Considering the Dell 3007


Nov 30, 2004
I created a thread during the forum maintenance which is now gone, I just wanted to follow it up.

I'm considering the Dell 3007 and was wondering what alternatives people know about certainly in the same price range. It sounds like an awesome screen but dual linked DVI problem not being able to do HDCP is kind of worrying. On this matter what would happen if you were to replace the dual linked cable with a normal DVI one, and simply ran the desktop in 1920x1200, I hear the monitor wont scale to that itself but I also hear the Nvidia driver scales well for at least games, so surely the desktop too?

What is the scaling like on the 3007, is the picture quality effected much? I might end up running my games in 1920x1200 or maybe even lower when games like Crysis are out, I'm running a 8800GTX OC which is further overclocked past factory, a E6600 @3.0Ghz and 4Gb of RAM

What about this Dell panel lottery I hear about from time to time, does that effect the 3007 monitors? I hear this basically means some panels aren't S-IPS, is that correct?

Any other advice before buying, I'm in the UK so the prices can be a lot different (primarily higher :() and I need to be able to order online and have delivery to uk, so no US shops please :p
With SL-DVI resolution is limited to only 1280x800.. to run at 1920x1200 res. you would need the DL-DVI cable.. Nvidia GPU is outputing a full 2560x1600 res pic @60Hz but scaled to 1920x1200 res.. To the monitor it is as if it is receiving the full native pixel resolution. The monitor has no scaler and thus only able to display 2 resolution 1280x800 and 2560x1600..

3007WFP HC/non-HC for the moment have been always S-IPS panels..
Can someone confirm that no additional resolutions between 1280x800 and 2560x1600 are possible with the Nvidia drivers, I'm sure that I read you are able to play games and the drivers will scale a 1920x1200 image to fit the whole screen?
additional resolutions are possible...but are scalled to 2560x1600.. To the OS/desktop/games is at whatever resolution you set at... to the monitor is at 2560x1600@60Hz
I'm also considering a 3007 - to be clear, it's the current generation of graphics cards that don't support HDCP over DL-DVI and not a problem with the monitor, right? Like down the road it should do HDCP properly correct?
I just got a 3007wfp-hc a week ago, and I can say that you won't want to scale it to 1920x1200 or any other non-native resolution. Looks terrible.

I plan on writing a full review within the next couple of days, but I can say in summary that it is nice but I have been underwhelmed with many aspects of it (audible buzz, viewing angles, color in games after calibration, heat). The Westy that I had previously was better in virtually every regard. Wish I hadn't sold it...
