on how your friendlies moved, etc. I woudl like to know how to fix this problem too. Specs in sig as well.
Same issue here. Framerate is pegged at 60 but it looks more like 30 ! Tried vsync off and on, AA of and on etc no dice. I read that enabling multi gpu fixes it but I am not at home to try it... Does the game kick ass or what ? That 1st sp mission is just the shit !!
I think I have the same issue as you guys. I was able to get rid of it by playing with blur/glow/specular map off..... Also playing on Medium textures instead of auto, everything else on high, 2x AA.

I can about 30-40 FPS with everything on high and blur off but I get the described stuttering problem where it just seems to drop frames.

specs are in sig, running Vista 64-bit.
Runs fine maxed out, I haven't played much of SP however, MP mostly :)