Collector's Editions

Is ME3 Collector's edition worth it?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 22.0%
  • No. I should wait for a sale or else just get the regular edition.

    Votes: 39 78.0%

  • Total voters


Mar 8, 2008
Are they worth it? I'm thinking about preordering the ME3 collector's edition. Good or bad deal?
Really depends whats in it it and how much of a fan you are?

Then again...$50 for a game that turns out to be a load of shit, and $120 for a game (as collectors editions usually are around or above this) that turns out to be a load of shit, are quite different.
Here's what is included with the CE. It's $20 more than the standard edition.
Does this kind of stuff have any actual, appreciating value?

masseffectwiki said:
A 70 page hardcover art book with illustrations from the development team.
A limited edition copy of Mass Effect: Invasion with unique cover art.[3]
A premium N7 fabric patch.
Exclusive 4x6 lithographic print featuring a one-of-a-kind piece of artwork of the SR-2 Alliance Normandy.
A number of free Downloadable Content packs:
N7 Arsenal Pack: Contains the N7 Valiant Sniper Rifle, N7 Crusader Shotgun, N7 Hurricane SMG, and N7 Eagle Pistol.[4]
A Robotic Dog: A faithful sidekick to keep you company on board the Normandy.
Squadmate Alternate Outfit Pack: New outfits for Ashley, Kaidan, James Vega, and Liara T'Soni.
N7 Hoodie: Outfit item for Shepard while onboard the Normandy.
An additional downloadable mission and character.
Free digital soundtrack.
A collection of forum and social badges, avatars, and perks.
A premium metal case featuring commemorative artwork of both male and female versions of Commander Shepard.
That really depends on several factors, and what kind of timescale.

The best recent games are things like the WoW collectors editions which could go for around $2000 (based on the unique ingame items) but with the fading popularity thats probably dwindled.

Lots of these items you probably wouldn't actually be able to use if you wanted to maintain value (they probably come on one use extra vouchers/codes) and the game is probably tied to the account (aka the steam method), so unless you give away the whole account, thats going to limit the value to the actual "stuff". The worth of the ingame stuff is going to be reliant on if they release it in 6 months time (like with lots of colectors editions) and how popular the game stays. It doesn't hav e any multiplayer so you know. The collectors edition of alice:TM could be unlocked by modifying a TXT file. Though probably not "legal" if it's something that easy to do it's worth considering.

All of the other items, the book, metal case etc. will probably drop in value pretty quick after the games released and might pick up again if more mass effect games are made, or there is a retro interest in it. Usually people want stuff from the landmark titles, like the first, or the most memorable/best (people go for FFI, FFIII because it was the japanese only one, and FFVI(US: FFIII) because of the high praises it gets). So what it's going to be worth is dependant on how good a game it is. Also in what kind of quantities this thing is produced. 100 limited edition is very different from 100000.

But it could go either way! Nobody ever knows 100% otherwise wed all have bought WoW collectors editions :D
I almost never see anything of value in collectors editions, but then I don't "collect" games in the sense that you collect anything else, I find the idea a bit stupid, but to each his own...
"collectors edition" DLC is never balanced - and, "robot dog"? lol

Otherwise it looks like a decent CE for 20 bucks, artbook and soundtrack + lots of fluff. My biggest concern however, is preordering a game which might essentially be Gears of Halo: The homoerotic encounter
You should be asking yourself if the extra money is worth it, not asking us. We don't know your financial situation, and we don't know if you would enjoy those extra items for the extra money.

I personally only buy CEs from games I am really looking forward to. For instance, I have only bought one CE to date, and that was FFXIV. My next will probably be Guild Wars 2, and then depending on how Diablo 3 shapes up, that might be my third purchase.

Then you have people who buy every CE for any game ever. We're all different, only you can justify the purchase.
Gears of Halo: The homoerotic encounter

Dragon Age 2 wound up being a bit too much like you've described if you accidentally we're being too friendly (as in being a good friend, not anything else) with the same gender. I saw unintentional actions take place which I immediately reloaded my last save. I can understand that people want certain features (not that I have to agree) in a game but not having the option to maneuver around my decisions with specific words & actions really ticked me off. Very quick for the game to jump to conclusions about my choice making without understanding that everything I thought about was slanted for the hetero disposition. Not sure if they're going to make it crazy like that in ME3. I don't need a highly polarized game about sexual choices when the its supposed to be about saving the galaxy... (sci-fi action >>> space opera thank you very much Bioware) :mad:

On the other hand, I preordered the digital deluxe edition from Amazon since every Mass Effect soundtrack has been worth it IMHO. The rest of the extras vary in value to me.
I'm getting the Digital Extended Edition... same price as boxed stuff, but will get all the printed items in digital format, which I prefer for reading comics or browsing through artbooks :)
I used to buy the collectors editions but found they just take up more space. I owned the BG2, Diablo II, and Icewind Dale II collectors editions.
I'm picky about CEs but for these games I'm springing for physical CE all the way. It's worth it to me.
Not a fan of CEs now that they have a bunch of in-game content that is withheld from those who purchase the regular edition. I preferred CEs when they came with toys and t-shirts and other useless crap.
The art book would probably be worth it for me by itself.. especially combined with the lithograph.

I'm a big fan of Mass Effect.. and $20 more doesn't seem like that much for a game I'm going to spend a lot of hours with.

I do like collecting things, though. Not all CEs are worth it, though..
Ugh I hate dealing with unnecessary physical items (including boxes, discs, but also those silly toys that come with CEs). I'm not sure what the point is. Is it supposed to be an investment? Or is it supposed to be something to show off and impress your friends with when you put the crap on display -- witness my 1337 geek cred?

On the other hand though, if a game is relatively inexpensive to begin with and the CE edition is only slightly more and offers digital content that I don't have to find room in my house for, I might bite. Some examples are Bastion and Frozen Synapse -- I bought the soundtrack editions to support the developers and because they were only slightly more expensive than the standard editions.
Not really. The only retail collectors edition games I have are like Badurs gate II, Lunar Star 1 & 2 umm Resident Evil 4, Nights Into Dreams SS, maybe a couple others in a box some where. I don't know theyre just not that important to me now that gaming is as heavily a marketed product as Coke.

A long time ago when a developer made a collectors edition or special edition there was more of a purpose. A lot of times Collectors Editions were the same price or a couple bucks more and were just a love letter to fans. I think that aspect of it died with the PS2.

Around the time the PS2 hit it big, like really big, investors started really taking notice of how much money theres was to be made with gaming and I think creativity in gaming has taken a massive hit since it became a high return investment product. That's not to say there aren't plenty of console developers doing it for love it's just that there's way more publishers trying to take advantage of gamers.

RE4 was the last game I pre-ordered and bought the day it came out CE edition and all, but now even the Resident Evil series is creativity bankrupt I can't see myself buying another collectors edition of anything ever again. If a developer ever made another Wizardry or Baldurs Gate or Ultima (Not because a publisher demanded it like X-com or Syndicate.) I would seriously consider buying a CE edition.
I really like the Fallout CE's (FO 3 / Vegas) with the lunch box and bobble head. The deck of cards was intersting if not overly useful. ME I will probably go for the CE physical because I do not want to use Origin but I want to have a real copy.
I really like the Fallout CE's (FO 3 / Vegas) with the lunch box and bobble head. The deck of cards was intersting if not overly useful. ME I will probably go for the CE physical because I do not want to use Origin but I want to have a real copy.

If you're planning to get the PC version you should probably know

Customers purchasing PC editions of the game (retail or digital) will be required to install Origin. The Origin client (and an Origin account) is required to install, activate and run Mass Effect 3 on a PC for single and multi-player portions of the game.

according to the wiki.
I tend to buy the collector's editions if there is in-game content I can't get without it.
I tend to buy the collector's editions if there is in-game content I can't get without it.

Same, at least as long as the content seems worthwhile.
The extra stuff tends to just sit on a shelf, so I don't really care about dogtags and stickers and whatnot.

For some reason the 360 CE isn't on sale on Amazon, but the other versions are. All of my save info is on the 360 version, so I'm pretty much stuck with that one this time.
I view collector's editions as a waste of money for the consumer and a great opportunity for publishers to generate additional profit off of consumer's willing to buy it.

Will the majority of these "collector's editions" ever prove of any significant value? No, possibly only a very few with a die-hard and wealthy fanbase.
First off, poll fail since you ask "Is ME3 CE worth it?" but the title suggests you meant all CEs.

Personally I've bought a few CEs in my time, and generally in the long run I'm not sure they were really worth it to me. Plus, considering the large quantity of these generally produced, it's not even worth getting for as an investment, so if you are doing it trying to sell it later for more than you paid I would say, don't bother. Really they should be called "Extra Stuff Edition" rather than "Collector's" because of this.

That said, if you are a huge fan of the series and the extra content seems of value to you, go for it. I've found the generally the "stuff" it comes with is kind of cool, but after the initial novelty it just sits on a shelf or in the box gathering dust. Art books don't really even appeal to me, so on the whole most CEs are not worthwhile to me. I did buy the Fallout 3 CE, and the lunchbox and bobblehead were pretty cool, but again, now they mostly just sit in a box with a bunch of other game boxes and junk. Same with Oblivion CE....oooo, actual Septim coin...*sits on shelf for all eternity*

Usually the editions with any real possible intrinsic value are the "Ultimate" Collector's Editions, where they include some semi-rare item and charge $250 for it off the bat.
If you're planning to get the PC version you should probably know

Customers purchasing PC editions of the game (retail or digital) will be required to install Origin. The Origin client (and an Origin account) is required to install, activate and run Mass Effect 3 on a PC for single and multi-player portions of the game.

according to the wiki.

I plan to buy the CE and then get the hack that will inevitably be out.
The art book would probably be worth it for me by itself.. especially combined with the lithograph.

I'm a big fan of Mass Effect.. and $20 more doesn't seem like that much for a game I'm going to spend a lot of hours with.

I do like collecting things, though. Not all CEs are worth it, though..

If it's a series/game that I really enjoy, I like to purchase the CE if it contains a nice artbook. What I dislike are the massive toys that tend to be included with the recent games...I just end up selling them and keeping the artbook + other stuff :(
You should be asking yourself if the extra money is worth it, not asking us. We don't know your financial situation, and we don't know if you would enjoy those extra items for the extra money.

This pretty much sums it up...

if you are a collector of mass effect then you'll like it, if not then don't bother.

i personally enjoy CE's but that is because i am a game collector..
In regards to whether ME3's CE will actually appreciate significantly in value, I think it is highly unlikely. WoW for instance is the most commonly cited example of this but there are some major keys differences. When WoW was released it was relatively unpopular compared to now, I believe launching with ~500k subscribers (maybe less?). The original CE was also what would be considered a limited run. WoW is also a MMO and the CE came with "virtual bling" which is something MMO players tend to value more.
Thats kind of depressing.

Well if they didn't require origin for a single player game I wouldn't - or if they also allowed it to be on steam. I would even pay more for it on steam just so it was in my steam library. I had the physical version of ME 1 and I even went back and re-bought ME1 so it and ME2 were both in my steam library.
If the game comes with a limited edition sticker, book, or mini figurine then no.
I'm picky about CEs but for these games I'm springing for physical CE all the way. It's worth it to me.
Same. There aren't many games that get me excited enough to bother with CE. I loved The Witcher 2 CE content, SC2 was alright. For everything else, there's Steam :p

And on that note, digital CE are stupid. Why would anyone want a bunch of .pdf files is beyond me. :rolleyes: