computer shuts down during load, need help diagnosing


Limp Gawd
Aug 19, 2004
My computer (see system specs) shuts down only during gaming (load). I reset the bios back to stock settings (stock voltage, stock cpu speed, turbo boost disabled), but the shut down problem still persists. When I boot my computer back up and enter the bios, it says somewhere along the lines of the system shutting down due to overclocking.

I would like some advice and insight on which part could be the faulty one. I am thinking it is the motherboard and I plan to replace it with the Maximus III Gene (if it is). Do you guys think it could be the CPU or PSU?

[Testing the RAM]
Download Memtest86+ v4.20 or whatever the latest version is, unzip it, burn the ISO file to a CD, and then boot from it, just like you would do with the XP/Vista install CD. Let Memtest+ run for at least 15 passes with ZERO errors on each stick of RAM separately as well as test the RAM all together. Go for a full 24 hours if you want to be completely sure that the RAM is not a problem. If you start seeing errors, than your RAM is defective or you have incorrect settings for the RAM.

[Testing the CPU]
Use Prime 95, OCCT, Orthos or Intel Burn Tool to stress test the CPU.

[Testing the GPU]
Use Furmark, OCCT, or ATI Tool to stress test the GPU. If you see any artifacts or any other graphical glitches, the GPU could be overheating, too overclocked, or faulty.
I tested the RAM via Memtest and no issues there. However, system auto shutdown again when I stressed test the CPU. This was with everything at stock settings, turbo boost disabled. Motherboard or CPU problem?
CPU temps range from 60-70c during the stress testing. I am planning to either replace the mobo or cpu. I definitely do hope it's not the PSU otherwise I would have replaced the wrong thing, but when I turn on my computer again, the bios is reset to default settings. This behaviour can elminate the PSU being the problem, correct?
This behaviour can elminate the PSU being the problem, correct?
Failing PSUs can do weird things.

Have you looked in the Event Viewer for unusual activity/reason for shutdown?