Console Gaming vs PC Gaming

Blinkme323 said:
Halo 2
Zelda WW and the new one coming out
Metroid Prime 1+2God of War
Jade Empire

The games that aren't console specific like GTA get ported to the PC way after their release which aren't usually as good anyway. There are a lot mor games that I can't think of right now too. This isn't a well thought out post and I didn't intend to turn this into a pathetic rant, but I just rambled on. Regardless, does anybody agree with me?

I think these games represent perfectly why I don´t play console games because all of these except Zelda and perhaps Jade Empire which I don´t know about would be better on PC.

MGS 3 you just can´t beat mouse and keyboard
GT 4 Looks good for being console yes but it´s dumbed down and arcadey and no real challenge. GT 4 would be named GTR if it would have been developed for PC that is a real racing sim.
Resident Evil 4. Well this may be just as good on N64 if you are of the idea that bad controls is good for horror games like Resident Evil and Silent Hill. However from what I have read about it it´s more action oriented than previous titles so I do have my doubts.
Halo 2 well it´s the sequel to the very uninspired HALO which again is miles and miles behind other fps games.

So you may save money in hardware but will pay the price in dumbed down games. Much because of the lack of controls and less CPU power. However this will probably be fixed with the next gen. If they will implement full USB 2.0 support it would really make them a much more viable option IF game developers start to port PC games to consoles without dumbing them down to make it easier to play.

But again consoles or PC depends on who you are. If you are an arcade gamer you will do perfectly fine on consoles. If you want more sim oriented games or faster paced action games or generally games that acquire precision get an expensive PC gaming rig.

I will list some things what make PC superior.

Stereo3d gaming
Better wheels and better force feedback support
More intelligent games aimed for an older audience.
Better visuals if you are prepared to pay for it
Games though of less quantity but offer more quality. Don´t know if this is just because the younger age group playing consoles or that since the big money is on consoles the less capable game developers find it easier to develope for consoles instead of PC. And those who develope high quality games like Konami, Sony, Nintendo and others make like platform games or Zelda IX, or Super mario XVI or fighting games I don´t care about anyway. And otherwise with good games like Metroids Prime and RES 4 they are crippled by the format.

But to tell the truth if I would get a console I would try to get games similar to those I play on pc so not much use for me buying a console really. Even if I could hook up an Xbox 2 or PS 3 to my 22" Diamondtron monitor and all my pheripherals. Games will have to change to make use of that or else it won´t be for me anyway.
I sold my xbox to buy parts so I could build a PC :D

PC games are a lot better, more in-depth, and generally more complicated. Not to mention most have multiplayed that you don't have to pay for or upgrade for. Plus, I'm a big shooter fan, and nothing is better for shooters than a mouse/keyboard and all the control it affords. That being said, I'd still play FF or Zelda games, if I could.
I also have played since the Atari 2600...actually there was a system out prior to that, that I can't think of the name. I was always a console player and promised I would never bother with a PC. About the same time the XBOX came out I decided to build my 1st PC. Just last year I decided to sell off most of my consoles and games. You can only have so much fun with consoles since they lack in the online features. Also you need to have another person to play on consoles to enjoy more...but you can have only 2, 4 and even 8-16 players.......not many games have that feature. These days PC games feature several online features. Also, look at what the XBOX, Gamecube, Dreamcast, ect.. has in it. The video cards aren't really much of anything. You buy a computer and top it off with some quility parts and no console out there can touch it. This is coming from a previos serious console player. Nothing compares to my PC and the graphics are sweet. I also think the game industry is getting cheap. I don't think the consoles are using the full potential of there rigs,,,in the graphics dept. A lot of games for PS2, XBOX....ect look like crap. I think some look worse than games on the 64 and even the Super Nintento. I figured a serious past time console player would throw his 2 cents in.
I have to pick PC over consoles........but I would agree that consoles do have SOME, but not many, that look excellent. Such as the new Zelda game coming for Gamecube ( only reason why I'm hanging onto my Gamecube) and so forth. Who knows what the future holds but back in the day I thought games on the Nintendo were freaking you can see, the gaming industry has only scratched the surface with what they can really do....or maybe they can do more but just slowly want to make some money before they let out their top notch technology. OK, I'm done.
Fun4life said:
I also have played since the Atari 2600...actually there was a system out prior to that, that I can't think of the name. I was always a console player and promised I would never bother with a PC. About the same time the XBOX came out I decided to build my 1st PC. Just last year I decided to sell off most of my consoles and games. You can only have so much fun with consoles since they lack in the online features. Also you need to have another person to play on consoles to enjoy more...but you can have only 2, 4 and even 8-16 players.......not many games have that feature. These days PC games feature several online features. Also, look at what the XBOX, Gamecube, Dreamcast, ect.. has in it. The video cards aren't really much of anything. You buy a computer and top it off with some quility parts and no console out there can touch it. This is coming from a previos serious console player. Nothing compares to my PC and the graphics are sweet. I also think the game industry is getting cheap. I don't think the consoles are using the full potential of there rigs,,,in the graphics dept. A lot of games for PS2, XBOX....ect look like crap. I think some look worse than games on the 64 and even the Super Nintento. I figured a serious past time console player would throw his 2 cents in.
I have to pick PC over consoles........but I would agree that consoles do have SOME, but not many, that look excellent. Such as the new Zelda game coming for Gamecube ( only reason why I'm hanging onto my Gamecube) and so forth. Who knows what the future holds but back in the day I thought games on the Nintendo were freaking you can see, the gaming industry has only scratched the surface with what they can really do....or maybe they can do more but just slowly want to make some money before they let out their top notch technology. OK, I'm done.

I pretty much always gamed on console in my early days cause we were too poor to afford a computer.. anyway... i think a mix of both is best.. that's my 2 cents..
I prefer PC gaming over console simply because the games are written on a Pc to begin with, then translated to a console, monitors have better resolution than a TV, and there are simply more features with gaming on a Pc, than with many of the console systems currently out there.

Also, there are some games that I've seen for one platform, that you can't get on another platform, yet those games are all mostly available on the Pc platform. Ie X-Box games that you can't find for the Playstation you can find both for a Pc and vice versa.
i like having control over my PC, even if it is a hassle sometimes.
i also do alot more than just game, so a PC is a must
I recently purchased a gamecube over ebay and bought metroid prime. And I have to say, console games such as Halo, Halo 2, and Metroid Prime have infinitely better plot lines, and as such are much more engrossing then any of the recent PC FPS's. Sure I can run around dark hallways, or blow away some combine soldiers, but both of those PC games have mediocre plots, at best.

Half-Life 1 had a great plot, which was better then most console games at the time, but there is an ever increasing trend in the PC gaming market, which focuses primarily on graphics, and the plot often seams to be an after-thought at best.

IMO some of the console shooters, blow away there PC counter parts. With the HDTV capabilities of the upcoming consoles, PC gaming may continue to sink, in my book anyway.

If the fact that I haven't touched WoW in almost a week, because I have been playing Metroid does not speak volumes, especially to fellow WoW addicts, I don't know what does. This may have to do with growing up playing the Metroid games. I still get that sense of nostalgia when I get to a boss in Metroid Prime, and I hear that same boss music.

And for everyone who drops the resolution card, when is the last time you sat, with your face two feet away from your TV?, as you do with your monitor.
bonkrowave said:
And for everyone who drops the resolution card, when is the last time you sat, with your face two feet away from your TV?, as you do with your monitor.

i dont, but when i play PS/2 GTA4:SA at a friends house, I cant read/see the map because its too blurry....from low rez I assume. no matter where i sit.
Both have their strong points. When I have friends over (When not lanning), I find it easier to just to play multiplayer console games. As for other games, I have both a Gamecube and PlayStation 2 and have just about all the good games for both systems. Most of them look like ass on my HDTV Plamsa, except the ones that support progressive scan as do most of my Gamecube titles. Even those do not look so good. I guess I have been spoiled by HL2 and CS:S at 1900*1200 with max detail on my Dell 2405 LCD. PC FPS's are much better, most notably the graphics and control. It is nice to sitting at my desk working, and then to click over to CS:S for a quick round or so. There are also lots of SDK's to develop mods for PC games. I spend most of my gaming time on my PC, thanks to HL2 & CS:S.
I play at approximately 10' from my screen, for pc or xbox since it's 92". Well I guess the back row of seats is about 14'

/edit: that was a response to bonkrowave....
Three words - World of Warcraft

Plus the family can watch whatever they want on the htpc while I am gaming.

Do you know how exiting it is to sit around and watch someone else play games? It's not.

Plus I have a decent secondary computer (my old one), so my sister in law can come over and play hl2 while I play WoW. Or the wife can surf the net/work whatever.

As far as time/simplicity, I can put the kids to bed, double click the WoW icon, and play to my hearts content. I do have a fairly decent system (see sig), but I don't have it massively tweaked or majorly oc'd, and I don't run the latest drivers, or have any fancy scripts to launch the game. Just set it to 1280x1024 all options on and play.
I just don't feel like reading all of this, just throwing in my thoughts :)

I think it's ideal to have both if your a hardcore gamer. I'm hardcore but not [H]ardcore meaning I game alot, but I don't have time to game on console and pc right now so I focus on PC. Plus researching what games are coming out for console is a lot more work since so many games do come out for consoles.

But I love console gaming.
bonkrowave said:
And for everyone who drops the resolution card, when is the last time you sat, with your face two feet away from your TV?, as you do with your monitor.

I know one thing, when I'm playing on my Xbox I can't sit farther than about 4' from the TV otherwise I can't see shit captain. Yes, this is WITH my glasses and my 27" TV. No I won't buy another TV cuz TV sucks, the only reason I have a TV set at all is for my DVD Player and Xbox.
Mr_Evil said:
I know one thing, when I'm playing on my Xbox I can't sit farther than about 4' from the TV otherwise I can't see shit captain. Yes, this is WITH my glasses and my 27" TV. No I won't buy another TV cuz TV sucks, the only reason I have a TV set at all is for my DVD Player and Xbox.

I play both XBOX and Gamecube on my 27", and I sit at least 10 feet back. I can read everything just fine. Perhaps some new eyes are in order ?
I like both, but like somone else said I think FPS's are better on PC (except Halo 2 is my favorite game) and I can do more then gaming with my PC.
I like games period. PC, console whatever. It's all about a good time. I'll drop $2500 on a sweet PC just as quick as I'll buy a crapload of console games. A game looking good is actually third or second for me, I'm playing the hell out of FF1&2 on my DS, and Brothers in Arms is still in the box, un-opened on my desk. My PSP is collecting dust because there aren't any RPG's or action games out yet, I think my wife plays it actually.

Saying controls are "dumbed down" for consoles is not even a valid point. :rolleyes:. It should be: Are you a gamer? Or a platform phan boi/girl?.

Actually, I should say I love games. Got rid of two girlfriends because of it.
I use both. There are so many good games that only came out on consoles. I use my pc to emulate my old games(gotta love the usb nes controller) and to play games like css. I'll tell you I bought Splinter Cell Chaos Theory for the pc after playing through the first 2 on the xbox and think the xbox controller was better for everything but the shoot outs(which there are not that many of). I think back to some sweet oldschool games like nights, mario, sonic, virtual on, diehard arcade, fighters megamix, sega rally, and others. I still play a lot of these games. On the pc you have the online rpgs, the first person shooters(I just can't get into them on the console), muds(hey I've been at this a long time) and others. For some people the choice comes down to what they play, others it is price related. I think most people can find that they enjoy games on both pcs and consoles if they can pull there head out of there ass long enough to enjoy either.
I bought a playstation for one thing ff tactics. It was a blast.
BUT I have always had a computer since the atari 800 first came out, then 64, amiga, pc
I like the mouse/keyboard more than anything on consoles.

one thing I have always disliked 3rd person to me in any game.
and reading camera angle got me killed or some such in almost every game does not make me want to use it either.

some have said how consoles do better in racing games, why is that?
does pc try to be TOOOO realistic and loose the fun of the game?

yes driving, flying, shooting....ITS A GAME don't go posting about your experience
with nascar or flight sim....
you aint going to drive the 500 or fly a 747 no matter how good you get on your pc LOL

I will always play on my pc but at the same time I don't hate the people who play console, althought I do wish everyone used ONLY a pc to keep the money and development in one type of machine.

Just my 2 cents (ok what I have left over after my last upgrade)

I'll agree with the above. I don't really care abot the platform as long as it has the games i want. I play my GBA more than anything, even my pc. Why? Conveience mostly, but the games are just damn fun, yes even the pokemon ones can be fun, they just get a bad rep among general gamers. I sit and play my pc games as time allows quite a bit though and play plenty of ps2 and xbox as well.
You're asking the konsole kiddies to raise their hands on PC forum. You lost before you ever posted...

My opinion:
I prefer PC for games CS, CS:S, Empire Earth. I have to have a mouse and keyboard. Plus the multiplayer on PC is still superior to that of consoles.

My XBox gets played more by my kids. I do like the racing games though, and the SSX and Tony Hawk series.
Consoles have their strong points, but I believe PC's are better. Here are my reasons.

Advantages of PC--

Better Graphics- The Latest graphics technology from ATI and Nvidia always comes here first. Smooth frame rates at non-interlaced resolutions up to 1600x1200 with AA and Aniso.

Better Sound - 24bit/192khz Sound Cards from Creative Labs and M-Audio bust whatever the consoles are offering.

Better Loading Times- Playing games from an HDD with with fast DDR and DDR2 RAM instead of a CD or DVD guarantees faster loading times.

No Memory Cards- Just save the game to your HDD. Don't need to worry about losing your memory card.

Customize your experience - mods, hardware upgrades, system tuning, variety of mice, steering wheels, other game control devices, and other features to customize your gaming experience.

Online Play- online play is getting better with consoles, but it's still no comparison to the PC.

Internet- If I'm stuck in a game I use the internet to look for tips. The internet is easier to browse with a keyboard and mouse than with a game pad.

Disadvantages of PC--

Bugs- PC game publishers more often put out products before they are ready. They release patches that fix the problem months after the game is released.

Cheating- PC gamers are very innovative at finding new ways to cheat during online play. Which can ruin the experience for everybody.

Instability- A computer is a lot more complicated machine than a console. Computers usually lack the stability of console system. Crashes, viruses, hardware incompatibility, driver incompatiblity, software conflicts, and other problems can cause more headaches than a console that is simply built to play games.

Open Format: Developers can have more problems writing software for a format that is not proprietary. But its also a good thing too. Since most developers who would attempt to work on a PC would be individuals who are truly talented and dedicated to making good games.

Advantages of a Console--

More Games: Consoles have more games, whether the quality of the games matches that of the PC is up to debate.

Easier for Children: If kids are playing games, consoles are easier for them since all they have to do turn it on and play.

Easier for Devolpers to code: Since the format is proprietary, developers don't have to worry about writing code for different hardware, hardware combinations, or dealing with with other problems when coding with a PC. This is part of the reason why more games are coded for consoles.

See Disadvantages of a PC above:

Disadvantages of a Console--

Limited Capability: Great for playing games. Useless for anything else. Sure it can play DVD's, but there are better standalone players. You can also surf the internet, but a game pad is useless for this task.

Proprietary Equipment: Ugrading hardware and improving performance is not in the cards. Consoles will always be limited with what they have.

See Advantages of a PC above:

I see more advantages for playing with a PC versus a console.

Just my 2 cents.
PC for MMORPG's, Demos and all around MASSIVELY multiple remote player games, including large FPS MMO get togethers.

Console for FPS, limited interactivity games and scripted adventuring.

It's hard to have an open story line or strategyt with the limited amount of resource space on a console.

It's hard to test for decent playability on a PC environment with so many different hardware options available.

Basically, it comes down to what your playing. More options and upgrade paths for PC, better short term gaming experience from a console.

Please don't try to tell me that EQOA was anything resembling an MMORPG. It's like saying Britney is a Shakespearean Actress.
/off topic

Sorry to post something off topic .... but how do you think the market for consoles and PC's would be effected by a console that you could upgrade? Im thinking about a limited upgrade, like what if you could replace your videocard in your console ? Kinda like you could add more RAM in the old SNES.

/on topic
Actaully gaming on PC and consoles are the same. It's like driving down the same road over and over, but every once in a while, you get a new and faster car... to drive down that same road you've been driving down for years... over and over and over.

PC has all that power and ability, but all we see are MMORPG stealing ideas from MUDS. FPS after FPS that get tired and lame after a while. Consoles are franchise whores (PC's too..).
Lamont said:
Actaully gaming on PC and consoles are the same. It's like driving down the same road over and over, but every once in a while, you get a new and faster car... to drive down that same road you've been driving down for years... over and over and over.

Exactly, and we buy in and buy both because we LIKE it!!!
bonkrowave said:
/off topic

Sorry to post something off topic .... but how do you think the market for consoles and PC's would be effected by a console that you could upgrade? Im thinking about a limited upgrade, like what if you could replace your videocard in your console ? Kinda like you could add more RAM in the old SNES.

/on topic

Not at all. Almost no one would buy the upgrades, almost no developer would truly take advantage of them, and it'd be just like a normal console.
PC games seem geared toward smarter people.
I did just buy another PS2 (this is my 4th one I've owned since 01) so I could play GT4.
kleptik said:
Yeah, I do that, but if it's a game I REALLY want and it's bargain bin, I'll buy it since sooner or later I know I'll upgrade.
by the time a game is in the bargain bin, you should be able to play it with even quite old hardware most of the time :)
WS6 said:
PC games seem geared toward smarter people.
I did just buy another PS2 (this is my 4th one I've owned since 01) so I could play GT4.
i just like this statement because he says that PC games are for smarter people then states that he bought 4 PS2s. Heh. Self-deprecating to say the least ;)
My vote would be PC, but it really depends on what you like to do. If you want to get some of your friends together for some side by side Madden action, a console setup is the only way to go. On the other hand, I like to multitask, such as surfing the net, IM, email, work, and game at the same time. I also like the broader control options for a PC. I currently run keyboard, mouse, nostromo n52, and ironically a usb to PS adapter for things like Tony Hawk and driving games.
the only reason to get a console is to play multiplayer games where everyone is in the same room.
I just have to say:

My PC wiener is way bigger than your console wiener! The hugest!! :p

No but seriously, both PCs and consoles suck. Chess is the bestest ;)
bonkrowave said:
/off topic

Sorry to post something off topic .... but how do you think the market for consoles and PC's would be effected by a console that you could upgrade? Im thinking about a limited upgrade, like what if you could replace your videocard in your console ? Kinda like you could add more RAM in the old SNES.

/on topic

It would make it a lot harder on the dev's to make console games that take advantage of multiple cards, and would most likely detract from the visual quality of the game. It would be neat though. The upgrading cards would have to be VERY much like the originals in the consoles.
They all have thier place... in my home!! :D

I play all types of games.

PC is best for strategy, MMO (EQ2, WoW), FPS(HL2, CS:S), RTS(WC3, Warlords BC3, Rome:TW)

Consoles are best for Multiplayer with the person next to you (Soulcaliber2, SSX, Halo), Adventure games (Zelda, FF's, Xenosaga), and Racing (Ya I tried to race on the PC.. they're getting better)

Something they both seem to play well these days, like the Metal Gears and Splinter cells, Racing to some respect.

Someday they'll meet I'm sure.. As is obvious below I'm combining all of my outputs, (video, audio) so I can more cost effectively share the quality. Consoles themselves aren't THAT much... the games seem about the same price for PC vs. Console so you just need to worry about how many good games get generated... why do they come in waves....