Conroe + RMClock or other Clockspeed utility


Limp Gawd
Nov 28, 2004

At the moment I have a 3000+ at 2365mhz, which is the highest speed the chip can do. I use RMClock to adjust the clock speed in windows to keep power consumption and heat to super-minimum when not gaming.

EG, I select Balanced performance for day to day windows use and it functions much like Cool n Quiet, scaling the multiplier between 4x and 9x and scaling the voltage aswell.

I select Minimum performance if leaving the PC on all night, 4x multiplier and 1.00volts. All the temperature controlled fans pretty much stop, no heat and no noise.

For gaming I use the maximum performance option, which locks the multiplier at 9x and the voltage at whatever it is that I've selected in BIOS. This avoids the nasty stutters that the multi changes can otherwise cause.

I know that RMClock isn't this functional with Intel CPUs, but does it have anything even nearly as good when used with an E6400 on a DS3 ? I know that intel has a tech that drops the multi by one or two and makes a slight voltage decrease, but is it as good as the A64 ?

I know that 6x is the lowest it can possibly drop the multi for an E6400, no matter what, but hey, I'd be much happier with a 25% clock decrease at idle than a 0% clock decrease at idle.

Thanks for any info
crystalcpuid will do that stuff for you. i think you can set it up to lower vcore also. i dont remember exactly how enhanced speedstep works, i dont use it, but i am pretty sure it works the same, dropping multis.