comparison of 2 Cpus looking to purchase 1 from newegg


Nov 10, 2004
i have a link ,was wonderin why 1 is $75,and other $95,now that i think about it and see is it cause of the core one being thoroughbred,and the other thorton???thx 4 any info
<insert generic reponse to vague question here>

edit ok you got 1 link, just add one more!!

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I haven't heard of that one but you can pretty much assume that the more expensive one is either a retail CPU and not OEM or it is just a newer and therefore more expesive chipset.


I'll assume you mean these two? They appear Identical, both OEM, both 266mhz FSB, 256L2 cache, 1.8GHZ, only the Volts have different ratings, 1.6v VS. 1.65v. I dunno
The one with the t-bred core is basically a relabled Athlon XP, since that is the core the earlier XPs used. The Thorton is the same as the later XPs with the Barton core, but with only half the cache. This means the Thorton needs a little less voltage, but the two will perform almost identically. I would guess that the Thorton would OC a little better, but you would have to do some research into that.