Connect LibreOffice Base w/ PostgreSQL


Loves the juice
Sep 25, 2002
I have a dedicated database server running PostgreSQL 9.3 on CentOS 6.4 Linux. The database server is fairly vanilla. Nothing crazy but a standard installation of the software on Linux with a few roles I've created.

I'm trying to have my LibreOffice Base application connect to PostgreSQL and I'm not sure what driver I need / must use. There SDBC / JDBC / ODBC drivers...all of them being unique and on top of that, I'm not sure where I need to install the drivers. Would I need to install them on my PostgreSQL server or on my local MacBook Pro running LibreOffice:Base 4.1.x?

Can anyone please help me sort this out?
The Macbook (or, more specifically, the running application) needs the connector drivers; though I would expect LibreOffice to include whatever connector drivers have tested fine with their software.

For the server, you just need to make sure the IP, ports, and protocols used by the connector are not blocked, and that the daemon/service is running.

Edit: The PostgreSQL section on can help you with the connection string options and syntax.
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Ah I see. Thank you for explaining this! Yes the database server is up and has standard ports and everything working / open. I think I need to understand the different kind of drivers and then how to add them to a connection string. I'll review the link you just posted.
I think I need to understand the different kind of drivers and then how to add them to a connection string. I'll review the link you just posted.
It's actually the opposite; the connection string would be passed into the connector objects. The connector object would determine/require a connection string format from the link I gave.
Can anyone please tell me what driver should be used for PostgreSQL? I see there are different kinds of drivers but no clear definition of which should be used when and which drivers are natively supported by the database server. So my database server is running 9.3 on Linux. I am using a MacBook with LibraOffice 4.1 which I want to use 'Base' app to connect into my PostgreSQL database. What driver would be recommended in this case? Seems fairly simple and vanilla configuration to me but not sure...


In reading more:

PostgreSQL-SDBC is bundled with LibreOffice 3.5 beta / release candidate builds on all platforms.

So that being said, looks like when I install LibreOffice 4.1.x, I'm already installing the extension / driver for SDBC, correct?
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