configuring kx drivers


Limp Gawd
Oct 16, 2004
i have an sb live! 5.1 sound card and the latest kx drivers installed. i like the drivers (i've had 'em for months, no issues), but i have heard that i can make the sound even better by tweaking the settings correctly.

As anyone who has tried the kx drivers before will know, this tweaking is by no means intuitive.

I listen to all genres of music except metal and techno, and mostly classical and classic rock. i don't game often at all. i occasionally watch dvds on the computer.

i have some crappy 2.0 speakers that came free with an old computer, and will soon be getting some nice stereo headphones.

how do I / can I / should I tweak the kx drivers? i have tried to understand the more popular tutorials there are for doing this, but i don't have the time to learn all the ins and outs.
