Complete And Total Bologna...


Aug 3, 2003
Off the front page

This is total bull shit... I have never been so angry after reading something like this...

In-Game Advertising :mad:

If this comes to light I will truly be pissed. And if it does then games better start costing me $10 rather than $60+. We did not pay for advertising we paid for games. And it updates itself IN-GAME!!! Great, lag we can't control. I can see it now...

"Kicked from game for high ping, the advertising server is not responding... too bad for you!" :mad:

I seriously hope that this community screams to the top of their lungs against this, or I will be sorely disappointed

Discuss away... :mad:
hwo the hell can MicroShit pull this stuff off? "enthusiasm and support by gamers"????!?!? WTF...PLEASE...i want ONE person on the planet who has an IQ of 120 and above who WANTS to see ads...just one.. (in addition to a name and address, i want the times that you come and go from your home..) how can anyone allow this? seriously...advertising in any form or fasion is horrible...i hate it....damn them all the hell....DAMN THEM
I for one find this, if it's true to be f*cking lame too. So I go out and pay ~$50 for a game just to make VUG etc. even more flush with cash by making money off advertising that I didn't say O.K. to?! And the using of my bandwidth without my permission thing..Bulls*it :mad: .

One thought - With a spyware bill going through the motions any time now, wouldn't un-wanted advertising such as is being propsed be kind of ILLEGAL???
[edit] But then again some asswipe that is responsible for those lovely EULA's that we all have to 'AGREE' to before installing anything could just bury some bullsh*t clause in that myriad of crap that noone reads anyway, and call that their 'out' of the whole thing.
It will be ok and even itself out. Just soda machines and cigarrettes on tables
huxley said:
It will be ok and even itself out. Just soda machines and cigarrettes on tables

No it won't... we already have that. This is worse. In-game updates of ads? No way man that's absurd.
The article is obviously hella biased.

"The company also announced that the first advertiser to participate in the network is RealNetworks, Inc., the leading creator of digital media services and software."

I'm sure all 7 people who still use RealMedia concur.
d34dly said:
No it won't... we already have that. This is worse. In-game updates of ads? No way man that's absurd.
I dont see anything wrong with that.
Ha, of course RealNetworks would be in on it...Those bastards like throwing tons of lame IE links, and desktop shortcuts all over the place without ASKING first.. (Not sure if newer versions still do that)..And of course making it a little more than CLICK HERE, if you want only to DL the free version of their bloatware.

There are some situations I still need to have .RM (etc) capability, ie: online news video..That's why I only use RealAlternative/Media Player Classic now - got the funtionality without all the *crap*.

[edit again] On the ads thing - While I don't really like the idea of ads in a game, I suppose it would be O.K., in a limited way..Not plastered all over the place..The spyware part of it is what pisses me off.
Ppl relax.

It's already been done in some of the newer Xbox games.

and, if the soda machine logo changes between rounds...... I won't really care.

Lag??? if a 1 maybe 2 second download lags your computer....... you have have far greater issues to be concerned with.

I'm not saying I agree with it, I agree, it's bull****, BUT this will mean we'll have to pay less for games. The developers and publishers will make money from advertising, sooooo they wouldn't need to sell the game for $60.

My point: Whats the worst case scenario?

an add that changes once in awhile...

Ugh, I couldn't stand the NVidia/EA start up videos... this is going to drive me crazy. Its one thing for a vending machine to be a Coke machine. Okay, that's fine by me. But actually streaming ads into my PC? No.

And there'll probably be some BS if I try and block the ports the ads are coming in on.

"Warning: Ports ANNOYING ADS - INTRUSIVE SPYWARE are blocked. Cannot connect to game server"

WTF, they shrank the game boxes and took our manuals "to bring savings to the consumer" only to have them mark up the games to $55. Now they want to throw AOL commercials in my face while I'm playing games?

adam7488 said:
The developers and publishers will make money from advertising, sooooo they wouldn't need to sell the game for $60.

My point: Whats the worst case scenario?

an add that changes once in awhile...


They don't care about saving you money, as my smaller game box/no manual example proves. Worst case scenario? Go to :D

Hm... I feel like a McGriddle now ;)
I have a feeling that this will translate into more than just a soda machine logo. Yeah so it updates for a couple of seconds. No I don't have major lag problems... but it's the principle of the thing. It's unneeded. It's just one more variable to add into the mess of information sent and recieved during games. Bull ****
if it does come to light, i would bet there would be people making block programs to block the ads, still a nusance none the less
Ashtaka: Ugh, I couldn't stand the NVidia/EA start up videos... this is going to drive me crazy. Its one thing for a vending machine to be a Coke machine. Okay, that's fine by me. But actually streaming ads into my PC? No.

Streaming ads into your computer???

ummmmmm no.

Your talking about a download similar to the security module download right before you play cs. You'll live.

d34dly: I have a feeling that this will translate into more than just a soda machine logo. Yeah so it updates for a couple of seconds. No I don't have major lag problems... but it's the principle of the thing. It's unneeded. It's just one more variable to add into the mess of information sent and recieved during games. Bull ****

Would it bother you if it saved you money?

Ashtaka: WTF, they shrank the game boxes and took our manuals "to bring savings to the consumer" only to have them mark up the games to $55. Now they want to throw AOL commercials in my face while I'm playing games

Who told you that? I'm very confident that there isn't one publisher/developer that ever removed the manual and reduced box size to "bring savings to the consumer".

lol, I'm very confident that in the middle of Quake 3 an AOL add will pop-up..?

Ashtaka:They don't care about saving you money, as my smaller game box/no manual example proves. Worst case scenario? Go to
Hm... I feel like a McGriddle now

Yes ur example definetly supported ur statement.....? is a WEBSITE. 90% of large websites have adertising. I don't see how could be a wrost case scenario when talking about advertising in video games.

Be reasonable.
You are betting that is saves us money. But it is clear that recently there have been no money saving games out there.

even if it does save me money, it has the POSSIBILITY to be very annoying. Notice emphasis on the POSSIBILITY.

It's just a scary concept.
as long as its subtle, its not going to be a big deal. if they implement it right, itll make games even more realistic, like a soda machine that instead of saying 'Blamo Pop!', itll say coca-cola. id rather have it that way actually. as long as 1. it doesn't lag me 2. its subtle. bologna is good, especially with cheese and rye bread.
here's an idea, let's make a statement by NOT buying the games that have the advertising in them. even if the games are good.

vote with your dollar.
d34dly said:
You are betting that is saves us money. But it is clear that recently there have been no money saving games out there.

even if it does save me money, it has the POSSIBILITY to be very annoying. Notice emphasis on the POSSIBILITY.

It's just a scary concept.

Yeah...... because there havent been any games with serious advertising.

If publishers made money from advertising, they would reduce prices to compete with other games. They would have already made a great deal from advertising, so the game wouldn't need to sell as high to make as much profit.
I agree it's total BS. Fortunately, there will be some smart guy out there who will make a "crack" to disable the ads. I hope so anyway.
doh-nut said:
as long as its subtle, its not going to be a big deal. if they implement it right, itll make games even more realistic, like a soda machine that instead of saying 'Blamo Pop!', itll say coca-cola. id rather have it that way actually. as long as 1. it doesn't lag me 2. its subtle. bologna is good, especially with cheese and rye bread.

If it's subtle then fine that's ok.

But if I am playing Call of Duty and all of a sudden a gigantic AOL buddy runs through my spawn point I will be mad... obviously an exageration but you get it.
freakin' rediculous!!! no gamer in their right mind would think this is a good idea. yeah the publishers and advertisers think its a good idea but did they ask the most important people, the consumers? sound like no. before ya know it we'll have splash screens of coke a cola and trojan condoms when we change maps!!
adam7488 said:
Streaming ads into your computer???
Your talking about a download similar to the security module download right before you play cs. You'll live.

Would it bother you if it saved you money?

Who told you that? I'm very confident that there isn't one publisher/developer that ever removed the manual and reduced box size to "bring savings to the consumer".

lol, I'm very confident that in the middle of Quake 3 an AOL add will pop-up..?

Yes ur example definetly supported ur statement.....? is a WEBSITE. 90% of large websites have adertising. I don't see how could be a wrost case scenario when talking about advertising in video games.

Be reasonable.

Yes, 90% of large websites have advertising. But, compare Gamespot to IGN. Even as a subscriber, I'm bombarded with ads... pop-ups, movie ads, sound ads... Gamespot is very clean, very minimalistic, and as a subscriber, I get 0 ads. I sometimes don't realize I'm not logged in at times because GS's advertising is NOT intrusive.

"real-time delivery of advertising "
Sounds like streaming to me. Especially when you consider Real networks is a major player.

And video games are MEDIA. Here are some other forms of MEDIA:
TV, Radio, Movies, Magazines, Newspapers.

Go to the theatre at show time. Hey, you get bombarded with 10 minutes of commercials and previews.

Pop in a DVD, hey you get bombarded with previews for other movies.

Pop in a VHS tape and you'll find commercials and previews.

Okay, how about this for a "scenario"

You must now create an account with EASpy in order to play a game online. The "ad" software tracks what things you look at and buy online. The game then tailors the ads to you. NOT only does it do that, but it tracks ads in game that you look at for more than a second. So, if a guy's standing under a pepsi logo and you're sniping him, the software says "Hey, he's looking at an ad!". The server sends out an e-mail to your address w/ an ad that has something to do with the ad in game. Not only that, but they somehow force you to use an e-mail you'll actually check. "Let's say they send you an e-mail every month that gives you a link to ensure your account is "active"" Now, you're forced to sift through hundreds of ads trying to find the e-mail you need to make sure you can keep playing your game online.

And hey, let's not forget ads while you're installing. Perhaps a few ads after you've installed. A commercial between maps perhaps?

These companies don't care about saving you money.
adam7488 said:
...I'm not saying I agree with it, I agree, it's bull****, BUT this will mean we'll have to pay less for games. The developers and publishers will make money from advertising, sooooo they wouldn't need to sell the game for $60....

It absolutely will NOT save us any money. It's just another way for the publishers to skim, which is fine. We're lucky, I suppose, that this segment of entertainment hasn't already been targeted. Personally I don't care about objects in the game that would just be licensed (Billboards, pop machines, whatever) but if I bought a game that forced you to sit through a 10-20 second ad every time you booted up the game, I would either crack it to remove the ads or failing that return it.
i can see it now

*fires up UT2K4*

Retardedchicken made player1's cranium extra crispy with the NEW AND IMPROVED MCDONALDS DOLLAR MENU, NOW YOU CAN GET THREE APPLE PIES FOR ONE DOLLAR!

Hate getting carjacked? So do we. That's why we invented the new anti-theft device to work for any car's steering wheel! call number 1800-xxx-xxxx or go to to check it out!

*alt+f4 in the next 2 seconds*

the last thing on my mind when im fragging is what the hell i can put on my car to make it even safer
onewheeldoin200 said:
It absolutely will NOT save us any money. It's just another way for the publishers to skim, which is fine. We're lucky, I suppose, that this segment of entertainment hasn't already been targeted. Personally I don't care about objects in the game that would just be licensed (Billboards, pop machines, whatever) but if I bought a game that forced you to sit through a 10-20 second ad every time you booted up the game, I would either crack it to remove the ads or failing that return it.

gotta agree with you. and who is to say that the developers won't just see this as extra cash in their pockets. next someone will say "yeah they'll use the money to make the game better though" oh well :rolleyes:
Ashtaka said:
Yes, 90% of large websites have advertising. But, compare Gamespot to IGN. Even as a subscriber, I'm bombarded with ads... pop-ups, movie ads, sound ads... Gamespot is very clean, very minimalistic, and as a subscriber, I get 0 ads. I sometimes don't realize I'm not logged in at times because GS's advertising is NOT intrusive.

"real-time delivery of advertising "
Sounds like streaming to me. Especially when you consider Real networks is a major player.

And video games are MEDIA. Here are some other forms of MEDIA:
TV, Radio, Movies, Magazines, Newspapers.

Go to the theatre at show time. Hey, you get bombarded with 10 minutes of commercials and previews.

Pop in a DVD, hey you get bombarded with previews for other movies.

Pop in a VHS tape and you'll find commercials and previews.

Okay, how about this for a "scenario"

You must now create an account with EASpy in order to play a game online. The "ad" software tracks what things you look at and buy online. The game then tailors the ads to you. NOT only does it do that, but it tracks ads in game that you look at for more than a second. So, if a guy's standing under a pepsi logo and you're sniping him, the software says "Hey, he's looking at an ad!". The server sends out an e-mail to your address w/ an ad that has something to do with the ad in game. Not only that, but they somehow force you to use an e-mail you'll actually check. "Let's say they send you an e-mail every month that gives you a link to ensure your account is "active"" Now, you're forced to sift through hundreds of ads trying to find the e-mail you need to make sure you can keep playing your game online.

These companies don't care about saving you money.

Buddy.....get real.

You must be joking, a video game isnt a form of media....

Don't make up facts to support your scenario.

Under what criteria do you consider media? Something that you look at? in that case, my window is media, my microwave is media, the wall is media.

In you scenario, which I will promise and give my word as a gentleman, will never happen; Is absurd! You really believe a developer would create a game such as that?

I don't mean to be rude, but your blowing the in-game ads. To an extreme that it will never reach.

At a movie theatre you watch 10 minutes of ads because your staring at a huge , surround sound screen. Your reason for being there is to watch. Same goes for VHS, DVD, TV, Radio (listen), magazine, and newspaper. In a game ur purpose is to interact, as well as watch. Soo adding subtle advertisements would be the only way to go without ruining the game. The supposed implemented software you imagined, would be outrageous.

My friend, argue with reasonable scenarios, or don't waste my time.
onewheeldoin200 said:
It absolutely will NOT save us any money. It's just another way for the publishers to skim, which is fine. We're lucky, I suppose, that this segment of entertainment hasn't already been targeted. Personally I don't care about objects in the game that would just be licensed (Billboards, pop machines, whatever) but if I bought a game that forced you to sit through a 10-20 second ad every time you booted up the game, I would either crack it to remove the ads or failing that return it.

U miss my point, have u ever played madden nfl 2k5, what about espn nfl 2k5?

Very similar games, great games. Both have raised the bar for sports games.

The difference between them?

Madden NFL 2k5: $59.99

ESPN NFL 2k5: $20.00

ESPN has outsold Madden, by alot. Even though Madden's reputation preceded itself.

My point: Publishers reach a price to maximize profit, and compete with compeitition.

If two games are directly competing with one another, and one has advertisements inside, and the other doesnt. Which publisher do you think would be able to sell the game for less money?

In the end, the game that sdvertised and made money, would outsell the compeitition. Therefore, they made money from advertising, made more money from sales, and outdid the compeitition. In general, made more money.....

The publisher isnt trying to save us money, it's just going to be the result.
adam7488 said:
Buddy.....get real.

You must be joking, a video game isnt a form of media....

Don't make up facts to support your scenario.

Under what criteria do you consider media? Something that you look at? in that case, my window is media, my microwave is media, the wall is media........

My friend, argue with reasonable scenarios, or don't waste my time.

Not media? Under what criteria is it NOT media. A video game is very much media. this scenario is VERY possible. Why would a server track your ad, if it weren't going to use the information in some way. His example is just that... an example. so don't get all in a wad because someone gave as scenario.
Milez6 said:
gotta agree with you. and who is to say that the developers won't just see this as extra cash in their pockets. next someone will say "yeah they'll use the money to make the game better though" oh well :rolleyes:

Who says the developers will see this cash at all?

Look at that list of partners again. They're publishers. The publisher will mandate this into the contract, keep the profits, and the developer will have no say in it.

I just don't want my machine to waste resources downloading, storing, and displaying ads. On top of that, it'll complicate the design process, and it's one more thing that can go wrong.
is a Game Boy media?

is a PDA media?

is a calculator media?

Why would a server track your ad, if it weren't going to use the information in some way

My ad?

.......make sense.

his example is a poor one, a very poor one.

This will never happen.

It is possible, but won't happen.

Why??? The game would be an adertisement itself.

Ppl wouldnt play a game like that.


No sales = a change of strategy

The customer has a great deal of power on our economy. These things just cant happen.
adam7488 said:
Buddy.....get real.

You must be joking, a video game isnt a form of media....

Don't make up facts to support your scenario.

Under what criteria do you consider media? Something that you look at? in that case, my window is media, my microwave is media, the wall is media.

In you scenario, which I will promise and give my word as a gentleman, will never happen; Is absurd! You really believe a developer would create a game such as that?

I don't mean to be rude, but your blowing the in-game ads. To an extreme that it will never reach.

At a movie theatre you watch 10 minutes of ads because your staring at a huge , surround sound screen. Your reason for being there is to watch. Same goes for VHS, DVD, TV, Radio (listen), magazine, and newspaper. In a game ur purpose is to interact, as well as watch. Soo adding subtle advertisements would be the only way to go without ruining the game. The supposed implemented software you imagined, would be outrageous.

My friend, argue with reasonable scenarios, or don't waste my time.

Definition of media.

Another definition of media.

Yet another definition of media.

I could go on for ever...

Sounds like other people are making up facts to support their arguments, right? Right. Also, if you think developers are not above creating games like this, you were a bit too adicted to those paint chips as a child. Just for the simple fact that they would put streaming or downloadable advertisements in-game or other such things to be installed during game installation proves that they would create a game like that...this is the first step. To ignore the possibility and high probability of this is only a blind and self-serving opinion so that one may stay ignorant to the workings of the entertainment industry so they can still enjoy playing the games while being ramed in the ass at every turn by the corperations.
adam7488 said:
is a Game Boy media?

is a PDA media?

is a calculator media?

My ad?

.......make sense.

his example is a poor one, a very poor one.

This will never happen.

It is possible, but won't happen.

Why??? The game would be an adertisement itself.

Ppl wouldnt play a game like that.


No sales = a change of strategy

The customer has a great deal of power on our economy. These things just cant happen.

He was asking you to use this wonderful device called "imagination" so you could put yourself into the shoes of the company so you could logically realize that there is a very powerful reason behind taking your personal info as far as advertisement goes...

Now, would you please

try to type

in a complete sentance,

and use paragraphs,


It gets really annoying

to have to scroll down 30

pages to read your

posts, and it makes

you seem to be a

grade school drop-out which,

in turn, takes a big whack

at your credebility when trying

to argue. Thanks.

Now, you're trying to say that people would not play a game that would be an advertisement in itself. Ok, can somebody here tell me that "The Italian Job" (remake) was not just a marketing ploy to promote the Mini Cooper? Well, it seems as if quite a few people watched the movie as well. Think of it this way, for just a second if you can... My company (hypothetically) is going to be putting out a game called Half-Life 2. It is a very hyped game. A lot of people are wanting to buy this game. If I put in some ads, people will be mad, but you know what? They'll buy the game anyway and put up with it no matter how much they dislike it... because, in the end, they will see other people and hear of other people playing this game and become mad that they can't experience my wonderful creation. Then they go out and buy it anyway because they are a consumer whore. Now, I've not only made $60 per copy sold, but I've also tacked on 15 million in advertisements alone that cost me nothing to develop!! I've just increased my profits by spending very little extra money. Now, you will say that there are some that wont buy the game because of the amount of advertising. Well, that percentage will be very small and the advertisement profit will more than make up for it. Developer's don't care how much they sell, just as long as they maximize their profits.
adam7488 said:
is a Game Boy media?
is a PDA media?
is a calculator media?
.......make sense.

his example is a poor one, a very poor one.

This will never happen.

It is possible, but won't happen.

Why??? The game would be an adertisement itself.

Ppl wouldnt play a game like that.


No sales = a change of strategy

The customer has a great deal of power on our economy. These things just cant happen.
Bah... sheeple...

If I'm wrong, feel free to discredit me. You've done nothing more than said "He's WRONG."

Tell me how my "worst case" scenario is poor.

Oh, and please, feel free to define "media" for me since I apparently don't have a grasp of the English language.

Media: A specific kind of artistic technique or means of expression as determined by the materials used or the creative methods involved

And no, your "is a gameboy media?" question does not make sense.

The ARTwork that goes into a game, the MUSIC that goes into the game, the FEELINGS that the game makes us feel. That is media. Hell, if it can be turned into advertising, its a form of media ;)

A Gameboy, a stack of paper, a television, those are mediums. Means in which media is displayed.

I'm sure that years ago, before movies were chalk full of pre-show ads, people would have said the same thing. "I'm not going to the movies to watch 20 minutes of commercials." Yet, today we accept this as the truth. If you went back to 1997 and told someone that they'd see 4-5 ads per website on top of the popups, I'm sure they'd say "Well, I'll never go online again!"

I'm sure we'll never get to my worst case scenario, but its possible. Perhaps they'll introduce the "Coke machines" in a game. Then, we'll see TV Commercials being played on TVs in game. The ads will pile on slowly, at an almost subconcious level.

"Hey, I'll just tune em out."

Before you know it, you'll be watching or listening to some streaming ad while your game loads.
i'll post what i posted in the other thread:


Cheaper games!

game publisher joe:"Hey we are making the boxers smaller! should we cut cost?"

game publisher bob: "no, we can pocket it, they will never notice!"

game publisher joe: "hey, we can put the manuals on the cd, or print them in a thin black and white paper! then we can save more money, should we pass the savings to the paying customers?"

game publsiher bob: "no, we can make even MORE money then, muahahahha"

Game publisher bob: "hey! we can raise prices on games now too! we can slide it in as inflation they'll never notice the sudden price hike!"

game publisher joe: "hey, some guys have developed an ad network, they are going to pay us CHA CHING to advertise in the games we publisher, should we cut back costs?"

game publisher bob: "you're fired! i'll have even more money! MUAHAHAHHA"

Incase some of your aren't noticing.

These are the publishers here.
Vivendi and ubisoft are two of the biggest publishers in the gaming industry (though they do develop some things, but mostly publishers).

I'm pretty sure it's going to be on their end, so the "devs" won't have a say in it, unless they want to shop for another publisher (please god bring back some good publishers that actually CARE about the developers)

And to the guy who said games wasn't media......holy SHIT that was a riot, good joke good was a joke wasn't it?


jubei said:
Definition of media.

Another definition of media.

Yet another definition of media.

I could go on for ever...

Sounds like other people are making up facts to support their arguments, right? Right. Also, if you think developers are not above creating games like this, you were a bit too adicted to those paint chips as a child. Just for the simple fact that they would put streaming or downloadable advertisements in-game or other such things to be installed during game installation proves that they would create a game like that...this is the first step. To ignore the possibility and high probability of this is only a blind and self-serving opinion so that one may stay ignorant to the workings of the entertainment industry so they can still enjoy playing the games while being ramed in the ass at every turn by the corperations.


Media: The type of communication used to transmit the marketing message. Most common forms of media are television, radio, newspaper, magazines, direct mail, and billboards.

Media: Forms of mass communication. Newspapers, magazines, direct mail, billboards, bus signs, radio, television and internet are some important media that carry advertising.

Remember jubei, evidence is supposed to SUPPORT your statement. Not reinforce mine. Video game isnt mentioned once, nor is it a form of mass communication.

It, in the near future, may becomea form of media, but as of now..... it isn't.... nice try...

and I do agree, it is well within a publishers reacher to attain this scenario. In fact, I bet if u called them all up right now, they'd jump at the idea.

So changing a soda machine logo is the first step towards a game completely dominated by advertising?

I think not.

American Film is a good example. Advertising before and during the movie.

Back in the day, advertising in a movie was unheard of. Now it takes place before and during, but does it by any means affect the plot of the movie or make the movie any less enjoyable? No.

I'm not blind or ignoring anything. Just taking something for what it's worth and no more. Even if I was blind??? How would cooperations be reeming me in the ass???
lol music is media??? no........ radio is media


read the definition.
This isn't new. Sierra started doing it in 1992 with the popular Liesure Suit Larry and Space Quest games. I don't think the AOL buddy will be a selectable skin in Call of Cthulu or a speed power up will be a pair of whatever the current cool Nike shoe is. It will probably be more like product placement in movies. Like the Sony PDA in Splinter Cell. You know you saw it, they know you saw it.

And wouldn't a game be a Medium since it is a singlur form of media? Or media because it is audio and visual and interactive? I cringe when the twits on the news say medias, but I'm not sure what would apply and my anti-rambling pills have worn off.
Oh, and some of you are comparing this to the "start preveiws" in movies and things.

I'm afraid you are GREATLY under-estimating it.

Think of it as normal t.v.

"watch 10minutes, commercials for two"

Only not that much, but you get the picture.

The way they said it, the games are going to update in real time (yay! great for those of us on 56k that might oh.......LIKE TO BE PLAYING ONLINE! we don't have bandwidth to spare for a freaking streaming ad or something).

In-game fitting advertising is what i think should be the maximum.

Like playing half life, and in the office seeing a snack machine full of M&M's. something that actually FITS with the game and isn't distracting.

This seems like it is going to be distracting ad's that are going to piss people off.
Video Games are already forms of media...

1) Forms of MASS communication... how many people play games? and how many of those people chat through games?

2) Must carry advertising... It certainly does that now. Developer logos and publisher movies at the beginning... If I remember one...

"EA SPORTS... IT'S IN THE GAME!"........................ seems like advertising to me.

Media my friend.