Connecting my iPod restarts windows.

Silent Assasin

Aug 1, 2004
Um, so I've searched for the last 20 minutes and can't find anything at all online about this....

So, I used to have this 3rd gen 10gb iPod. I synced it with my computer everyday. When the Nano's came out, I bought one and threw my 10gig in the drawer and never used it again. But recently my Nano was stolen when my friends house was broken into. So last week I reinstalled my firewire pci card, because the 3rd gen can't use USB. So, I plug in my iPod (same computer that I used before, and with the Nano). I never have used iTunes, so I loaded up Winamp and connect the pod. It took several attempts for the computer to even realize that there was an external device attatched, then it would disconnect, I then realized that the iPod needed at least a little bit of a charge to first connect. So, finally I got Winamp to recognize it. There was about 2gigs left of space on it, so I just added a couple cd's that I wanted for the road trip, cuz I was in a hurry to leave. It went fine, I left all the old music on it. A couple days later, I went to clear the entire ipod and put a ton of new songs on it. So I cleared the list and when I tried adding more songs, it got stuck after the first couple hundred and wouldn't move. Then randomly, my computer restarts. I disconnected the ipod before it went into the DSKCHK or whatever, and the "Do not disconnect" sybol wouldn't go away, so I reset it by holding play and menu at the same time... Comes back on, I chose the language and then there was nothing on the ipod, even after waiting 10 mins for it to transfer.

So I reconnected it, opened up Winamp and a couple seconds later, my comp reboots.... Now, I can't get it to connect without rebooting my comp...

Also: I would of tried using iTunes, but the iTunes 7 installer is something like 34mb??? And I'm getting a crappy download rate from Apple.
Silent Assasin said:
Um, so I've searched for the last 20 minutes and can't find anything at all online about this....


Also: I would of tried using iTunes, but the iTunes 7 installer is something like 34mb??? And I'm getting a crappy download rate from Apple.

I don't know anything about that iPod issue, but are you on 56k or something? Because I got iTunes 7 at over a meg a second from apple on pc and through os x's software udpate.
Eh, I guess it doesn't matter what programs are opened, just the simply fact of connecting it, will crash my computer within 30 seconds.

The iPod says it's connected yet no program, nor My Computer can view it.....

I'm possibly starting to think try to write zeros with ghost, and restart from scratch?