comcast cable modem question


Limp Gawd
May 30, 2002
So, I'm getting comcast 4mbps down, 256 mbps up cable internet service starting next Tuesday, and I have 3 options when it comes to the cable modem: rent one from them for $4 a month, buy theirs for $20, or supply my own. So, if nothing else, I'll buy theirs for $20 as it'll pay for itself in 5 months. However, I was wondering if there was any advantage to purchasing my own. Specifically, I was looking at this to replace the current 1st gen linksys 802.11b wireless ap/router/switch that I have right now; I'm thinking that it'll have a longer range and operate a little faster. Any suggestions or thoughts?
Well that depends on how long you plan on keeping the cable -- it's pretty much never good to rent the thing. So either buy theirs (although I wouldn't really buy anything besides a Motorola surfboard) or get the cable modem of your choice somewhere.
Blitzrommel said:
Well that depends on how long you plan on keeping the cable -- it's pretty much never good to rent the thing. So either buy theirs (although I wouldn't really buy anything besides a Motorola surfboard) or get the cable modem of your choice somewhere.

why the moto?
Tried and true -- always have had good performance and reliability with them.

Oh yeah, and I have stock in Motorola. :)
I think Comcast uses Motorola modems anyway, so just buy theirs. I would recommend buyng whatever one they use anyway since they test them with the CMTS they use in whatever market you are in. Some CMTSs dont like certain modems for some reason even though they all use DOCSIS. Dont ask me why...
Actually, I've seen many people given Terayon-branded cable modems, including my fiancee.
Here in the Dallas area comcast uses rca modems :rolleyes: . So if you get a good deal on a moto surfboard go for it. I think someone in the [H]ot deals section posted about a SB5100 at wal-mart for $65 or something like that, so check it out. Btw I have a SB4100 and its never failed.
I know when I was with Comcast (back when they were @Home around here), I had a COM21. That was at my parents. Moved into the apartment, got another COM21. Loved that cable modem for some reason. When they went to the DOCSIS compliant modems, I got a Terayon (spell that right?). The interesting thing is that my buddy who lived in the same complex got an RCA. And my father, who lives a mile and a half north of there got a Surfboard. Of all of them, the Surfboard was a problem child. I believe my friends in the same complex had also started out with a Surfboard as well. I've known a few other people in the area who have had nothing but problems with the Surfboards, for whatever reason.

I'm using Wide Open West now, and couldn't be happier. Other than the occasional outage (usually my fault, but every now and then theirs), I have no problems. Although, my bandwidth has dropped somewhat lately, so I think that more people are crowding onto my node. Ah well. I wouldn't be happy till I had a SONET ring coming into my place. :D
If you rent and somethign goes wrong with the modem comcast will replace it because its their hardware that died. if you buy it, tech support will just tell you your modem died and you need to buy a new one. Even if you know what you are doing i still think it is easier just to rent looking at it from a purely support standpoint. at $4/mo its 48$ year to rent and 20 to buy what may very well be a used/refurb modem. even finantially, its not much of a loss.
thanks for all the help guys. comcast's supplied cable modems are com21, but they have a list of cable modems confirmed to work with their service, and the linksys cable modem/router/wireless g gateway is on there, so I think I'll go with that. It doesn't sound like it makes much if a difference between any of them, and linksys hasnt given me any problems in the past.