Computer died 6 months old only !!!!


Limp Gawd
Mar 30, 2005
So my new machine died, i barely use it,,, here are the specs

Gigabyte GA-965p-DS Rev. 3.3
Dual core 6600
2 x 1 GB-Gskill DDRII-800
Nvidia 8600 GTS.....
Ultra-x 600 powersupply
2 harddrives.......2 dvd drives
Zalman 9700 cpu cooler.....

i turned the computer off last night, everything was fine....

this morning turned it back on, no picture, no beep codes, hard drive led blinking, cpu fan spinning on and off,

removed memory sticks, swapped them in and out 1 at a time, removed all harddrives and dvd drives, nothing changed, i am thinking dead mobo or cpu, but leaning towards mobo becasue of the continuous harddrive blinking, and cpu fan on and off (seems like a power issue??)

nothing over clocked, all at stock and well ventilated (antec 900 case ), running vista premium

any suggestions :mad:?
If you get not light, fan spinning, or beeping then likely the psu is bad.

Do you have a spare PSU that you can use for testing?
actually case fans are all spining (5 in total), only cpu fan not spinning...(spinning on and off)

i do have an extra psu, i will try that tonight..........

any other suggestions ?

The 5 fans that are spinning, are they connected to the mobo or directly to the psu.

Try to clear the CMOS.

Do you have another mobo that you can use for testing?
No other mobo.

some of the fans are connected to the mobo, some to the psu...

shouldn't the mobo beep if there was something else not working (such as cpu or ram)?

No, if there's a BIOS setting problem, the board won't beep, since it can't POST -- its not even getting far enough to detect a hardware problem itself. So, it will continuously try to reboot itself until it can reach POST. You need to clear the CMOS as suggested earlier.
I have the same mobo (and rev), and it's been very solid.

My best guess is the PSU is bad.

I must admit, I still cringe every time I see an "Ultra" PSU. I guess they have cleaned up their act from what people say, but I still don't trust them. It doesn't seem that long ago that Ultra PSUs were stacked up in huge piles at the computer stores with "Free After Rebate" signs.

Then you look behind the counter and see the returns pile just as big. :)
As others have already said, I also think it is a PSU problem. This MB has "dual" BIOS (a backup BIOS). So, corrupted BIOS problems are higly unlikely.
As others have already said, I also think it is a PSU problem. This MB has "dual" BIOS (a backup BIOS). So, corrupted BIOS problems are higly unlikely.

However unlikely it may be, it doesnt hurt to reset the CMOS and give it a try. ;) If that doesnt work, then try another PSU.
Wow, You guys were right on with the PSU comment ;), i was surprised that this happened so quick becasue i know i have a solid motherboard, and i know that processors rarely go bad (especially when at stock speed)......

i just unplugged my PSU, and plugged it back in and the damn thing booted up fine......not a single glitch. i thought i was buying a quality PSU, but i guess i was mistaken....

i've been lately having a weird blue screen error during boot up. it happens every now and then with no specific reason, i thought it was my video card, but i'm thinking it might be the PSU after all, do you guys think that is possible? the error i get is "irql_not_less_or_equal"...., and usually indicates a hardware error from what i have seen...all my drivers are whql certified and up to date on everything........PSU again?

thanks for the valuable feedback guys.....
That seems to be a memory error?

Run memtest86 on there.
mem test stable

Memtest86+ v1.7?

looks like this...

This happens sometimes. Before I replaced the PSU (system in sig.) I had to try several times (pushing power button) to get the system to power up. This heppened during last 2 weeks of previous PSU's life. It may not be a connecting issue, but something more serious (like power cut-offs, or whatever, due to faulty electronics in the PSU). You better get a decent PSU for your system.