Comcast Drops F-Bomb on Customer

After being hour and half on customer call with the douchebags, the bitch hung up on me. Douchebags sent me a letter for a package for 110 bucks, more channels than what i get and 150 mbps internet, they claimed bs on my side.

Wanna see?


They're fucking retards from hell. I fucking hate comcast...

MMMMMM.....Holy Jizzbiscuits Batman!
When I was a teen I once had this guy and his wife chase me down in their vehicle, block me in with their vehicle, come up to my vehicle and demand to see my license. They berated me for a long time, all the while I had no idea why. Turns out they _thought_ they saw/heard me yell the f word while driving down their street and that their son heard it.. Some people are just ridiculous/crazy/unrealistic etc
At 10 years old I was exposed to worse than seeing "F_ Palace". I was saying worse than that by then.

Yeah, this cracked me up. While it sucks, the kid had to see it but seriously, I have no doubt it didn't expand his vocabulary. ;) His father is either some religious nut or is trying to get more free shit. Article headline implied Comcase dropped an f-bomb on a customer but it was only the device with inappropriate name that they didn't wipe. His neighbor could have their WAP named like this and he wouldn't be able to do anything about. Is he going to remove all wifi capacle devices from his son so he doesn't see any profanities? lol
If he has access to the internet he has access to profanity.
Hell, if he has access to other humans, he has access to profanity.
The article actually explains that. Although it sounds like a terrible reason to me. They were having internet issues so they had their 10 year old son log into their online Comcast account, to which I can only assume to create a ticket otherwise I don't know the reason for getting into the account due to internet issues, and when he logged in he seen that a new set top box that was just installed the week before was showing up as Fuck Palace in the online portal where the other two were listed as living room and media room. He was then afraid he was going to get in trouble so he told his parent that it was named that and that he didn't do it, he just found it that way.

So the dude came even adult right and had to have his 10 year log into the account. Does the 10 year old pay the bills too? This guy is a joke.
When I was a teen I once had this guy and his wife chase me down in their vehicle, block me in with their vehicle, come up to my vehicle and demand to see my license. They berated me for a long time, all the while I had no idea why. Turns out they _thought_ they saw/heard me yell the f word while driving down their street and that their son heard it.. Some people are just ridiculous/crazy/unrealistic etc

I would have had the police there so fast for false imprisonment.
Will they even be able to find his son buried in a room full of participation trophies?
Can we call CPS and have them rescue this kid before he's turned into a giant puss by his dad who is clutching his pearls and fanning his face after seeing a naughty word?
Yeah, this cracked me up. While it sucks, the kid had to see it but seriously, I have no doubt it didn't expand his vocabulary. ;) His father is either some religious nut or is trying to get more free shit. Article headline implied Comcase dropped an f-bomb on a customer but it was only the device with inappropriate name that they didn't wipe. His neighbor could have their WAP named like this and he wouldn't be able to do anything about. Is he going to remove all wifi capacle devices from his son so he doesn't see any profanities? lol

I would buy another Ubiquiti AP and make 6 SSID's that go no where but they are all named Fuck Palace and 5 of the worst other names I could think of, then make them guests so they have a log in screen if you try to connect, and have each login screen be an 8 way gay fuck pile with a password field as small as I could make it. Wouldn't even connect it to anything, just have it there because why not lol, fuck this guy. Every Wednesday I'd probably change the names so the kid is always learning new things to ask his dad about :)
More importantly in my mind is the question of whether the F-Palace no longer has cable/internet or if it was upgraded to a new set top box. What kind of self respecting F-Palace goes without internet/cable?
Personally I wouldve asked for the contact of the last customer...I am always looking for a new palace ;)

The more important thing to be worried about here is the lack of quality control in Comcast recycling old equipment. Wonder how much else of the previous customers data was on there...

When I was a teen I once had this guy and his wife chase me down in their vehicle, block me in with their vehicle, come up to my vehicle and demand to see my license. They berated me for a long time, all the while I had no idea why. Turns out they _thought_ they saw/heard me yell the f word while driving down their street and that their son heard it.. Some people are just ridiculous/crazy/unrealistic etc

You know thats considered assault right?
so how do we know the kid didn't actually rename it that and just didn't want to fess up when he was caught?
So the dude came even adult right and had to have his 10 year log into the account. Does the 10 year old pay the bills too? This guy is a joke.

Yeah, like I said it sounded like a terrible reason to me also. Who has their 10 year old try to open a trouble ticket or check to see if they are part of a known outage. I don't know if I would try a 15 year old to do either of those.

so how do we know the kid didn't actually rename it that and just didn't want to fess up when he was caught?

But he is the one that reported it to his parents so that makes little sense.
okay how about it was actually the dad and he forgot he named it that when he has his kid go log in and now he is too embarrassed to admit it?
So while I think the father massively over-reacted I don't blame him for being angry at Comcast either. If the kid is telling the truth then I can understand a parent being angry at a company for doing something stupid that would make the kid scared that they'd get in trouble. I'd have to guess that the family has a strict no swearing rule that they probably apply to themselves as well. Though it's a bit ridiculous to think that the kids would be harmed or offended by seeing the word "fuck". That said, I would love if the father got his wish and had to force someone high up at Comcast to squirm and make some kind of bullshit personal apology to a customer and their kids. That would be amusing.
I wonder if this dad lets his 10 year old surf the web...

He might be shocked to realize just what that 10 year old has access to. A lot more than a bad word on his set top box name.
I'mm amazed that its the F.palace that get so much attention, i mean thats hardly that bad.

I am much more concerned about about he lack of data integrity and proper wiping on comcast behalf.

You think THAT's bad, I can't count the number of hard drives I've picked up at Best Buy that have customer data all over them. I feel horrible for these people, so I wipe the drives and then return them.

No, I do not look through their shit, I wouldn't want anyone looking through mine. It pisses me off each time it's happened because it's in a "sealed" case and when I start yelling at the manager they are like, "Oh sir, that's impossible, we have to send these back to the manufacturer". Yeah? Like this used video card in a sealed box? Buncha jerks.
I am torn, comcast being sloppy makes me want to rage against them, but the self righteous of that guy about his "sacred" home... like seriously get over yourself. Toughen up butter cup, if this is too much for you to deal with, and your kid, you are going to have problems.
The father making such a huge deal about this probably did more "damage" to the kid than seeing the words.
Wow, what a fucking princess. I would have told my kid to get off there and not to look at it again. 10 year olds know what that shit means unless they live in isolation.
I hate Comcast but this dude needs to get a clue. "My poor baby's being exposed to curse words in the sanctity of my home own home" Dude, your kid and every other 10 year old on this planet has heard much worse on the fucking playground or has partook themselves.

All this PC, safe space, social justice warrior bullshit is creating a group of the biggest fucking pussies. I'm glad that I've been seeing reports of the next generation being based as fuck. Hope this kid laughed to himself secretly over how big a fucking fairy his Dad was being about this.
I hate Comcast but this dude needs to get a clue. "My poor baby's being exposed to curse words in the sanctity of my home own home" Dude, your kid and every other 10 year old on this planet has heard much worse on the fucking playground or has partook themselves.

All this PC, safe space, social justice warrior bullshit is creating a group of the biggest fucking pussies. I'm glad that I've been seeing reports of the next generation being based as fuck. Hope this kid laughed to himself secretly over how big a fucking fairy his Dad was being about this.

My only concern with that is that the younger generation confuses being against a kind of manic far left wing overreaction to things with needing to align with the right politically.
How do you fight the left?
You join the right.
Don't let the PC SJW anti constitutional stupidity get so far out of hand, and you do not get such a large pendulum swing away from it.
How do you fight the rigt?
You join the left.
Don't let the bible thumping anti abortion anti fuck who you want BS so far out of hand and you don't get such a large pendulum swing away from it.

Centrists are just fucked like usual.
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