Computer too slow when seeking


Jul 25, 2004
I just recently had a new build specs with Specs below. However, when loading windows 7 or any application, it seems that its slower than normal. For example, it would take nearly 2-3 mins to boot windows. I just had it benchmark with HD tune and got these results:

Core i7 860
Corsair Dominator 2x2gb DDR3 1066
WD Caviar Black Edition 1TB
ATI 5870 Visiontek
OCZ 600w Power Supply

anyone have any explanation for these seeks? Do I have to RMA? PLease help me out.
The peaks are background I/O.

Note that Windows 7 runs alot of stuff on the background. Especially the indexing will seek alot after installing; it should go away after a few days.

The HDTune benchmark seems normal/expected; nothing wrong with that.

If you worry about seeking, change the active services such as System Restore, Indexing Service, Superfetch, etc.
Those high seeks will not go away after a few days, they will be there as long as you are benching your boot drive.

That said, a system with those specs should not take 3 minutes to boot. By boot I mean power-on to the login screen, or until the desktop loads. If you're waiting for the hard drive to stop chunking after the desktop loads .. meh, just use the computer. It should yield the IO back to foreground applications.
Do you have a lot of programs installed on the drive? Because when you install stuff the programs will put stuff like DLL and shared index files (win 7 has a new system) in your windows folder and windows goes to index and catalog them at boot.

So a fresh install is typically very quick for win 7, but once you install real life programs on it (office, steam, games etc...) it gets considerably slower. My boot up time is the same as yours and I have win 7 ultimate, a SLC SSD as my OS boot drive and a 2 raptor RAID 0 as my program drive.
I'd suggest creating a 30-60GB primary partition for the system, it helps and if you keep your data on other partitions, reinstall procedures are much faster if needed.