Compairison shots of CS:source and cs 1.6 for peeps who say they see no diff

[pre-teen cs1.6 lover]omgwtf are j00 talking ab00t? they look teh samez0rz! j00 n00b i will kill you with my 1337 hax0r skillz![/pre-teen cs1.6 lover]

JR_Rider said:
ive never played any cs and do they always shoot with there left hand?

nope, u can choose either right or left handed
The guns look mostly like better skins to me. The maps are a MAJOR improvement though.
CS:S is an improvement.. however.. the maps are not bumpmapped.. so the textures and walls etc... look like HL1. The water of course is dx9 so it looks nice.. effects look nice. But overall I dont see a large enough improvement to rant and rave about CS:S lol.. it still looks like a 3 yr old game.
theNoid said:
CS:S is an improvement.. however.. the maps are not bumpmapped.. so the textures and walls etc... look like HL1. The water of course is dx9 so it looks nice.. effects look nice. But overall I dont see a large enough improvement to rant and rave about CS:S lol.. it still looks like a 3 yr old game.

While I wouldn't call the graphics cutting edge, saying that it look like HL1 is way off. And I think it's also off to say it looks like a three year old game. I also don't think there's reason to rant and rave, but CS is 5 or 6 years old and it's still probably the most played game on the net. You can say what you want about it, but it's insanely popular. Updating the look as much as they have (and yes, there is a pretty big difference) will definitely prolong CS's life for several more years.
they do look the same, except for the guns.
in some cases, the older maps look BETTER due to the texturing. (rocks vs sand)
Ever think they meant to make the maps like that?

By the way, 99% of you can't run the game on all high settings, I bet you $50.
Dijonase said:
While I wouldn't call the graphics cutting edge, saying that it look like HL1 is way off. And I think it's also off to say it looks like a three year old game. I also don't think there's reason to rant and rave, but CS is 5 or 6 years old and it's still probably the most played game on the net. You can say what you want about it, but it's insanely popular. Updating the look as much as they have (and yes, there is a pretty big difference) will definitely prolong CS's life for several more years.

In a sense yes... see I played CS for 4 years.. from Beta 3 to 1.6. I left because of rampant cheating. This game has been ruined... minus say league play. Trying to argue that fact is well ... *cough* .. dumb. So my point is.. CS is HUGELY popular yes.. with cheaters and pre-teens with 500mhz and gf2 machines.

It actually looks fun, but I to be honest... doesn't look all that impressive. It looks better, but not OMG LOOK AT CSS! My main arguement is the fact that none of the texturing is bump mapped, meaning all the walls are just flat images.. just like HL1. Look at say Doom 3.. .the walls have an actual texture to them.. they cast shadows.. they use NEW GREAT technology.

I think CSS will be fun for lots of people, I think its nothing to get excited about, I think in less then one month of release it will be infested with cheaters. Frankly I used to think CS needed to be killed because it is a host to so many cheaters.. but now.. I like the idea of CSS and CS2 ... why ? Because all of the loonies that are all about a crap old engine, and playing with hackers on limited linear 20 person game servers will always play them... thus keeping them off the real games.

CSS is like giving a Pinto a paint job.

Luxor said:
Ever think they meant to make the maps like that?

By the way, 99% of you can't run the game on all high settings, I bet you $50.
I'll take that bet. Anyone with a 9800 Pro or above will be able to run CS: S on all high settings with no problem. The 9800XT I used got all high settings, 1024, 4x aa, 8x af with 50-60 fps constant.

You can go ahead and paypal that 50 bucks over to me now.
Luxor said:
Ever think they meant to make the maps like that?

By the way, 99% of you can't run the game on all high settings, I bet you $50.

You're on sir.
theNoid said:
CSS is like giving a Pinto a paint job.


I get where you're going, and I've always said that CS:S is basically CS with a new coat of paint, but it all depends on what sort of a car CS would be. To me CS is more of a classic car. An old Corvette or Mustang maybe. There are some engine problems and it doesn't have all the bells and that the newer cars have, but it's still a pretty sweet ride. :)

When I played CS I only really played on a couple different servers, and I never really saw any cheating in either of them. I can understand how rampant cheating would ruin your experience, but since I never had to deal with it I can't really relate.
Is CS source on the Half-Life 1 engine?

Is it just a redesign of 1.6 or is it a spin off of condition zero or...

I must have missed something big because I have no idea what CS source is.
Timdog said:
The guns look mostly like better skins to me. The maps are a MAJOR improvement though.

look at the xm1014, way more than a new skin. looks sooooo much better. nice
Is CS source on the Half-Life 1 engine?

Is it just a redesign of 1.6 or is it a spin off of condition zero or...

I must have missed something big because I have no idea what CS source is.

its the same old cs, just on the source engine, they made better models and better textures, and made teh maps alittle more detailed

its not CS2, its regular cs on the source (hl2) engine.

cs: source is the multiplayer that will come with hl2, you will also be able to buy it by itself

of course it is not as detailed as hl2 will be because they want most of teh current cs players to be able to play cs: source as well.
TheGamerZ said:
[pre-teen cs1.6 lover]omgwtf are j00 talking ab00t? they look teh samez0rz! j00 n00b i will kill you with my 1337 hax0r skillz![/pre-teen cs1.6 lover]


lmao haha
Dijonase said:
I get where you're going, and I've always said that CS:S is basically CS with a new coat of paint, but it all depends on what sort of a car CS would be. To me CS is more of a classic car. An old Corvette or Mustang maybe. There are some engine problems and it doesn't have all the bells and that the newer cars have, but it's still a pretty sweet ride. :)

I always saw it as more of a school bus. Packed with screaming children, all upset over some perceived insult, and looking to tattle on you to whomever is in charge.

I'm sure there are great CS servers where people play the game and a good time can be had. I just lost interest before I ever found one.
Is cs2 going to be better looking and more demanding than css? Cause it seems like making it less playable on lower-end systems would eliminate a lot of the preteen hackers who play on "moms 500mhz gateway". Also, does anyone have any info on when cs2 is going to be released?
i love how they always have the wrong handed model of the guns. When your view has the right handed model, the gun is actually a left handed model.
Kevin Lowe said:
I always saw it as more of a school bus. Packed with screaming children, all upset over some perceived insult, and looking to tattle on you to whomever is in charge.

I'm sure there are great CS servers where people play the game and a good time can be had. I just lost interest before I ever found one.

I can understand how the hacking is a problem, but like I said I've never run into it, so I was never bothered by it. Maybe I was just lucky to find a couple of really good servers with good people who didn't hack. Seeing as how everyone complains about the hacking in CS it would appear so.

Now I need to scrounge around and see if I have the name of the server I spent most of my time on. Hopefull they'll continue to host CS:S.
Luxor said:
By the way, 99% of you can't run the game on all high settings, I bet you $50.

Too bad I get 50-60fps constant in CS: S running high settings.
v1p3r-386- said:
Is cs2 going to be better looking and more demanding than css? Cause it seems like making it less playable on lower-end systems would eliminate a lot of the preteen hackers who play on "moms 500mhz gateway". Also, does anyone have any info on when cs2 is going to be released?

nope we only know they are working on it
Once you play the beta you realize that its NOT just a new coat of paint. It feels like a whole new game, and the walls may not be bump mapped, but I didn't know that 'till anyone said it. The game looks great, and plays great.
Maybe someone has said this before...wut what annoyed me in the original C-S is that most characters had long slevs (sp is horrible) but they always had bare arms. Anyway i can see they still made every1 with bare arms even most dont have short sleves with their outfit.
lol, yea i've noticed that too. really lame such a simple concept too
It looks like they added the HD pack like the one that came with blue shift, and then pulled a george lucas and redid some world textures and items.
theNoid said:
CS:S is an improvement.. however.. the maps are not bumpmapped.. so the textures and walls etc... look like HL1. The water of course is dx9 so it looks nice.. effects look nice. But overall I dont see a large enough improvement to rant and rave about CS:S lol.. it still looks like a 3 yr old game.

I agree. The graphics are somewhat better but nothing that stands out. The gameplay might be good but these graphics still look dated. After playing through Far Cry and Doom 3 I am not impressed with the HL2 engine.
theNoid said:
CS:S is an improvement.. however.. the maps are not bumpmapped.. so the textures and walls etc... look like HL1. The water of course is dx9 so it looks nice.. effects look nice. But overall I dont see a large enough improvement to rant and rave about CS:S lol.. it still looks like a 3 yr old game.

Theres bump mapping in certain areas.
Im more excited about the gameplay and physics of CS:S and HL2 that the graphics alone.
But I still think the graphics of the HL2 engine look far more realistic than farcry and doom3.
I hope you guys realize that we are talking about cs being PORTED to Source engine.
This is NOT CS2 you do know? And I agree that some of the things in the new CS are
kind of meh and the player models are kind of DX7 (I hope this will be taken cared of)
and Dust was a bad idea to give us a taste of what Source is capable of (Aztec should
have been the one included what with the water and all) but this is a major improvement
and the physics are to die for. Not to mention that the modders and map makers will
make soem pretty damn good things when the SDK is released.