Considering upgrade from Sparkle Calibre GTX580 to 680...worth it?


Apr 16, 2001
I've currently got a Sparkle Calibre GTX580 in my system, and I have to say I really like the card. However, Sparkle cards in general, and the Calibre line in particular, are somewhat difficult to find in the US, more often than not.

I'm probably not going to upgrade my graphics card for another 2-3 years. And I'm wondering whether or not the 580 I've got will continue playing everything at max with 100-200fps over that period (I primarily play FPSes).

I can buy a Sparkle Calibre GTX680 for about 10% below what it's been going for, and I have the money. What I don't have is the burning need to upgrade right this second. I do like the much higher texel fill rate and the much lower power consumption.

So I'm wondering if I should go ahead and buy now, or wait for the next gen or two of nVidia cards to come out.
Since the ps4 will probably debut this fall/winter, new games will get a minimum requirements bump and the pc platform will follow. So its going to be hard to forecast 2-3 yrs ahead. And buying for the future is somewhat chancy anyway.

I wouldn't advise upgrading now for the performance increase unless you really hate the high power consumption at load.
Well most i can think is your card is still a kicking card... But not for 2 or 3 years... Remember that at the end of this year start the next gen consoles, so soon we will have much more demanding games in i think 1 year... So for now if your card is working fine and doing the job nice, keep your card and wait to the next year to the Nvidia 700series.. Keeping in mind this i have ordered another 660ti ftw signature 2 (the 600 series equivalent to a 580) to make a SLI configuration and be sure to have enough power to the next years...