Computer restarts/freezes randomly - MOBO?


Limp Gawd
Jul 7, 2006
Hello everyone and thanks for any possible help. First, the problem: my computer restarts or freezes randomly, and I MEAN randomly. I can be in the BIOS and it can freeze/restart, I be doing anything with Windows loaded and it can restart/freeze. It can ever be posting or loading Windows and it will restart/freeze. Sometimes it won’t happen for a while, sometimes it keep happening, it really does seem random.

My computer specs:

Q6600 G0 stepping not overclocked with Tuniq Tower h/f.
Corsair 4gb ( )
EVGA 680i LT MOBO ( )
EVGA 8800 GTS 320MB ( )
HD Seagate 300GB
PS Corsair 750watts

I posted this in the MOBO section because I believe it might be MOBO related. I’ll explain: when I first built the computer everything was fine. I ran 3dMark and all the programs similar to it. I stressed/burnt in CPU and checked temps with CPU temp and the temps were low ~40s upper 30s. I ran memtest and there were no errors. Everything was fine until the beginning of April (few months after the comp was built). Then random restart/freezes. I had a Creative Audigy 2 ZS sound card in, and I heard it can cause problems so I removed it and went with on board audio – problem still occurs. I have a NEC USB card and I removed it and problem still occurs. I remember a couple of times when posting some white horizontal line started popping up all over. And, a couple of times, when loading the screen where it checks for a cd in the drive (boot from cd drive was enabled) the screen overlapped itself – I could seethe bottom part of the screen at the top of my screen. I even reset the CMOS with no luck. Sometimes I get this error when posting : “Warning! Now System is in Safe Mode. Please reset CPU or Memory Frequency in the CMOS setup.” I tried running memtest again but it just freezes, last time I tried it froze 45 minutes in. I also flashed (before this started happening) to P07 for the MOBO, and I think there’s a newer version but I’m afraid it will freeze or restart while flashing….

I’m at my wits end on this one.
Sounds like faulty memory. Can you borrow some ram to see if that fixes the problem?
Have you updated the BIOS for the Motherboard and video card?
Tried a different power supply?

Tested your memory? (memtest86 or mother board diagnostics off the UltimatebootCD)
test all of the above options but if everything else continues to elude you then consider the power outlet itself. I posted a little bit ago about random reboots and after taking the computer for some testing i found that when not plugged into the comp's current location my random rebooting was gone. turns out the grounding was faulty in the outlet. just something to consider.