Compare and rate my work


Aug 5, 2004
I just started makin cd covers for differnet underground artists and i just finished a project and the dj said he didnt like it, i want you guys to compare mine with the new one he got and see what you guys think about em, mine is the first one

first one looks too much like cash money cd cover. However i like it better than the second one, its way too plain and boring. I guess the dj was trying be less bling bling and have the focus on him. Prob is theres nothing interesting about three dudes.
The first one isnt bad but the second one is complete garbage. The colours are all out of whack and shows that the person who did this has probably the photoshop skills of an 11 year old... heck I've seen 11 year olds with better skills. If that DJ had to pick 1 of those 2 and picked the second one... well he is a moron. I know the feeling... as I am currently working for a retard like that. :mad: