Computer resets randomly


Limp Gawd
Apr 19, 2008
A few days back I was trying to recover data from an HDD of a broken laptop and I used an external HDD box to connect it to my PC via 2 USB cables (1 for power, 1 for data).
When I plugged it in, my computer went crazy making a weird noise while the fans ramped up to full speed. I immediately shut the external HDD down and plugged it out.
The next day my computer would reset randomly, it would take between 15min and 3hours for this to happen. It happened whether I was idling, browsing forums or playing TF2.

I ran memtest86+ and got the result: No errors.
Windows event viewer doesn't show any error or problem at the time of the reset and I don't get a BSOD either, even though I have "restart automatically" disabled.

This leads me to believe it has to be some hardware issue that windows doesn't detect, maybe the Motherboard or the PSU.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Temperatures were checked with Speedfan. No overheating was detected.

Also, there was this warning in the event viewer for the time I plugged in the broken HDD: "The system failed to flush data to the transaction log. Corruption may occur."
I tried running my pc again and this time I got a BSOD while playing TF2.
It was the driver_irql_not_less_or_equal.
Didn't make much sense to me as I hadn't connected any new device that would cause a IRQ conflict.
Maybe the mobo has just gone crazy and is making all kinds of errors.
Open a command window at type this (Yes the spaces ARE necessary)>>>>
chkdsk /x /r /f

Then hit yes to both questions, if it asks two. And reboot, a check disk will be ran, maybe this will help
not to blame you PSU, but i had a problem where my computer would shutdown randomly, sometimes when windows was booting, when i was just reading things on internet and like 1-4 times i was Trying to connect to a TF2 server. and ever since y got my new psu (TruePower Quattro 850) all my problems went away.

Since you say that you are getting BSOD my only educated guess is that it is a Hardware issue that has nothing to do with your PSU, Maybe the "weird noise while the fans ramped up to full speed" issue was a nasty overvolt that caused your board start to crap out?

or maybe you just happened to get a power surge the exact time that you were trying to use the external drive?

EDIT: Try running memtest