Comp Will not boot


May 24, 2002
Well as the title says, My board seems to be giving me problems. Basically, When I hit the power switch, all fans spin, hard drive spins, cd rom turns on but there is no desplay.. nothing.. almost like the monitor thinks the computer isnt even on. Now.. It did this once before, but I reset the cmos and is cured it, however, resetting the cmos jumper doesnt help it anymore. The board wont even beep to tell me whats wrong..just a pre-Post black screen and no response from monitor. I have tried 2 diferent 3d cards, 1 different processor, and taking out all components one by one..nothing.. just sits there and does nothingat all (All these components work in my 2nd compuer). Even tried running it with just the processor and heatsink...nothing.. not one beep. So my question: is my board fried? (Note: The internal speaker works fine as this board was working fine yesterday).

My specs:
Amd Athlon Xp 2000+ tbred A
Asus A7N8X-X
512 mb pc 2700 Infineon ram (6-3-3-2.5)
MSI Geforce 4 Ti4600
SOunds like it is to me, but don't assume that I am right. I had a very similar problem, same symptoms, no beeps, fans spun, no monitor signal etc. Took critical hardware (like RAM, video card etc.) still no beeps. Went to fry's to buy a cheap motherboard to test and see if that was the problem, worked like a charm. So i would think it is the motherboard that is dead, but sometimes you never know.
well it doesn't mean that your mobo is all dead... my college rig used to do the very same thing once a while... btw - did you try swapping ram?
Update: I have just tried all parts but the motherboard in my second computer.. all work fine. So I guess we know the answer :(
Well this has to be the oddest thing ive encountered, As a last ditch effort, I unplugged all the case connectors (Ie: reset switch , speaker, HD led etc.) and just left in the power button. Hit the switch and boom.. posts fine. I eventually ruled it out and discovered that if the IDE led connector is plugged in, my system dies.. can anyone explain this? :confused: