Comp not posting, any suggestions?


Limp Gawd
Aug 11, 2004
Looking for some advice. My comp stopped posting about a month ago. And I can't figure out what's wrong. It stopped working while I was browsing the web, video went blank and got a loop sound coming from the sound card. Never posted since.

Here's the problem, I get no post, no video, no pc speaker beeps and keyboard lights never flash. So I'm kinda clueless.

I've got two motherboards, DFI LANPARTY nF4 SLI-DR and Asus A8N-SLI.
CPU is FX-57
2 sticks of ram, one is brand new. (My old mushkin was fried by the lan party for the second time)
2 x 7800 gtx's

Would a fried CPU cause this? I doubt both mobo's, ram and videocards are finished.
any component die-ing can prevent a PC from giving any response, it depends on the mode of failure.
Its unlikely to be the motherboard(s) so everything else is suspect.

To start, unplug everything except 1 stick of ram, the graphics card, the cpu and psu.
See if you can get it to post.
Try the ram in another memory slot and try the other ram stick.

If still no luck, pull all the parts out of the case and set it up on a thick book / magazine and test again.
This is in case there is a loose screw etc shorting out the motherboard or some other issue with a short circuit.
Clean the contacts that can be cleaned easily and make sure there is no dust/dirt in the slots.

If nothing works, you will need to try parts elsewhere or try other parts in your machine to find what is at fault.

Be warned, if your PSU is at fault and has damaged other components in your machine, you wont want to test that in someone else machine!
Thanks for the tips,

I tried removing the mobo from the case and got the same result. I forgot to mention the cpu fan does powerup and so does the videocard fan.

I had cleaned the thermal grease off of the cpu pins using a non-residue contact cleaner, it looks brand new.

I might just have to bring it in to a comp shop and have them test the components.
If you had thermal grease on the cpu pins, its possible the cpu was damaged through a lack of connections on key pins.
This sounds odd but if you apply power to a circuit and there is no earth where it expects one, the power will seek another earth through whatever circuitry provides least resistance.
This can cause damage by over reverse biasing certain circuits or providing too much forward voltage where the voltage is normally reduced. There are other modes of failure too but you get the idea.

I seriously doubt that any bad connections were made on the cpu as the pressure exerted on the pins by the socket is quite extreme. It is a consideration though.

Good luck, hopefully it wont cost too much to fix.