Company of Heroes - change savegame directory?


Jul 12, 2005
I have my system partitioned into C and D drives. I have my C drive frozen (using Deep Freeze) so that anytime I restart, all of the settings on my C drive are exactly as the same as they were when I last started it (all writes are erased). In case you're curious, I do this because I was tired of getting so many viruses while I was trying to do schoolwork that would corrupt my OS at college.

The problem with this is that Company of Heroes automatically saves to the C drive, so if I'm playing a game while my C drive is "frozen" and then I restart, my savegames are gone.

The obvious solution is to copy the savegame directory over to the D drive (which is not "frozen") every time I get done playing and then put it back over when I restart. However, I was wondering if there was a place to change the directory for savegames in some script or settings file. I was unable to find one on my own, but thought maybe someone else would know?
