computer randomly reboots?


May 4, 2003
ok like if i let my computer sit or if im playing a game its like every 4-13 hours my computer goes to the blue screen of death then restarts but i cant read the error code to find out whats the problem (it only flashs for like a second) so i think it my vidio card but i got no idea

computer is a
2.8c @2.8ghz
512pc 3200 dual channel
geforce3ti 500
maxtor 60gig

so does anyone know how i can delay the error code?
I don't know if it's possible to delay the error message...though that would be handy. I eventually tracked down the problem one of my computers was having (same thing) by keeping my digital camera handy, and when it was about to crash, I switched it to video mode and took a video and was then able to go frame by frame to read the error, heh. It was crude, but worked. In the end it turned out that my video card was the problem, and after replacing it that computer hasn't crashed since (about a year now).
its not a virus the computer is only used for folding and for lan partys and i have checked that and there arnt any viruses on it. i think its the video card since iv vmoded and overclocked the hell out of it so that i can play halo. blah now i got to spend more money...
I'll assume you are running XP. Check the event viewer to see if the smoking gun is recorded in there.

Besides that, I would think that you could have some kind of memory leak caused by crappy software. I would shut down everything you have running and let the computer just sit there for 24 hours to see if the problem still is there.

Have you updated everything on your box? Windows, drivers, software?

Did you update or install something before this started happening?

Of course, this may not be software related at all. This could be hardware.

Does the crash coincide with any other events in your house? A/C kicking in for example...
Are you on dirty street power or are you running clean power from a UPS?

Good luck troubleshooting this, it has to be the hardest problem to figure out. Keep us posted and we will help you find the culprit.
its windows xp pro and i got every update and iv used every virus detecting softwere and i think i found the problem there was a big thing of hair in the fan which wasnt letting the fan spin. took it out and cleaned it and now it seem to be funning fine well we will se in 24 hours if anything happens

That was my next guess. The old "long ass hair in the fan" problem.
System Properties -> Advanced -> Startup and Recovery -> Settings -> System Failure.
Turn off Automatic restart.
Then it will just sit there with a nice BSOD.

Luck....... :D