Confused with all these panel types


Limp Gawd
Aug 9, 2005
Hi guys, I've been reading up on different panel types since I'm looking for a 24" monitor. TNs seem to have crappy shift problems, IPS requires you to NOT be in the middle, VA has shift problems too e.t.c and it's making me thing is there a technology actually worth the money? I mainly play games, do photoshopping, also watch programs and movies, and it seems as if each technology is best suited to only one of these activities, so what would you guys suggest for:

- Low latency/lag,
- Good vibrant colours with good accuracy
- Very good with blacks/dark colours
- Fairly good at viewing at angles/not too much colour shift (I say fairly because I have an L90D+ currently and am doing fine watching movies with people and moving my head around, although maybe that's because I haven't really seen anything better)
- Doesn't require me to look at it at stupid angles! (e.g. IPS)
Nope nope..with S-IPS your fine in the middle (its the PVA's that have dead spot). I was on the tread mill last fall and would say to just get this if you can while its still available:

It has $100 rebate again. The sell open box versions for $325-350ish ( I spent $600 on my first one last Dec - and it was down from 700). You could also try the Dell 2007wfp when its on sale for around $350 (I got mine for 335 last year from Dell) - just dont get the S-PVA panel they slip in. If you dont want to spend over 300 then some of the newer Samsungs seem more appealing than in the past. Still, for all around stuff I like the NEC. Dell's QC is just scary these days and getting action on issues can takes months. I love the glossy too. I have landscapes of Hudson river that look like I am looking out window. On my anti-glare the blue skies look as if they are coated with dust.
Where did you read that you can't view IPS from the middle?:p IPS is actually the only one that allows you to slouch and lean from side to side all you's just a little harder to get a good black level vs VA. It takes extreme side angles before you notice a brightness shift and the blue/purple tint.
Oops, cheers for correcting me I meant PVA has the centre problem! I'm looking for a 24" monitor, so is the 24" version of the NEC the same quality as the 20"? Also about the Dells, how about the E248WFP and the 2407WFP-HC, are they also IPS screens? I guess I'm looking for a IPS then, as although I'm fine with my current monitor which is a TN, a larger 24" screen would make me at more of an angle to the edges and cause a shift right? Which IPS screens do you guys have?
Which models are you referring to when you say "the NEC's"? If you're talking about the 20WMGX2 then that is the last of the affordable IPS panels and has been discontinued for some time now...the 20" GX replacement has a TN panel and I believe the 24" has some form of VA. I believe you can still get IPS from NEC but you would have to shell out a lot more money for one of their models targeted at the professional graphics/medical crowd.

edit- the E248WFP is TN and the 2407WFP-HC is (and has always been) S-PVA. Anyone looking for an IPS panel (without shelling out way too much money) missed the boat a couple months ago when the NEC 20WMGX2 and the Dell 2007WFP were still in good supply.
Oops, cheers for correcting me I meant PVA has the centre problem! I'm looking for a 24" monitor, so is the 24" version of the NEC the same quality as the 20"? Also about the Dells, how about the E248WFP and the 2407WFP-HC, are they also IPS screens? I guess I'm looking for a IPS then, as although I'm fine with my current monitor which is a TN, a larger 24" screen would make me at more of an angle to the edges and cause a shift right? Which IPS screens do you guys have?

I have 2 NEC 20WGMX2's with AS-IPS. If your into games and photoshop then that's your best bet all around without spending a lot more. The Dell 24's are PVA. I havn't seen many 24's in person that I really liked. I would probably like the NEC but for over 1k cost I might just get a Dell 30" S-IPS instead. It's probably too big though. I like big displays but not to sit close to. The NEC is AS-SIPS and is 50% brighter than basic S-IPS and it's pretty fast for S-IPS. It will do movies and games but the still photos will look gorgeous is you have a half decent camera (say $200 or over and not 5 years old). I have the white and black NEC and like the white better - which is the ones still on Newegg. The NEC is a real tickler when you want to calibrate it. You can jigger it around many different ways and to close tolerances. You can make the thing really sing.
Which models are you referring to when you say "the NEC's"? If you're talking about the 20WMGX2 then that is the last of the affordable IPS panels and has been discontinued for some time now...the 20" GX replacement has a TN panel and I believe the 24" has some form of VA. I believe you can still get IPS from NEC but you would have to shell out a lot more money for one of their models targeted at the professional graphics/medical crowd.

edit- the E248WFP is TN and the 2407WFP-HC is (and has always been) S-PVA. Anyone looking for an IPS panel (without shelling out way too much money) missed the boat a couple months ago when the NEC 20WMGX2 and the Dell 2007WFP were still in good supply.

Are you saying the NEC 20WMGX2 now on sale is not IPS. Discontinued????????? Any comments.
Are you saying the NEC 20WMGX2 now on sale is not IPS. Discontinued????????? Any comments.
How did you get the 20WMGX2 is not IPS out of what I wrote?:confused: The 20WMGX2 is IPS....AS-IPS to be exact and it has been discontinued for months now and it seems Newegg is the only place (in the US that is) where you can still buy a new one...but only in white because the black ones seem to be sold out. The new NEC GX models are TN for the 20" and either TN or some form of VA for the 24".
How did you get the 20WMGX2 is not IPS out of what I wrote?:confused: The 20WMGX2 is IPS....AS-IPS to be exact and it has been discontinued for months now and it seems Newegg is the only place (in the US that is) where you can still buy a new one...but only in white because the black ones seem to be sold out. The new NEC GX models are TN for the 20" and either TN or some form of VA for the 24".

I am trying to decide between the Dell and NEC. I don't need the TV tuner and the white NEC will clash with the black system I have LOL. I think the NEC is a better deal but can't make up my mind. Thanks for your time.
Apart from the poor viewing angles/colour shifting at angles other than straight on (which wouldn't affect me too much since I usually use my monitor from straight on anyways) what disadvantages are there associated with TN panels? Do they generally have faster reaction times? What would you guys recommend for gamers, especially since I'm fine with my L90D+ (TN panel) monitor, I just want a larger screen.

Also, with S-PVA monitors, can you not just adjust the gamma or brightness to compensate for the colour problem when viewing them dead on?
It hard to adjust for dead spot in middle of some panel types because then the colors get skewed/ washed out - its like a slinky where one end is always dropping. Most TN's don't do colors that well and will use dithering. My TN next to my S-IPS shows a very noticable difference with calibration or not. The TN's can be faster but not by much these days if you shop right. If a person only has 200 or 250 there isn't a thing wrong with having a TN panel for gaming and general use. But if you like any "wow" factor with photos you take or view then the extra 150 is well worth it imo. I have had a AS-IPS a year now and I still get a kick out of it every day and its one buy that just never got "old" for me.
Just to add a bit to abcdelight's accurate explanation...

Apart from the poor viewing angles/colour shifting at angles other than straight on (which wouldn't affect me too much since I usually use my monitor from straight on anyways)

This is a common misconception. There is nowhere that you can sit to avoid color shifting. I'm sitting directly in front of my TN and the top of the monitor is clearly darker than the rest. My S-PVA always has a darker spot in the middle. Adjusting brightness does nothing for color uniformity. You are just making the dark spot less dark and the rest of the panel totally washed out.

If you set a screen saver up to display one solid color, it will look like a gradient on a non-IPS panel.
Hmm, I guess the colour shifting on a TN would affect larger displays (like 24" and above) more than my current monitor due to the width. So about VA panels, do MVAs exibit the same problems as PVAs (the crappy colours in the middle of the display)? Also I'm reading that VAs have low response time but higher input lag than other panels, so for both gaming and multimedia I guess I'm really only left with S-IPS, but is the lag that bad?

So looking for >= 23", staying completely awa from TNs and PVAs, and considering S-IPSs and MVAs (if they are better than PVAs) I've found:

Philips 230WP7NS (S-IPS) / Low Lag (25ms)
NEC 2490WUXi / 2690WUXi (S-IPS) (high lag/ghosting during gaming?)
Dell 3007WFP (S-IPS) (Price is putting me off however)

Are there any others that I should consider? The LGs colours look washed out on digitalversus :(