Conroe @ 4.0 Ghz (Both Cores enabled)


Limp Gawd
Mar 30, 2006
All credit to coolaler

Amazing, go Conroe and Core Architecture!

12.6s in SuperPI is definitely impressive.
Yeah, that Conroe starts to look nothing less than amazing and seems to be a heck of an overclocker to sport.

Will be very interesting to see the production versions and how much it would cost to upgrade to a Conroe system.
The future looks very interesting indeed.
Core Architecture = what Intel should have done since the Pentium 3 to begin with. That said, kudos to Intel!
wow, those are some impressive numbers, i am really starting to think that the new rig i build in january will be based around a conroe CPU

I <3 Amd, but with numers like this I am ready to jumpship ;)
Amazing results!
Could you also publish your CPU validation ID(CPU-Z ->about ->validation)?

Hmm this irks me. My cpu seems to like staying at 46 second for 1m super pi no matter what. I guess thats a limitation of the 805 or something. Perhaps I should get that instead...

-_- least my opty 146 hit 35 seconds when my board still worked...
46 seconds on an 805 even after OC?
And 42 sounds slow for a 940 (stock) also. My 950 @ 3.7 does 29s

Anyway 12s on conroe :), just amazing. Cant wait for one.
What memory will do that.....those timings are awesome.
I want some

liquid nitrogen/dry ice?

from what ive seen, most of these samples get fairly close to 3ghz on air?
Obi_Kwiet said:
Well, these are engineering samples. Those always get crazy high clocks.

On the contrary... It's been proven time and time again, as a given processor manufacture technique matures and yields become better (read CPU Stepping), they also experience a much better overclocking potential. So to be fair, all these early Conroe ES samples are just a good preview of what is coming our way, but by no means is a final word on how high these CPU's will eventually go... :eek: ;)

Any word on when they are comming out? and how much they'll retail for?

Awesome, I wish I could afford it. The only thing I'll be upgrading in January is my video card for Windows Vista and DX10.

What's the cooling on that thing?
best i have done with my pentium m is 23sec and thats pushing it. NICE OP
HOLY shit I viewed that thread like a week or so ago and thought that was the highest he was going to go (since he couldnt adjust vcore) OMG
I think we will need a new benchmark pretty soon-- The Conroe just stomped the SuperPi.