Come on people, we're only 4.1million points behind !!!

the aussies will have to slow down, it's getting toward summer there and toward winter here (US, anyways, there are southern hemisphere [H]'ers too).

Anyone know the words to "We shall overcome"? Other than the ones in the title, I mean. I'm not a bard for a reason.
unhappy_mage said:
Anyone know the words to "We shall overcome"? Other than the ones in the title, I mean. I'm not a bard for a reason.
Google worked for me, try this.
if i could afford more computer right now i would. i am thinking of upgrading to an athlon 64 system though (in a few months that is).
just added a athlon 700 can you say slow :p might be a week before it shows any work :(

Buckshot said:
just added a athlon 700 can you say slow :p
Most of my machines are athlon 900s or duron 1.2s. Yes I can say slow... but look at the production! and there's 20 more that haven't kicked in!
everything is OCed here/ Looking for more Boxen to borg everyday as well / Hope to get another boxen for my self after xmas /

I think I have around 10.5-11.5Ghz for the [H]orde as of right now. I am working on more.
( ohh, I can Borg my new Girl-Friend's Rig! 2.5Ghz more!! ) :D


Ok..someone educate me please....10.5-11ghz in computers going? What does this have to do with anything? If that means something, I've got...Umm...9.4 with the 3 comps I have running another 5.2ghz coming in tomorrow with my other dual xeon box. Dual processors count as dual processors or just 1 processor?
Penguincomp said:
Ok..someone educate me please....10.5-11ghz in computers going? What does this have to do with anything? If that means something, I've got...Umm...9.4 with the 3 comps I have running another 5.2ghz coming in tomorrow with my other dual xeon box. Dual processors count as dual processors or just 1 processor?

well, the more ghz, the more folding power, the more wu completed (hopefully), the more points we get (hopefully)*

dual processors will count as two if you install two instances of folding on them, setting one to machine id 1, the other to 2, then basically, one will fold on one processor and the other will fold on, well...the other :)


*note: the above explanation assumes that those ghz are actually RUNNING f@h... :p
I decided yesterday that since I'm not going to be able to get my son a whole lot for Christmas this year, I'm going to make it up to him at income tax time. Hopefully this will be around the middle to end of February. He's getting a card for Christmas that is good for one pretty damn good system. I'm probably going to upgrade to an A64 for myself and build a system for him around the mobo and CPU in my sig. That will give me a bit more power to fold with.

I'm also hoping to possibly look into getting a dual PIII setup hopefully in the near future. Just have to see what kind of deals I run into. I've got a dual PII 266 right now but I want something faster now that I've gotten bit by the dually bug. It's not much but it's nice considering the processors it's running. I'd like to get hold of a dual XP setup but that's going to cost way more than I'll be able to get my hands on or trade for. But I can dream.

Now, it's time to be off to get the dually PII up and running again.
Going back to school after 22 years. Needed a lappy, got a Mobile AMD 3000+. Pretty decent folder. Won't let my brother fry his PIV 2.8 lappy, folding. But this AMD don't mind a bit, and still coolest running rig I have. Go figure. Rest of my stuff is Pentium IV. Really anxious to bolt that Vapo-Chill onto my encoding rig, and see what a 4.0+ prescott can do, besides cook a meal for Should get a nice points boost tomorrow, have 2 rigs running 600 pt. Gromacs. Project 1140, and 1141.
Absolutely! Broke down and borged brothers lappy at 60% CPU usage. Figures he'd get a tinker out of the gate.
I've been keeping stats lately and we are catching up by more than 30,000 points a day. My last estimate put us even in about 125 days (That was about a week ago, I'll post an update when I get to work).

:D by spring/summer we should be #1.
By Spring and Summer though, the Aussies' production will begin to climb more and more as their temps go down... It's been a see-saw battle of the last year or two (I've only been folding for a little over a year (14 or 15 months)... We need to continue to borg and ramp and build and stay ahead of the Aussies... But in the end, the Science wins either way, but it's always nice to be able to say "We're the #1 team!!" (aside from anonomous/google)....

Keep on Folding!!

At my school, we are getting 30 P4 2.4 machines to replace a dying lab of 300's. I am trying to pull some strings and get F@H running on all of them. I woudlnt run it at 100% I think that would really heat up the lab, but maybe 50% CPU on everything. Lets hope the administartor (my boss xÞ) pull through for me.
while I am a n00b, why would their score pick up in spring/summer time ? is that just the way it's been or what?

I'd think it would remain pretty constant throughout the year, but what do I know... lol

I just ran the averages again and we are gaining by 25,000 per day. That's 155 days. Between 5 or 6 months we should be close enough to smell the kangaroos :D

or maybe I'm just an optimist...
ZROUT said:
while I am a n00b, why would their score pick up in spring/summer time ? is that just the way it's been or what?

I'd think it would remain pretty constant throughout the year, but what do I know... lol

It's summer in Australia and between brown outs and overheating components, their numbers drop off. The same happens to America.
When it's winter in the US, it's summer in Australia. And when it's winter in Australia, it's summer in the US. Since most people get better overclocks during the winter since it's cooler and you can use multiple boxen to heat the house in the winter, the power bill isn't as bad so you can leave all the boxen running. It's not as easy to do that in the summer.
I have:

1) Mobile barton 2500+ OCed to 2200mhz
2) 1700+
3) 2200+
4) Dual PII @ 450MHZ (Soon to be PIII @ 600MHZ)
5) Quad PPro @200MHZ (Not working but parts on order which will hopefully fix it)

Fold on!