Computer causing interference with AM radio


Limp Gawd
Feb 15, 2004
So I built an HTPC for my room, with Media Center and all that good stuff.

I have set MCE to record certain shows at late times. So I have to leave my computer on overnight...

No problem with that, but I like to sleep to some AM radio, and I can't. The computer is creating interference. Bad interference.

Immediately, when I turn the comptuer off, the interference goes away.

What could be the problem? Could it be remedied?
Anythig electronics creates EMF, computers, cell phones, watches, etc, some stronger than others. You could try shielding your am radio from your computer with lots of aluminum foil or moving the radio.
Make an aluminum foil hat. It will protect you when they come for us :eek:

Move your radio or your pc away from each other.

Quit listening to talk radio?

AM radio is vulnerable to EMF radiation, its a fact of life.

Build a faraday cage for your comp.
I had the same problem. It turned out that the el cheapo power supply I was using was the problem. I switched to a more name-brand PS I had around and the interference was MUCH reduced. So if you have spares, start swapping.

I also found an antenna booster product that actually works.

I'm no Terk fan, but I tried this thing out of desperation before I found out that I had an extra-noisy PS. It actually works pretty well.

Good luck!
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