Console vs. pc gaming...

Actually the PC vs Console debate is far deeper than the typical flame wars let on.

There is a very BIG reason Microsoft wont allow a keyboard mouse set up for HALO on the XBOX.

For me, when I sit in front of a PC to play a game I am focused and I enjoy the experience.

When playing a console I slouch and get bored very quick. Honestly, an earler poster made a great comment about the best balance being a Good PC and the latest Nintendo console.

I have a 360 and a crap load of games and it bores me to tears. I used to think playing a game in 42" of HDTV would be absolute bliss, but I keep coming back to the PC. I really can't explain it.
HardUp4HardWare said:
Actually the PC vs Console debate is far deeper than the typical flame wars let on.

There is a very BIG reason Microsoft wont allow a keyboard mouse set up for HALO on the XBOX.

For me, when I sit in front of a PC to play a game I am focused and I enjoy the experience.

When playing a console I slouch and get bored very quick. Honestly, an earler poster made a great comment about the best balance being a Good PC and the latest Nintendo console.

I have a 360 and a crap load of games and it bores me to tears. I used to think playing a game in 42" of HDTV would be absolute bliss, but I keep coming back to the PC. I really can't explain it.

Same, even with Gears Of War and COD3 I find myself playing Dota or CSS on the PC most of the time.
the best "console" of the moment is undoubtably the DS Lite. Lots of great games, reasonable prices, and high availability.

I dont play games on the PC anymore. The good releases were simply too few and far between for my tastes, and I got sick and tired of playing nothing but FPS games, and buying video cards that cost $400+ and were replaced as top of the line in 6 months time.

Give me some mario here and there and I'm basically happy.

I would love to play gears of war, but at $60 for the game, $400 for the system, and $30+ tax, I just dont see it happening.
i started playing on consoles on the first NES,after the N64 i kinda started to dislike console gaming,and ive been with PC gaming ever since,prefer the mouse+keyboard combo,altho i do have a PS2 and a gamecube,the PS2 is a waste for me atm,the gamecube is nice tho (zelda windwaker,older zelda games).

doubt ill be buying any future consoles for anything else but zelda or a new mario side scroller game if 1 ever is released on anything but the DS.
The only real problem I have with PC games is that you usually need an update right out of the box to play the damn thing. I don't make the kind of money it takes to keep a top of the line system so I usualy have some sort of issue with playing new games. The console is great for this reason but then I don't make the kind of money to keep updated on that either. I am still playing my NFS undergound on my PS2. And loving it I might add. It all really comes down to personal preferance. I game a little on both the each have their uses. Either one will get me in trouble with the wife for "not spending enough time with the family". When they invent a gaming device that will fix that "Bug" then all bets are off.
LostSoulsDancing said:
The only real problem I have with PC games is that you usually need an update right out of the box to play the damn thing. I don't make the kind of money it takes to keep a top of the line system so I usualy have some sort of issue with playing new games. The console is great for this reason but then I don't make the kind of money to keep updated on that either. I am still playing my NFS undergound on my PS2. And loving it I might add. It all really comes down to personal preferance. I game a little on both the each have there uses. Either one will get me in trouble with the wife for "not spending enough time with the family". When they invent a gaming device that will fix that "Bug" then all bets are off.

Hmm.. its not really that expensive if you just want to play games on a PC. I was able to play any FPS and most any game on medium to low settings with a sempron 2800 (s 754), and an x700. Thats a pretty old system. You could build that system nowadays for a few hundred bucks. Much cheaper then the latest consoles.

reasons being the online feature on games like BF2, CS:s, DOD:s etc... Mouse+kb, upgradability, tweaking to get the best, and for those that whine about patches or tweaking either take advantage of it or quit crying about the OPTION.

why a console has yet to have a KB+mouse is the biggest mystery in the gaming universe.

like other said, you THINK going bigscreen is going to be fun, but it does nothing to the game, bigger may seem better, but it cannot improve a games fun factor or gameplay.

great thread, and i think everyone that replys should just leave it at its their OPINION.simple eh?

yet i will be getting a ps3 for some of its exclusive titles as well, and wii when i have time for more gaming, and a x360 when some more mature titles arrive.(ME, my bro, my dad are all gamers, fanatics of sorts.)
Agreed on all points.
I cant do the things on a console I'd like to fast I get my ass handed to me.
I wish there was not the need to upgrade on the PC so often to keep up with all the goodness at high resolutions.
It would be great if a KB/M was available on the 360.....I would be able to play better.

Why cant you jump on a console like you can on a PC???? That one thing makes me crazy :mad:

On another topic, I think the PS3 has KB/M function, but I dont know if they are used in games.
Console games just don't have the depth and complexity that PC games have, look at the new spliter cell for example. The previous splinter cell games on the PC were proper PC built games where as Double Agent is quite clearly a port from a console.

It's inherited things like really bulky bright obvious on screen menus which pop up right in the middle of the screen to act as your menu instead of a nice sleek out of the way HUD tucked away in the corner which just a lot more suited to a game which places you in the shoes of a highly skilled agent.

The average console only has maybe 12 buttons max, plus a couple of analogue inputs, the average PC FPS game can have upwards of 50 keys and combination of keys.

So how does this translate?

Well take games like Thief which uses 100's of different menu's, items, actions, movements, weapons, tools and abilities and they bring it to console AND PC and it's just gimped to hell, the imersion is TOTALY destroyed because the console gamers need to much of a helping hand to be able to play, so suddenly highlighted items are no longer a subtle alpha blended grey but a bright neon blue, arrows have long blue trails on them and they have to add behind view in to make it more 3rd person, oh yeah and because of the technical constraints of the console we now have loading area with teleporting blue mist instead of large seamless levels...

COD2 is another good example, an original PC title which gets ported to console, then we have to suffer COD which is totaly n00bed up with things like grenade indicators, whats the best way to totaly destroy and imersive game? Yes lets put large cartoony icons on the screen.

Deus Ex 2 got majorly "consoled" to the point where people who were practically in love with the original actualy despised the sequel.

I think the industry needs to stay WELL away from the blured lines of cross development, make a PC game, or a console game, or make 2 versions of the same game which actually fit the game style of both platforms but just DO NOT BOTHER releasing shoddy console ports on the PC because they always end up rubbish (with 1-2 possible exceptions)

One by one console games are infecting my favourite PC gaming brands/titles/series and it's only getting worse, which turns my opinion on consoles from a friendly and agreeable

"I don't like them and they don't bother me, so whatever, if you like them then I'm happy for you"

into a more nasty

"consoles are crap and they can suck my balls"

And of course like all other business it's all about making more money so cross platform games are going to become more popular because its easier to develop 1 game on 2 platforms using the same engine, it's just the PC users inherit all the constraints of a console, which is totaly and utterly lame.
Frosteh hit the nail on the head. Good job.

I have both, of course. I plan on getting a Wii. Not on release day but for Christmas probably... I've managed to get the wife interested in it, so it'll be a family present to ourselves. ;)
I used to own an Xbox, lots of good games, even FPS (like Halo) on it.
I still have my GC (until I turn it in for credit on the Wii, woohoo), which is great when you want to play a well-designed game like Zelda, Smash Bros, or Metroid.

BTW, if anybody has played metroid on the GC, then you probably know what I mean. When I first played Metroid Prime is reminded me so much of the first time I played Zelda:OOC on the N64 or even Mario 64. You weren't so sure how well they would be able to take such a strong 2D franchise and make it worth playing in 3D. Nintendo was able to do it with Mario, and again with Zelda. I wasn't sure how Metroid would come across, but it turned out alright. Heavier on the adventure and puzzle than the FPS, but still a good game. Now back to our originally scheduled post...

So anyway, I really enjoy the true Plug-And-Play ability of a console. Known hardware means better compatability.

PC gaming, however, is still the Mecca. I don't care that consoles are made specifically for games. As Frosteh said, the added depth and complexity available to PC users is just so much greater. I enjoy simple games too, but nothing is more frustrating than feeling like game X needs just ONE MORE BUTTON to do that little simple thing that should be possible to do!

Anyway, thanks for listening...or reading.
And it's interesting because consoles are built almost totaly for gaming and PC's are very powerful all round tools, yet PC games tend to be more advanced, and not just graphics wise.

As consoles get "better" they're basically tending towards PC's.
Frosteh said:
And it's interesting because consoles are built almost totaly for gaming and PC's are very powerful all round tools, yet PC games tend to be more advanced, and not just graphics wise.

As consoles get "better" they're basically tending towards PC's.
That's the thing about consoles, though...they're meant to be "pick up and play". The general gamer doesn't like a plethora of keys in their face. 12 buttons or less will do fine. I am seeing lines blur, though....many like it, many don't like it. It's all opinion.

This is why I like this thread, I am seeing tons of great opinions and thank all of you for not taking the thread south. (so far ;) )
It's usually a cycle for me.. for a few months i'll just play PC games, and not touch consoles at all.. then fora few months i don't play PC games, and only play consoles for a few months...

i'm going to be enterign a consoles only period next week (when i get the wii ) :D
Why does it have to be a Vs thing? And I really think the vs thing will mean less with development costs going up, more and more are going to be multiplatform and made to appeal to as many people as possible. A few titles will be single

The previous splinter cell games on the PC were proper PC built games where as Double Agent is quite clearly a port from a console.

Hasn't Splinter Cell been released to consoles before the PC? I'm pretty the first one was, I don't remember about the others. So did they add tons of depth just for the PC? Or has Splinter Cell been "dumbed down" to make it more approachable and sell more?

We are seeing the video game hobby change into a mass media. The same always happens. Early TV and Radio were intelligent and innovative, As they got more popular they become the tripe filled wastelands they are now.

I play games. I go where they are. Although I'm quickly reaching the point where I just want to say "Fuck this" and go do something else.
lol, i was origonally a console gamer. Nightfire was my specialty, I was so good my friend jamie (who wasnt a n00b) was afraid to go outside for fear of falling bullets.

but yeah then i discoverd the wonders of the CS and CSS, and the mouse and keyboard. havnt looked back since. mouse and keyboard is good for FPS and RPGs, but for racers i think I still prefer the anolog stick and button. course my friend has a logitec controller (almost identical to PS controller) that plugs into a USB port. the problem is there are no real drivers, so the game you have to play has to be one where you can bind keys. not sure if it has a mouse-to-anolog stick converter in it, that would be nice.

but on top of that, graphics for consoles are getting pretty awsome, but the resolution isnt keeping up. in games where you have to look at the horizon, after playing PC games for a while, i couldnt stand what the street looked like 20m infront of me in NFSMW on PS2 (this was an HD tv too). nope, good old 1600X1200 or 1200X1000 on my PC for me. And soon, with my 8800GTS, it will be 1792X1344 (monitors max resolution).

I plan on running the Wii through one of dem cable to monitor converters i donno ill do the research when i get closer to buying. im hoping i can run it through some filters tho, see if I can clean up the image a little bit.

all-in-all, PC > consoles, im sorry, you just cant get around it.
Splinter Cell has always been ports from the consoles. But it don´t hurt that game that much since it´s a third person perspective. A gamepad can cope with that quite well... And Splinter Cell has never been about being the quickest to get a head shot ;).

For me I play mostly single player but I still preferr PC over consoles... It´s really the controller that kills console gaming if you are not primary into platform and sports games of course.

Racing games just stinks on consoles if you want any kind of realism. The wheels available are real crap. Only exception is the DFP for PS2/PC.

Other than that you are fooled if you think console gaming is cheaper? I mean you pay 200-400$ for a console. Then 70$ or more for a game. PC games when new are already way way cheaper and also on the used market they cost even less compared to the console games.

If you are a pirate console gaming is cheaper not otherwise if you are a hardcore gamer.
So for me there isn´t much difference from an economical standpoint. Now with PC you can upgrade all you want until make ellipses around the fastest available console then it gets more expensive but at least you have a choice ;)

If I was into fighting platform games I would sure say PC gaming suck lol.

For me the only console that feels interesting is the Wii. Sure the visuals are nowhere near the 360 and PS 3 and of course graphics matters. Since there is no = sign to good graphics/poor gameplay...

Also as for consoles I feel it weird that they more and more seem to focus on copying the PC genre? both MS and Sony market their fps games as the biggest. Gears of War, Resistance, Killzone, Halo etc. Really weird because that is exactly the genre where consoles have hard time keeping up. Don´t have the controls neither the graphics or CPU power to compete with the PC...
I play both. I've played consoles for longer though just because it was easier to back then.
less exspensive.

It all depends on what games are out. If there are good consoles games out like this month most of my time will go there. Now if there is good PC games most of my time will go there.
The splinter cell games use the unreal engine which nativly runs on certain consoles, they've never really been PC ports of console games as such, its been developed for both platforms.

But it's obvious that in Double Agent that there was no real tweaking for the PC version, that it's more or less identical to the console version, I mean look at the change in the interact/menu/inventory system, it looks really console like (that is to say it looks like crap)
Everyone who has posted so far makes very good points, and to be honest, it really does come down to personal preference. I know that's not the answer you're looking for, so I'm gonna break it down as realistically as possible. :D (This post is long, but worth reading.)

PC Gaming:

You WILL spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to keep your PC up to date so that it can play every game and new game to come at a consistent framerate and superior graphical quality than a console. Just for example, if you bought a PC last year, you're looking at upgrading to something like a Core2Duo and 8800GTX to keep your system up to par for the games that have recently come out, and will be coming out throughout 2007. If all you bought was a Mobo, CPU, and Video Card, you're looking at over $1000 just for those 3 parts. You will most likely have to upgrade those every 1 to 2 years, depending on whether or not you want the best.

The offset to this money is that if you are internet-savvy, games can mostly be obtained for free. I'd be willing to bet anything that most of the PC-gaming defenders in this thread don't spend alot on their software ;) ... and to be honest, the software isn't worth spending a dime on.

My biggest problem with PC gaming is that developpers release EVERY SINGLE GAME filled to the brim with bugs, and they almost always run terrible, even on the most powerful systems. Take Neverwinter Nights 2 for example, it's a perfect example. Even if you have a $3,000 system, that game will bring you to your knees if you max out the quality settings. Is it worth all that trouble? Knowing you have the best system on the market, but the games are of such poor quality that your system struggles in the end?

The PC gaming market is kept alive right now by games like Battlefield, World of Warcraft, and the slew of RTS games that come out every month. That's really all the PC gaming market has to offer. The rest of the games will come out for consoles as well, and the PC versions are so bug-ridden that they are almost not even worth pirating.

If PC games were less expensive and the games were as reliable as they should be, I would be a pure PC gamer, 100%.

Console Gaming:

When it comes to consoles (we'll use a 360 for example), your initial cost of $399 will cover your core system and controller, headset, and internal 20gig HDD for storage. You can add an additional controller and a $50 Xbox Live Gold subscription for about another $100. From this point forth, you only pay for games.

You could probably buy 10 games a year at full price to spend the equivalent of maintaining a PC, but you can also rent games (or borrow from friends), or purchase them used, so it isn't always necessary to buy them at full-price. I could also talk about pirating 360 games, but since it is a bit more involved than pirating PC games, I will leave it at that.

The disadvantage is that you are indeed limited to a controller instead of a mouse & keyboard, but again this comes down to personal preference. A comment was also made about PC-gaming "patching" habits bleeding over to the console world, and that was a very well-made point. I am horrified to see such habits spreading into the rest of the gaming industry, because as low as the quality already is, it doesn't need to get any worse. One of the major advantages of console games over PC is that they usually maintain 60+ fps and are not as buggy as a PC game, but this could be a changing trend.


If you didn't read anything else I said in this post, at least read this section. I love PC gaming and always will, but it leaves you a bit dry in the mouth in the end. You spend thousands of dollars building a PC that will struggle to run bug-ridden games, however the few good ones that do come out may end up making it all worth it. Just remember that World of Warcraft charges a monthly fee, and that most other games that come out for PC will also be availible on the console. PC gamers usually only get 2 or 3 games a year that make their video cards worth upgrading.

Console games give you more for your money, but somehow PC gaming ends up seeming superior. :D The graphics quality of the 360 and the PS3 are starting to catch up to PC gaming, and with the lack of quality in the PC-gaming world, I see consoles pulling ahead for the win.

If you are a fan of FPS and RTS games and prefer a keyboard and mouse, keep your PC updated. If you like button mashing and the experience of playing on the bigscreen, as well as a larger variety of games to choose from, buy consoles TOO! :D
All Killer No Filler said:
Oh no, not another PC vs. Console thread. I thought we didnt debate that here anymore?

Lets sum it up shall we:

PC Elitist point of view:

1. A keyboard and mouse has better control.
2. PC games are cutting edge.
3. Online crowd is "more mature".
4. Consoles are for fags.
5. Mods are awesome.
6. Hardware is upgradeable.
7. PC users are more intelligent!
8. PC's can also surf the web, use spreadsheets, edit video, blah, blah, blah.
9. Exclusive games (like FEAR).

Console f4nboyz point of view:

1. Consoles are cheap.
2. You can surf the web with them (PS3, wii).
3. They are "more accessible" (with their 13 button, 2 analog stick, and one d-pad controls).
4. PC users are nerd fags.
5. Standard hardware allows dev's to squeeze more performance out of a console.
6. Online community is growing fast (but immature).
7. Brand loyalty is fun!
8. Console games are ready "out of the box" without patches (not so true anymore though).
9. Everything gets ported over to consoles anyway (like FEAR).

Did I miss anything?

Let the flaming begin!!!

ahahahah, so funny... and true!
There's no substitute for having as many systems as reasonably possible :)
You're in absolute denial by saying that only one system, or even 2, will net you every possible game you might want. Some are better and more diversified than others, but there's a DEFINITE value to all of 'em.
Personally right now I'm happy with my gaming PC, 360, and last gen Nintendo and Sony systems. With that said, as soon as some game I want come out for the PS3 and Wii I'll happily look at getting them.
Nothing annoys me more than people that act like just because they don't have a gaming system that it somehow "sucks."
I never bought a normal Xbox, but I'd be absolutely stupid if I said it didn't have any good games. It didn't win me over enough to buy one (and I figured I could hold out for a 360), but it had some kick ass games I envied at the time.
PC gamers please list the top 10 games of the last, say, 5 years:

I'll start the list and you finish it. :)

1. Half life 2
2. Far Cry
3. Oblivion
Ice you know if everyone pirate there will be no pc gaming ;).

There is many of us who do right by ourselves. There is also many who buys a lot of games but also pirate a lot of games as well.

As long as you spend a couple of 100 bucks a a year on games you really want and make sure you don´t make the same game developer suffer over and over it´s better then just stealing blatantly.

I often wait a bit though and buy when prices is down a bit though.
All of my favorite games are console games....And trust me, I've been suckered into spending thousands on upgrading my PC until I realized how much of a waste it was. I just don't think the software on either end justifies the cost of the hardware. Now, if every PC game was fun,original, and almost bug-free, I wouldn't mind dishing out the cash for them. Truth is, about 80% of the games released SUCK and aren't even worth downloading. With consoles, it really doesnt matter. The console is worth less than 'ONE' of todays videocards(in some cases, you need TWO to run a game decently), and there are constantly good games coming out, and every now and then some really amazing ones come out (Gears of War, Metal Gear, Halo, God of War, etc...) So I really don't know where I stand...I think i'm over gaming all together....i'm trying to get into it again but I cant....nothing really holds my interest.
oqvist said:
As long as you spend a couple of 100 bucks a a year on games you really want and make sure you don´t make the same game developer suffer over and over it´s better then just stealing blatantly.

I couldn't agree more :D When a game is great I always buy a legit copy of it, if anything for Collector's sake. I bought Half-Life 2 the day it came out, and I wouldn't trade my copies of Guitar Hero 1 & 2 for anything.
Well you choose how much you are spending on your computer. It has the benefit of constant upgrades but noone forces you to buy it all the time. You will just have to except that if you don´t you can´t run games maximized always :).

Though if you are one of those that don´t need cutting edge graphics then consoles are like built for you I guess...

Part of my strategy getteing a low res HDTV (1366x768) was that it wouldn´t require as much GPU power to run as a 1900x1200 screen so I am hoping to save a bit of the money I spent on it that way lol.

Also for me with the amount of games I buy (I buy 3 games for everyone I play). Don´t ask me why it´s sick I know I just see something I think is cool and then if I have time to play it is another story... Though the full price games I always play ;) I can´t see how console games would be that much cheaper. Since I still need a computer for all the stuff consoles can´t do which is a lot...

Now if I can get hold of a Wii for a decent price I would love to get hooked on it totally. At least if games don´t actually cost 70$ a piece as it looks now... Same pricing as Xbox 360/PS 3 games for some weird reason...

Would also be damn cool if a console like Xbox 360 would have some kind of op system that allows the same hardware pheripherals the PC has then seriously I could consider give up PC gaming.

Since pheripherals is the main thing now that gives PC an unique advantage when consoles do get more and more powerful.

I mean in 10 years perhaps it won´t matter if that console is half as quick as that other one because they can render such great stuff anyway ;)
One point simply CANNOT be argued. A PC keyboard and mouse combo are definitive controls for FPS games.
HardUp4HardWare said:
One point simply CANNOT be argued. A PC keyboard and mouse combo are definitive controls for FPS games.

Only because that is what you are used to.
Not really, i was playing consoles long before a PC, about 10 years before... and a kb + mouse simply allowed greater control for most, nothing to do with being used to it, more having to do with, it is better.
HardUp4HardWare said:
One point simply CANNOT be argued. A PC keyboard and mouse combo are definitive controls for FPS games.

Oh no...not this again. There are plenty of people that'll argue this all day. You might not agree with them, but your opinion isn't uncontested in this area.
I personally agree with the mouse...but the keyboard? No way. The keyboard is the weak link in PC gaming. It's a holdover that hasn't changed and people have been too lazy to actually innovate. It would be like console players continuing to use atari sticks with more buttons.
Domingo said:
Oh no...not this again. There are plenty of people that'll argue this all day. You might not agree with them, but your opinion isn't uncontested in this area.
I personally agree with the mouse...but the keyboard? No way. The keyboard is the weak link in PC gaming. It's a holdover that hasn't changed and people have been too lazy to actually innovate. It would be like console players continuing to use atari sticks with more buttons.

keyboard is nothing more than a organized set of keys, a board with keys, tell me how they can make it better so that its not a weak link. i think your gonna find its not the weak link, how else would u perform binds, macros and everything else that goes with FPS, MMORPG etc...are u gonna have keys with greek letters instead, LOL, seriously please dwell on the subject and give all ears.seriously if u have a good idea i wanna hear it, im all for far as guy said being used to KB and mouse, that was a good LOL, uhm consoles compensate and do something like auto aim to help, u wont find that in CS:s or any other FPS on PC, simply put its dumbed down for console because of the superior control the mouse allows.
dwilson041781 said:
keyboard is nothing more than a organized set of keys, a board with keys, tell me how they can make it better so that its not a weak link. i think your gonna find its not the weak link, how else would u perform binds, macros and everything else that goes with FPS, MMORPG etc...are u gonna have keys with greek letters instead, LOL, seriously please dwell on the subject and give all ears.seriously if u have a good idea i wanna hear it, im all for far as guy said being used to KB and mouse, that was a good LOL, uhm consoles compensate and do something like auto aim to help, u wont find that in CS:s or any other FPS on PC, simply put its dumbed down for console because of the superior control the mouse allows.

It's not designed for any level of comfort. It's not even ergonomic when you're using it with one hand. It's a bunch of letters thrown together based on usages derived back in the early part of the 20th century. If anything - those one handed keyboard mishmashes (like this would be much better. A keyboard is a holdover that nobody wants to admit is just a holdover people have gotten used to.
Domingo said:
It's not designed for any level of comfort. It's not even ergonomic when you're using it with one hand. It's a bunch of letters thrown together based on usages derived back in the early part of the 20th century. If anything - those one handed keyboard mishmashes (like this would be much better. A keyboard is a holdover that nobody wants to admit is just a holdover people have gotten used to.

they have ergonomic keyboards, and that one handed keyboard doesnt have enough keys for a MMOrpg, so thats not gonna cut it, your saying its a holdover, and im saying its gonna be hard to replace, nothing can unless you or someone else starts coming up with some creative/innovative idea, Kb will be around for eternity, like I said I welcome innovation/creative ideas, but you dont seem to have any other than just saying it sux!(also without a keyboard how would u enter console commands?that requires every letter in the english language depending on the command eg: net_graph 1)
People, the simple fact is that it's OPINION. There are just as many people out there who cannot STAND gaming with a keyboard and mouse as there are people who can't STAND playing with a controller...plain and simple.

So let's not throw any arguments out as if they are's rediculous and makes no sense whatsoever.
Keyboard is of course not ergonomic for a dime...

What they should do for the Xbox 360 is something like a Nostromo N52. Very ergonomic and it does have all the buttons I need for fps games. For RTS games you maybe need a bit more if you really has to use hotkeys for every command ;). I never care for learning hotkeys though. I love the pause function in Rise of Nations ;)

But it´s not mouse and keyboard it´s mouse/keyboard/trackir, proper FFB wheels, joysticks,stereo3d glasses, HMD:s and such.

But the reason MS and Sony just keep doing the same with better graphics is just that they are to afraid to try anything new I think.

Though honestly I am not sure if MS should opt for the mouse/keyboard combo.
Why not go the Nintendo route? But not just copy it have head tracking so you move your view with your head and aim with the magic wand ;)

You can do that today I have played Half Life with head tracking quite cool. You can choose to only turn your head, turn your head and body and other stuff :)
I'm not a creative designer. I see it as flawed and I think that something akin to the 1-handed controllers will eventually replace it or at least work as a compliment. You're just like someone using their Atari stick and claiming that it doesn't get any better than this! I mean, you have to move your cursor - this stick will be around for eternity! We'll NEVER need more than one button!
If everyone thought like you did we'd still be cruising in Model T's and never innovating.
In terms of full-on replacing a keyboard, for a GAME - I see no reason why we couldn't have a device like the Wii-mote with more buttons. Perhaps even a "power glove" style device that can give each finger functionality.
Just because you can "hotkey" every key on your board doesn't mean there isnt a better way.
I could just make a big flat board with 100 perfectly aligned keys (with no attention to comfort or functionality) and by your logic it's awesome just because it has a buttload-o-buttons.