Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3

was and still my #1 rts of all time hope they make a RA3 from the same guys that made the first two
Well I think EA did a good job with Command & Conquer 3 and therefore I have high hopes for Red Alert 3.
C&C3 was great and was even better once it was patched up to make all units useful and balanced. I'm thinking RA3 will be great too.
Zero hopes, no point getting myself disappointed again. After being terribly disappointed with TS and RA2 (not to mention Renegade, Generals and TW) the series is pretty dead to me at this point.

Despite that I feel the same urge I do with every C&C to run a fan site yet again like the ye' old days (Pre-TS/RA2) even knowing it will never be the same. That said I really don't have the time to dedicate as I have much more important projects to spend my time on such as starting a business at the moment. If anyone else is feeling the urge I would gladly welcome giving someone else the reigns at C&C: Infiltration as it is just sitting around inactive and woefully out of date which is a shame.
Red alert 1 & 2 were both great imo. Both had the same style of gameplay (mainly tank rushing, with some micro managing tricks). Sure they aren't as intricate as startcraft or warcraft, but they have their own fun. Red alert 1 was pretty much strictly tank rushing and tesla building pushes, while RA2 added some different elements and some diversion tactics (rocketeers, paradrops, only needed 1 engy like C&C to cap buildings).

I hope they stick to the very fast pace and style that both RA games had, and not convert over to the typical slower based style of other RTS's. Here's to hoping.
I for one am glad to see this. Anyone who has been a fan of the cnc games will remember thinking it was all over a few years ago. We had generals which was a fun spinoff and a decent rts but far from a CnC game. No word or sight of any new Tiberium or Red Alert games. Key players had all but walked away from the series.

Now we have CnC 3 with Joe Kucan back which most thought would never happen after the harsh parting he had with EA. CnC 3 is also seeing a decent amount of support which is refreshing coming from EA. A new CnC FPS which fans have always wanted is now in the works (ok, so maybe its not red alert based like most of us hoped but still, its something). And now we have Red Alert 3 announced. Looks like the years of nagging at EA are finally paying off as they have realized there is still a big fanbase and a lot of money to be made.

On a side note, how did all the CnC 1 / TS fans feel about TW?

I thought it was a great game and plays well, but the whole thing feels 1 step off from Cnc. I can't even put my finger on what it is. Something seems to be missing. Maybe its the detail in the world. I donno.
This better be good, my freinds an i dominated the ra2 ladders every month. Top 10 every month. and my clans were always top 5 game was too easy sometimes i would beat people in under 3 min so i dont even get the points.