Connecticut - Trade in Violent Games/Media for $25


Jan 12, 2007
Apparently Connecticut has had it with violent video games.

"The group's action is not intended to be construed as statement declaring that violent video games were the cause of the shocking violence in Newtown on December 14th. Rather, SouthingtonSOS is saying is that there is ample evidence that violent video games, along with violent media of all kinds, including TV and Movies portraying story after story showing a continuous stream of violence and killing, has contributed to increasing aggressiveness, fear, anxiety and is desensitizing our children to acts of violence including bullying..."
Lol. Ok Connecticut. Totally not against violent video games or anything. Just kind of / sort of.

Why can't they put this logic on other parts of society? If 1-2% of people are affected by something, let's just ban the whole thing. Medication with side effects? Gone. TV, games cause seizures? Gone.

After thinking, CT is where Joe Lieberman resides. I haven't liked the guy since a long time ago when he pulled the "ban violent video games" crap in the early 90's. What a putz.

I can see letting kids play violent video games. But, even I (at 37 years old) get carded when buying an M rated game. I don't let me kids play until I play it first. I've played a few where I said "Fuck no." and they just don't play them. They do play some games that are a bit non age appropriate (CoD, etc.).

I grew up with Mortal Kombat, Night Trap, Leisure Suit Larry (take the condom off after you do the hooker, you'll get arrested otherwise!). I'm just fine, not violent (fairly passive, actually. Just fairly chill.).

I think it all comes down to parenting. But, since a lot of the liberals don't believe in parenting, they make the government take care of it so that no one can do their job as a parent. Just because they fail doesn't mean other parents are failing.
Haha, time to trade in your old worthless games/movies for $25/pop?

I was thinking that, too. Maybe hit Gamestop for some cheapo $5 games, then head over there and resell for $25! :D

Lemonjello, huh? I've known several people that use the same user name. Completely unrelated, too. Weird.
Rather, SouthingtonSOS is saying is that there is ample evidence that violent video games, along with violent media of all kinds, including TV and Movies portraying story after story showing a continuous stream of violence and killing, has contributed to increasing aggressiveness, fear, anxiety and is desensitizing our children to acts of violence including bullying. Social and political commentators, as well as elected officials including the president, are attributing violent crime to many factors including inadequate gun control laws, a culture of violence and a recreational culture of violence."

Too bad that is factually inaccurate. Intentional lie, or ignorance?

I'd be down to ship them some old games and media that I don't want anymore for the cash, though.
The Nazi party tried the same thing with books. Look how that turned out :rolleyes:

Let's blame the content and not the mentality disturbed fuck head who murdered the children.

More sound decisions in an already awful situation..
Wow. I can't read the IGN article at work unfortunately; does this have to be in person? I think I'll ship out almost every DVD I own to them for $25!
The Nazi party tried the same thing with books. Look how that turned out :rolleyes:

Let's blame the content and not the mentality disturbed fuck head who murdered the children.

More sound decisions in an already awful situation..

Well, they aren't forcing anyone to do anything, at least.
Just read the press release. It's a $25 gift certificate from a local business donated by the Chamber of Commerce.
Well, they aren't forcing anyone to do anything, at least.

True. But this kind of encouragement is extremely dangerous. It basically "OK's" this kind of behavior which won't bring back any of the children slain and it blames something that has been proven time and time again through academic study and other forms of logical study not to be the cause.

The real issue is parents need to not be afraid to get there children help if they notice the kinds of issues the parent did in this boy responsible for this. And of course readily available high powered assault rifles and gigantic capacity mags in some states with barely any process involve in purchasing them.

But yea lets keep burning games , DVD's and anything that has violent content. That'll solve the problem.

I'll never support any form of censorship personally even if it means protecting something I don't agree with.
I'll never support any form of censorship personally even if it means protecting something I don't agree with.

Child porn? Not trolling, just trying to establish that there is in fact a legitimate use for [limited] censorship.
child porn should not be around? so ur ok with child porn as long as its censored?

Wow, way to twist that around? No, of course that's not what I said. But it is produced nontheless, and thus any content that has been produced should be censored.
Child porn? Not trolling, just trying to establish that there is in fact a legitimate use for [limited] censorship.

Child porn is illegal. Its not a matter of censorship , that's a matter of legality. There is a clear and distinct difference...

I'm talking about censoring legal forms of entertainment. I didn't believe I had to state that but there you go.
Since these guys are surely as stupid as the law they created it is going to be funny how much money they lose as people start racking up hundreds of dollars turning in old useless games, scratched discs, games that activated on steam / whatever and dont need a disc.
Child porn is illegal. Its not a matter of censorship , that's a matter of legality. There is a clear and distinct difference...

I'm talking about censoring legal forms of entertainment. I didn't believe I had to state that but there you go.

Censoring and illegality are essentially the same.

If you are censoring a "legal form of entertainment" you are making it illegal to distribute, thus it is no longer a legal form of entertainment.

For instance, if violent books are censored, then distributing (and perhaps even writing) violent books is now illegal.
I am currently ashamed to admit that I live in the Town of Southington where this is taking place.

I'll probably head down there on the 12th to see exactly how it goes though. Hell, maybe even bring one or two of my GFs Twilight DVDs to see if they'll accept them.
Are these plain old local chamber of commerce gift certificates?

If so, those things can typically be used at any business that is a member of the COC, including those that sell violent video games, music, and movies. This could end up the best trade in opportunity I have seen in a long time. Where I live the local Staples, Walmart, and Hastings are all members of the COC, and would accept their gift certificates.
I was thinking that, too. Maybe hit Gamestop for some cheapo $5 games, then head over there and resell for $25! :D

Lemonjello, huh? I've known several people that use the same user name. Completely unrelated, too. Weird.
Ive never met one, did see an Oranjello though.
Its a good solid name ;-)
Would be willing to toss up some old/junk games for $25, a mostly free meal for throwing something away does sound pretty nice.
Censoring and illegality are essentially the same.

That is entirely and speaking academically , totally opinion related. But since I stated my opinion and thus my intent , any other counter argument is irrelevant since my opinion is only what I've offered.
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Used to live In Washington, Connecticut growing up love CT all yr long.....The problem is ive been playing games since 1982 ( apple 2 E clone) Castle Smurfenstien, Hard hat mack and many other games i cant remeber any more. Im 42 and a HARDCORE G4m3r till this day. I pwn with teh best and worst on hl2, tf2, tfc, ff,DOD Etc.......Never in my 42 yrs alive have i ever blamed games or other people for video games. If you going to do anything blame the people for teaching other ppl for using and learning about guns, the military, your neighbors,friends,sons,daughters,cousin,great grand parents, and GOD for giving US all as Humans a soul and a brain to defend and protect ourselves and to eat of the land however we can to live and survive. We The People Must stop the voilence i agree by putting those people to death aka cutting there heads off is the best solution, the punishement doesnt fit the crime. Anyone up for some TFC?
Too bad can't ship games to them... got a copy of Brink, Frontlines: Fuel of War and Farcry 2 I'd like to send them. :)
Wish I could trade a bible in.

Great idea for a video game. The battles of the bible done in a StarWars Battlefront sort of game. An MMO based on the Exodus. There is all nature of sex, violence, and political intrigue there to exploit. The hilarious part is that one need only tell it like it is. No need to spruce it up. I mean, how can you really spruce up an inverted crucifixion, or the rape and pillaging of an entire city followed by razing it to the ground?

For the sequel we can do the Koran.:D
Since Doom came out, the homicide rate in the US has fallen.

Must be because all the killers are inside playing Doom and haven't gone outside in 20 years. Every once in a while one of them does, and you see some killings, but usually it's when the store runs out of Mt. Dew, Cheetos or Twinkies. Sadly, the media uses Doom as an example a lot more than they should. There have been a lot more violent (and realistic human on human) example, but Doom always seems to get the mention.

It's never a persons fault (they are always the victim somehow), it's always an object or the media (except the news, they never show any violence). I don't understand that way of thinking to put the blame somewhere else. I'm sure games can help nurture violence in already violent children. Sure, you don't want to offend or hurt the feelings of the kid that gets violent outbursts, but at some point, he has to take responsibility for being an asshole.

Putting the blame on video games (or books or movies or music, as has been done in the past) is stupid. Having a massive non-Nazi book burning... I mean a massive video game burning is even more stupid. I'm surprised adults are cool with this. Really, I am. This is just way out in retard left field.

At least it's optional (worth it moneywise. Better than Gamestop!). It might be a huge success just because of that. I've got some old games that are worth $5. But, if I could get $25, I would. Hell yea, I would! That's where the people are coming from, not because they want to get rid of violent video games. The $25 will be spent on more games. Probably Sleeping Dogs or something of that kind.