Computer euthanasia...

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So hey... how big is your oven? :D

I've heard a few of these before... putting sandpaper disks inside floppies/cd-rom drives. Overclocking/volting ridiculously high.

You could also relocate it over your heater vents and try some of the above stuff.

I've found that computers don't like sand much either, especially the power supply.

I remember there was something you could put on the top of cd's which would damage the cd drive... some kind of ink maybe... it'd spray all over the internals due to the high rpms.

If you manage to screw up the floppy drive and cd-rom the computer may not boot right.
in keeping with the rules:

Put your running case in side a freezer. Eventually condensation will form inside and short out something important. UNPLUG the comp before you take it out!
Have you thought about switching the positive with ground going into the power supply. That is one great way to toast a power supply very quickly. The blue smoke coming out of the box is kinda cool to, so take pictures!

Oh, you might want to do that in a well ventilated room that doesn't have a smoke detector.
If you have a syringe and a bottle of radiator patch, shake it up and squirt a little on the motherboard thru the holes in back. That way, you dont have to open it up and should take very little to fry the board. You will even have left over radiator patch for your vehicles
Low level formating the HD will most def kill the hard drive. I dont know many old HDs that can take a couple low lvl formating, since that rights a 0 to every sector on the drive. Most bios's have a low lvl format utility in the bios. This will kill the hard drive, if not on the 1st shot thouhg it, most def on the 2nd or 3rd.
Regardless of whether or not this guy is a troll, he basically got a shitload of you to demonstrate that you have aboslutely no forum discussion etiquette and/or reading abilities whatsoever. How many of you out of 5 pages of replies actually FOLLOWED THE GUY'S RULES in your solution?

Even if he's a troll, he did the forum a favor and exposed a whole helluva lot of you who don't take time to read the background of a thread before replying to it. :p

Just use one of the old DOS hard drive utils ( to park your hard drive. If that doesn't work, "accidentally" spill your drink in the chasis.
If you have some wire laying around the house, (i.e. single conductor speaker wire, spool of ? guage electronic wire, etc...) about 50-100 feet would do nicely. Splicing two or more strands together is OK if you need to.
1. Wrap it around and around and around the case in a neat, tight coil from bottom to top or top to bottom. The more wraps you make, the better! Overlapping coils is even better still!!!
2. Next, get a car battery.
3. Take one end of the conductor and clamp it on the positive terminal and put the other side on the negative terminal. Caution: the conductor may get hot if it's a small wire. Don't burn your hands or melt the insullation.
You just created a very large magnetic field (depending of course on the gauge of the wire, how much insullation it has, how long it is, etc...).
Turn on your PC (or should I say "attempt to"). :D

Neat, no trace, and you can re-use the wire and battery.
you could swap power conectors in the atx conector... or flip the bios batery upside down... lol

btw, he gets the raptor if he makes it brake by the end of the week, he doesnt have it yet
I have this little question, who has a dishwasher big enough to put a pc into?

I thought of taking it out to a shooting range and use it as target practice. You won't have to open the case, do anything to the powersupply, destroy the hd, screw up the mb or anything else. You just shoot the damn thing.
1. the bios sounds like the way to go
2. a more fun way would be to bag the box, put it in a cooler with ice so that it is really cold the pull the box out, plug it in and hit some bench morks . maybe if you can get it to heat fast enough the chips will crack.
3. try the folding at home again but put the comp in a trash bag and seam the bag around the power cord and let it run for awhile.
Here's an idea, pack it in a box without any padding (or with very little) and FedEx it to yourself. :D If you get lucky it'll get a nice jolt that should temporarily dislodge the cpu/heat sink just long enough to bend some pins. Instance broken computer. :D
Scorpionjwp said:
I have this little question, who has a dishwasher big enough to put a pc into?

I have a question for those still suggesting the dishwasher -- READ THE RULES FROM THE ORIGINAL POST. Damn Kyle for making this a link from the homepage. It's only addictive for some of us because there's something innately compelling about trying to get people to READ a post before replying blindly to it.

Is it 6pm yet? I wanna go home.

This is what has always worked for me......And also there is a danger facter. Make your self a set of pigtails. A pigtail is an extension cord with the female portion cut off and the wires stripped back so you have about 1/4 inch of copper wire showing. Of course please make this when the cord is unplugged from the wall. Open computer case while computer is off/ unplugged. Also remove all cables from the back of the computer. Plug pigtail into the wall outlet. Quickly touch the copper wires (which are seperated) to the motherboard. Any interesting spot will do. Touch a few time. Y^ou should have a little smoke and a dead computer. And for Gods sake make sure you are not touching the computer when you do this. Has always worked for me when lightning damaged a pc but did not totally toast it. :)
9v battery and paper clips random selection of pins on various ports

or Electro-Magnetic Tape Eraser (Will definately fry your monitor and hard drive :D :D :D )
Hey Ironchefmorimoto, I was not suggesting the dishwasher, but I rather thought it was stupid to put a pc into a dishwasher or an oven. On the downside to this, you ruin your appliances when you think of something like that.

There is only one thing I could have thought that would hose this pc, would be a bios upgrade gone bad. If you can't open the pc to destroy it or make any visible physical harm to it, the wrong bios update to it would be the only solution.

Yes I may not have read the post and was posting with the flow of people in this thread. But at least now it has dawned upon me, that:

You can't open the case to destroy it.
Start defrag. Rock case back until the side of the case with the drive reaches a 30 degree angle off the floor. Verify drive is still running continuously and release the case so that it will resume contact with floor.

There should be no visible damage, but several hundred g's of shock while the drive is operating.

If you can stealthily open the case. The standard BOFH (Bastard Operator from Hell, great web stories ) hard drive test of repeatedly striking the drive with a rubber mallet while it is operating is quite effective with no marks left as evidence. There may be other useful ideas from that site as well.
he hasn't been around for a while. Anyone think he successfully borked his pc and is now out buying a new one to put the hard drive in from his wife? :)
grab yourself some nice software such as common name, gain, cydoor, kazaa install, and then go surfing for pr0n and warez. That should install enough malware to keep the hard drive spinning till it blows itself. But since you only have till the end of the weekend try turning it on and off really fast a lot of times. It will eventually blow.

Side note: Is this one of those really cool old pcs with a turbo button? Those are classic.
Anyone live in Seattle area and wanna go to Boeing to pick up a few 10 dollar p2 pcs with me and try some of the methods listed? Take pictures and drink sum brewskies, although i dunno if a couple drunk guys trying to blow up a computer would be a good idea. Well the fire department is a block away from me and they have medics so if any body parts fly off they could probably reattach them , unless of course its your head.....
ronenvelarde said:
...they have medics so if any body parts fly off they could probably reattach them , unless of course its your head.....

Oh they could reattach it alright, it just wouldn't do you much good... <sinister laugh> Anyone in Seattle feeling like some mischief? Shoot this guy a PM and go out - I wish we had some [H]ard folks here in Norman.

But back on topic, the best suggestions that follow the rules are:
1) BIOS fubaring
2) voltage shenanigans (car battery to PSU prongs, ports, etc)
3) stopping the PSU fan by blocking it from spinning and overclocking like Kyle on crack (or sober - not that you can tell the difference ;))

Here's my suggestion...
Break a pin or two off of the video card output. Technically it's physical damage, but realistically it would never get caught. For a different alternative that follows the rules strictly, you could drop rubber cement or other non-conductor into some of the pin-holes. Or, sodder between some of the pins. No video = dead computer, right? On the plus side, it still leaves it free for donation to charity (with a little reverse-mischief).

Software-side, there's not much that can really destroy the computer except the BIOS bork... the rest can be fixed with a hard-drive format (except the Little Drummer Boy virus, but good luck finding that), so it doesn't really count (just makes more work for you).

edit: To address the skeptics - if he has admin access to the computer (which he does - he's installed F@H) then he can do just about anything to it (bork the data, password it to hell, etc), so I'm not buying the conspiracy. Plus, I mean really, why would a 24-year-old want to sabatoge a 433MHz box (if not for a 74gb Raptor)? I personally think it's legit.

w00t69 said:
That's nice, too bad this is more fun. And since what 433 mhz computer do you know is still under warranty (6 year warranty? since when?)

My 450 at work is (PII from dell).

RogerX said:
I hate to say it, but this topic sounds like a guy trolling for ideas on how to damage someone else's computer without getting caught. If he and his wife have the money for 10k RPM drive as a "bet," and he can get one right away if he kills this one... one would think they have enough sense and money to buy a new PC for 800 bucks and sell the old one for a hundred. Why would they destroy the old one?

Call me a professional skeptic... I know I'm taking all the fun out of this, but you have to be curious as to why someone would say they "can't open the cover," "has to be done in software," and "can leave no physical evidence." SCREAMS sabotage on someone else's box, like his boss or something.

You're not married, are you?
I know this breaks the rules, but it'd undoubtedly work and leave little evidence. turn the comp on it's side. Find an important pin on the mobo. Hook 12+ to it and turn on. It's sure to work. I would know it happened once to me on acccident. a stray molex got caught on some random jumper pin on the mobo while I had it in my lap installing new ram and I didn't realize it til I flipped it on and destroyed practically every piece of hardware in it. Ah the nestalgia of frying 1k+ in hardware. :eek:
ryuji said:
get a car battery charger and hack up a old keyboard.. connect it to a few wires on the plug and plug it in and charge your computer..

Several years back, our department got a cast-off computer, a 286 or so, from another department. My computer illiterate boss decided to help by putting it together for us. Then he called me and wanted to know why it was hissing and smelled funny every time he tried turning it on. I discovered that the big box o' parts included the power supply for some other device whose connector happened to be a perfect match for your average keyboard connector. In spite of taking 24V AC into the keyboard port, repeatedly, the thing still ran perfectly once I hooked it up correctly.
Run Prime 95 and slip a pencil into the PSU fan - give it a few hours and you may just have that new computer.
Best suggestion is to find out what manufacturer makes the motherboard and get the flash utility for it and the BIOS flash. Make a flash disk like you're supposed to do and start the flash, after it erases teh BIOS, KILL THE POWER COMPLETELY!!! Unplug it from the wall, hit the switch, whatever. That'll kill it!
while the comp is on slip a hose through the case and then simply turn on the water. Hey look every single pin in the sys. has been short circuited at once! :D
edit: let it dry before you show it to your wife!
Too bad there can be no physical damage. I'd recommend sending it to Mythbusters and let Adam and Jamie blow it up.

They like to get free stuff to destroy.

Too bad there are no urban myths about computers. :(
How about use a vacume to clean out the inside of it while running? Chances are static electriciy will kill something.
Scorpionjwp said:
I have this little question, who has a dishwasher big enough to put a pc into?

I thought of taking it out to a shooting range and use it as target practice. You won't have to open the case, do anything to the powersupply, destroy the hd, screw up the mb or anything else. You just shoot the damn thing.

I do..
starhawk said:
there is a sort of dos command that will fry your comp.

add the following lines to autoexec.bat or

deltree c:/windows/system/*.*
deltree c:/windows/system32/*.*

then reboot. kiss windows goodbye.

deltree doesnt work in XP(or 2000) there buddy. its a win9x/Fat32 command.
the command for xp/2000 is rmdir

and all that will effectily do is erase the system files, wont do a thing to the hardware. it would much easier to just go into explorer and delete random system files :rolleyes:

just do a bad bios flash, its pretty unrecoverable. got a bios disk leftover from a new flash to your main computer? run it, and force it to write to the bios rom. itl never boot again.. and the best part is, you still have everything but the board, so you can get a new box, and then get a cheap pII board to run hte stuff
csdibiase said:
Here's an idea, pack it in a box without any padding (or with very little) and FedEx it to yourself. :D If you get lucky it'll get a nice jolt that should temporarily dislodge the cpu/heat sink just long enough to bend some pins. Instance broken computer. :D

lol SHIP UPS TWICE like this guy
Van De Graaf generator, anyone?

Tesla Coil, anyone?

The possibilites of those two are endless.

Isolate the crap out of everything, stick it all on foam, etc. Start the box running prime95. Then set the van de graaf about 1.5' away. When enough static builds up to discharge 1.5' (ground the case to the base of VDG) you're sure to screw something up :)
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maxxo said:
the bad bios flash sounds like a good idea.
That's how I got to upgrade a spare system from a Celeron 466 with 256 ram to a 2400+ with 512 DDR. I did it on accident, but because it was a crappy branded mobo (PC Chips) and so old, I wasn't able to find an original BIOS setup and the thing wouldn't boot up at all.

Anyways, I now have a second gaming machine for when a friend comes over.
couldn't ya just start a format and yank the power cable out? that's gotta cuase some slippage of the platters. AND overclocking, volting like crazy.
Take the computer to any retail store that employs sensorstrip anti-theft tags. Set the tower on the counter directly over the deactivating pod, Boot it up and then start running any item with the tags over the deactivator. It's best to do this while the HDD is reading/writing. When I was a tech at BB, they had one of the deactivators under the counter in front of the tech bench. Almost daily, a customer would set their system on the counter and lay down an item they wanted to have installed. The item would keep setting off the deactivator. (we always had to bitch to management about this) Usually, if the system was off, it wouldn't hurt anything, but if it was running, it nearly always generated bad sectors on the HDD.
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