'Console Obituaries Are Premature' Says New Report

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Analyst are saying that "console obituaries are premature." What evidence are they basing this statement on? Who cares, professional guessers don't need stuff like proof. Duh. ;)

"Console obituaries are premature," noted analyst Eric Smith of disc-based game sales. "We anticipate a large and sustainable market globally for some years yet, particularly in North America and Western Europe where they remain the bedrock of games spending."
For now , yes. 7-10 years from now? Different story. I personally believe this is probably the last console generation as first party exclusives are less and less frequent. Mobile platforms are really where its at concerning what consoles use to be.

If you had asked me when I was 12 years old if I wanted a SNES/Playstation that I could put in my pocket I wouldn't have hesitated at all. Now that dream is being realized. PC gaming is stronger than ever despite all the doom and gloom from moron "analysts". I think what we now consider consoles will be morphed into a more central platform and cloud gaming will be the norm. Being able to sell a system without having to absorb the hardware expenses of a console launch? Yea..
This console generation is far from dead, but it won't be anything like the 360 or PS3. The PC is a real threat to their sales. That and the lack of backwards compatibility and new killer titles. By going x86 this generation, it's easy to compare them to PCs. For nearly equal amounts of money, you could easily buy a PC with equal or better specs.

The real stab in the back is going to be SteamBox. That's nearly around the corner. It's a bonus to PC gaming, and a minus to console gaming.
As a PC gamer I hope this gen does very well. More game sales is good for pc gaming and ports will be easier and cheaper than ever this gen.
I think they're reacting to the increase of availability of new releases as digital downloads on both consoles on Day 1. I think it's great that we're getting expanded digital libraries so we can still purchase games either no longer being pressed or stocked in the future. But if I'm going to be spending the same amount of money on a digital version or more, I'd rather have a physical copy with the box art and the disc that I can use at any time. I'm starting to feel this way about PC games more and more, as well. It's something about having that kinesthetic relationship with the goods you own. I actually have also noticed that I play the games I have a physical copy of far more than all the titles I have accumulated through Steam sales.
By the way, for those who didn't read the quote or the article...

They are talking about the death of the sale of physical copies of games.
consoles wont last long with their weak hardware.Gpus are advancing and consoles are stuck with low performance gpu power. who in their right mind would want one. in a few years they wont run modern titles. they barely can now!:eek:
Okay, read it with me now...

"Console obituaries are premature," noted analyst Eric Smith of disc-based game sales."

You don't even have to read the article on this one! Use that reading comprehension! He's not saying anything about console hardware FFS...
This console generation is far from dead, but it won't be anything like the 360 or PS3. The PC is a real threat to their sales. That and the lack of backwards compatibility and new killer titles. By going x86 this generation, it's easy to compare them to PCs. For nearly equal amounts of money, you could easily buy a PC with equal or better specs.

The real stab in the back is going to be SteamBox. That's nearly around the corner. It's a bonus to PC gaming, and a minus to console gaming.

No, you can't. Also, you especially can't from off the shelf or via Dell (or whatever).

SteamBox will do dick, it is a PC in a small form factor that most will price gouge for. That controller is terrible too.

Only on [H] are consoles "dying". Not to mention it is not a PC vs console debate. It is a KB/M, desk, chair vs couch and game pad debate. Most people also don't give a crap about how much better KB/M is, it is just not pleasant/comfortable to use.
I did read it. what i wrote is the truth. consoles will die due to being low performance.:D
You can build a PC with somewhat similar specs but:

A. You can't beat the bulk discount on hardware MS/Sony gets
B. Games on that PC aren't programmed "to the metal" so even with similar specs, more processing power gets wrung out of the console.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a console fan and haven't owned one in years (would have been decades, but drunk bought a 360 on eBay once, then resold it.) But there are certain use cases where they definitely will beat an "equivalent" PC.
Consoles are pc now. just low performance and you can use a controller on it. I have mine hooked upto my tv in a htpc case which is about the same size as xbone.
For now , yes. 7-10 years from now? Different story. I personally believe this is probably the last console generation as first party exclusives are less and less frequent. Mobile platforms are really where its at concerning what consoles use to be.

If you had asked me when I was 12 years old if I wanted a SNES/Playstation that I could put in my pocket I wouldn't have hesitated at all. Now that dream is being realized. PC gaming is stronger than ever despite all the doom and gloom from moron "analysts". I think what we now consider consoles will be morphed into a more central platform and cloud gaming will be the norm. Being able to sell a system without having to absorb the hardware expenses of a console launch? Yea..

you'd have a point if console and mobile gaming were remotely the same experience, they are not.
This console generation is far from dead, but it won't be anything like the 360 or PS3. The PC is a real threat to their sales. That and the lack of backwards compatibility and new killer titles. By going x86 this generation, it's easy to compare them to PCs. For nearly equal amounts of money, you could easily buy a PC with equal or better specs.

The real stab in the back is going to be SteamBox. That's nearly around the corner. It's a bonus to PC gaming, and a minus to console gaming.

Nobody buys a console for their specs in comparison to PCs. Really, most of the world could care less as far as that goes and it's an entirely ignorant way of viewing the market. They are purchased for ease of use, integration, and exclusives and while we could argue all day about how many exclusives the PC has, most don't care there either: they aren't advertised and as such they don't exist.

Amazon or Valve might unseat the current console players, but if they do it will be because they provide a better integrated/cheaper/easier to use console (pick at least two), not because they provide a more PC-like one.

Consoles becoming more like PCs is already one of the biggest complaints console gamers have and Steam is successful specifically because it reduces the complexity traditionally associated with PC gaming.
you'd have a point if console and mobile gaming were remotely the same experience, they are not.

Except in 7-10 years they will be virtually the same. Consoles aren't getting cutting edge hardware anymore as both next gen systems are using a mobile grade level set of hardware to run , smartphones ARE cutting edge hardware through and through. My smartphone can't do Xbox One type graphics but it runs native at 1080p and some of the racing games are pretty damn amazing looking and once you add time to that..

The only thing preventing mobile platforms from true dominance is the interface. Using your fingers on a touchscreen gives you quite a bit less input compared to a traditional controller or K/M.
No, you can't. Also, you especially can't from off the shelf or via Dell (or whatever).
You're right, you can't possibly get an off the shelf Dell that can play games. On the other hand an Asus desktop PC would kick some serous ass.

Seriously, check this machine out, and only $550. And you get a free gift card to get your own copy of FarCry 3. No free games for you Xbone or PS4, at that price.

AMD FX-Series FX-8300 (3.30GHz)
8GB DDR3 1TB HDD Capacity
Windows 7 Home Premium
AMD Radeon HD 8760

SteamBox will do dick, it is a PC in a small form factor that most will price gouge for. That controller is terrible too.
It's a cheap PC that'll play games that you hook up to your TV. Also a lot of people liked the controller. The only bad thing about it is that it isn't a keyboard and mouse.
Only on [H] are consoles "dying". Not to mention it is not a PC vs console debate. It is a KB/M, desk, chair vs couch and game pad debate. Most people also don't give a crap about how much better KB/M is, it is just not pleasant/comfortable to use.
Did you know you could hook up your PC to your TV? I know right? Also, that Xbox 360 or PS3 can also be hooked up to your PC. Holy shit right?

It's dying because the sales aren't so great, and the games aren't either. By the time they actually get good games on those machines, the PC would be killing it in price and performance. It's technically already, but more like murder in a year or two from now. Lets not forget that you don't need to pay a monthly fee to game online like on consoles.
B. Games on that PC aren't programmed "to the metal" so even with similar specs, more processing power gets wrung out of the console.
You mean like Mantle? Or better yet, Direct X12 or even OpenGL4.4? When they say 0 overhead, that's as close to mental as you can get.

Nobody buys a console for their specs in comparison to PCs. Really, most of the world could care less as far as that goes and it's an entirely ignorant way of viewing the market. They are purchased for ease of use, integration, and exclusives and while we could argue all day about how many exclusives the PC has, most don't care there either: they aren't advertised and as such they don't exist.
With the way consoles work today, that difference favors the PC. Especially with the need to pay a monthly fee that the PC doesn't need. It's when things break that it gets complex, but you can always fix a PC. Can't fix a PS4 or Xbone without breaking some sorta DRM and paying a lot for parts that won't work.
You mean like Mantle? Or better yet, Direct X12 or even OpenGL4.4? When they say 0 overhead, that's as close to mental as you can get.

We'll see if they actually get there. It's one thing to say that, it's another to actually do it on millions of different possible hardware combinations. On a console, you know exactly what hardware you're working with and what to make it do.
We'll see if they actually get there. It's one thing to say that, it's another to actually do it on millions of different possible hardware combinations. On a console, you know exactly what hardware you're working with and what to make it do.
It'll most likely be done through a hardware standard. Much like how AMD and Intel make different CPU's but x86 code runs native on both. In other words, I really doubt that any DirectX11 GPU will be compatible with DX12 for 0 overhead. New hardware will need to be made for new standards.

Right now Mantle is fully functional and working. So long as the game you wanna play uses Mantle, then you'll get the benefits of console like performance. Except that in most tests the difference between Mantle and DX11 is very small. It would take an extremely weak CPU for the benefits on Mantle to show. There aren't many CPU's on PC that are that weak, unless you spend less then $100 for a CPU.
While the article is referring to the death of disc based sales, we all know consoles, at least in their current form, are soon to follow.
Although mobile gaming is growing, I don't think this platform can satisfy the needs of the gaming community. I think the gaming community will always be around and the kind of games they play, be it competitive FPS, MOBA or any mainstream games out there, they will always be done better on a console or PC.
I think as long as the average age demo of gamers keeps getting older, consumers are still going to demand a physical copy. It would be interesting to see the percentage of sales that digital downloads occupies on consoles among retail games.
You're right, you can't possibly get an off the shelf Dell that can play games. On the other hand an Asus desktop PC would kick some serous ass.

Seriously, check this machine out, and only $550. And you get a free gift card to get your own copy of FarCry 3. No free games for you Xbone or PS4, at that price.

AMD FX-Series FX-8300 (3.30GHz)
8GB DDR3 1TB HDD Capacity
Windows 7 Home Premium
AMD Radeon HD 8760

It's a cheap PC that'll play games that you hook up to your TV. Also a lot of people liked the controller. The only bad thing about it is that it isn't a keyboard and mouse.

Did you know you could hook up your PC to your TV? I know right? Also, that Xbox 360 or PS3 can also be hooked up to your PC. Holy shit right?

It's dying because the sales aren't so great, and the games aren't either. By the time they actually get good games on those machines, the PC would be killing it in price and performance. It's technically already, but more like murder in a year or two from now. Lets not forget that you don't need to pay a monthly fee to game online like on consoles.

Umm, you may want to check the reviews on that one. WTH, a 300 Watt PS for that machine? Talk about junk.
Umm, you may want to check the reviews on that one. WTH, a 300 Watt PS for that machine? Talk about junk.

As long as the power supply is bronze rated, then it doesn't matter unless you plan to upgrade the machine in the future. But that was the first PC I found on NewEgg. There's plenty more with better ratings at that price range.


