Consoles Have Just Become Sh**** PCs....

But you do need some computer savvy to game on a PC, both hardware and software. You need basic PC skills to trouble shoot problems that are going to pop up. You can't be totally ignorant and game successfully on PC.

I have a friend who is totally ignorant of computers and games on them just fine. He asks me or his cousin to come round and fix it when he has a problem and got me to build it for him in the first place. ;)
But you do need some computer savvy to game on a PC, both hardware and software. You need basic PC skills to trouble shoot problems that are going to pop up. You can't be totally ignorant and game successfully on PC.

Say what again? Consoles don't need trouble-shooting?

"Oh, what do all these red lights here mean?"
"What is a firmware and why do I need to update it?"
"Hmm? Download a patch? Why do I need a patch, I'm not a boyscout".
"Install game to HDD? Wut? I'm not on a PC you silly!"

Yup, consoles really don't need any skill or knowledge. You can be as ignorant as you want. Just insert disc and play, no patches, updates or online checks required... oh wait.
I gave up on PC gaming completely about 5 years ago. It just stopped being worth the cost. Priorities changed after my mid 20s. Most of my friends are married and have kids. Spending money on a "gaming PC" just isn't going to happen. Sure, many of them still game, but it needs to be something that the wife and kids can use as well. The average age of a gamer is in their upper 30s. It is much easier to spend money on a PS3 that the wife and kids can also watch Blu-ray movies on vs a new video card. If all of my friends are on Xbox Live or PSN, then that is where I am going as well.

Personally, there hasn't been a PC exclusive game that I had to have for the past 7-8 years, but every holiday season there is at least 1 console exclusive that I have to have. I am perfectly fine with not having the best graphics around. Since about 30%-40% of the games I play are console exclusives and all the rest are multi-platform putting a gaming PC in my living room just represents an huge extra cost. I'm at the point where I am just using the on board Intel graphics on all my machines.

I just don't get why people get so butt hurt over PCs vs consoles. Use whatever the hell you want. I've been gaming for 26 years and the argument has been the same for as long as I can remember. Same shit different decade.

I don't understand the logic with the first part, as a 24 year old who lives with his long term gf, I've spent £1500+ on my gaming PC, it doesn't have to be something my gf does too.

The arguments happen because console gaming has been holding back PC games for a number of years now.

I personally just couldn't own a console, last one I owned was a ps1, back when games were awesome and developers just having fun with it, and you could tell, there was so much passion that obviously went into those games ps2 had some goodn's too.

But yeah, no keyboard and mouse/crappy low res visuals/multiplayer community consisting of 8-14 year old irritating kids screaming down the mic. = No thank you
Say what again? Consoles don't need trouble-shooting?

"Oh, what do all these red lights here mean?"
"What is a firmware and why do I need to update it?"
"Hmm? Download a patch? Why do I need a patch, I'm not a boyscout".
"Install game to HDD? Wut? I'm not on a PC you silly!"

Yup, consoles really don't need any skill or knowledge. You can be as ignorant as you want. Just insert disc and play, no patches, updates or online checks required... oh wait.

sorry you are reaching man. No comparison.
sorry you are reaching man. No comparison.

I agree, patching is as simple as pushing the button on the controller to confirm that you want the patch.

Installing a game to the HDD is to let the game load faster instead of you having long load times due to it reading off the disc.

Red lights mean a hardware failure, I'm sure anybody who owns a 360 whether theirs fails or not understands that by now.

Firmware updates, are probably the only thing that actually requires thinking. A smart person looks around on the internet to see if anybody is experiencing anything being borked due to a firmware update before updating, otherwise, press the button, done deal.
See my sig...
Consoles are so technically way behind that I now use almost exclusively my PS3 for blu ray movies although there are a few exclusives of interest out there.
Partly agree, but this is a pro PC gamer's opinion.

PC gamers generally speaking are more picky, just look at Battlefield forum. 'DICE I need comm rose', 'DICE rush is boring', 'DICE why I can't lean?', ‘DICE we want conquest in beta'.
console gamers are mostly brainless: 'just give me the goddamn game'.

PC gamers are also extremely unforgiven, just look at sales of crysis 2 on PC. They did mess up the multiplayer, but it is still a decent game.

BTW, Resistence 3 is not a good game. If you use Gears 3 or Uncharted 3 as example, I will be more convinced.

PC gamers makes games better overall because of our complaints. Console gamers just want more content, not necessarily gameplay tweaks.
We let the devs know any half ass approach will result in poor sales on the PC.
PC gamers makes games better overall because of our complaints. Console gamers just want more content, not necessarily gameplay tweaks.
We let the devs know any half ass approach will result in poor sales on the PC.

well, if PC gamers are less picky, less unforgiven, we would not have a thread like this.

On the improve game part, i completely agree. There are 10 million PC gamers trolling dev's official forums, lol. Diablo 3, Battlefiled 3, RO2, you name it. They have to hire a whole team just to keep up with that.
Im sorry, but your opinion doesnt line up with most others opinions. Try not to use your opinion, as fact.

Metacritic user scores have become more and more silly. Every single popular game just has loads and loads of 10s and 1s ratings. A realistic scoring would have a curve of some kind. Like 70% green, 20% orange and 10% red as people either enjoyed it or didn't care so much for it in deminishing amounts to form a popular opinion one way or the other. But almost every game is polarized to 67% green, 3% orange and 30% red.

Added to this the "professional" reviewers are all apparent morons and that site is next to worthless. :(
Another dumb IGN article comparing games that share maybe a few traits in common. Both games look great , play whatever suits your fancy.
Another dumb IGN article comparing games that share maybe a few traits in common. Both games look great , play whatever suits your fancy.

the article is saying that Dark Souls will be better than Skyrim.

the article is correct
well, if PC gamers are less picky, less unforgiven, we would not have a thread like this.

On the improve game part, i completely agree. There are 10 million PC gamers trolling dev's official forums, lol. Diablo 3, Battlefiled 3, RO2, you name it. They have to hire a whole team just to keep up with that.

If no one points out the issues and needed changes, how would they know what to change?
Threads like this are necessary, it makes people more aware of community issues, whether you agree with them or not.

It's surprising how deaf business are of their customers needs, when they think it's all about wants i.e. DLC and MP.
Metacritic user scores have become more and more silly. Every single popular game just has loads and loads of 10s and 1s ratings. A realistic scoring would have a curve of some kind. Like 70% green, 20% orange and 10% red as people either enjoyed it or didn't care so much for it in deminishing amounts to form a popular opinion one way or the other. But almost every game is polarized to 67% green, 3% orange and 30% red.

Added to this the "professional" reviewers are all apparent morons and that site is next to worthless. :(

Completely agree.

Same goes for IMDB, they used to have sensible scores for movies, now it's just studios trolling us.

plus we have bots everywhere, how do you know these scores are rated by a actual human? I can only trust my fellow gamers now
The article brings out a point but it also seems to ignore why such things are now implemented with consoles these days. He just sounds as though he's longing for the days before the PS3 and 360 came along when console patching didn't exist and online gaming with consoles were just getting started. Patching tends to be a necessary evil especially with a platform that expands in features and more advanced game engines come along it's inevitable, console gamers are not used to such things so i can understand his complaint.

The arguments happen because console gaming has been holding back PC games for a number of years now.

As a PC gamer, ive always hated that argument, consoles don't hold anything back it's the developers that keep copy and pasting the same code over to the PC instead of using the available resources they have to offer, it's not the consoles fault that the devs don't want to code proper PC games.
Metacritic user scores have become more and more silly. Every single popular game just has loads and loads of 10s and 1s ratings. A realistic scoring would have a curve of some kind. Like 70% green, 20% orange and 10% red as people either enjoyed it or didn't care so much for it in deminishing amounts to form a popular opinion one way or the other. But almost every game is polarized to 67% green, 3% orange and 30% red.

Added to this the "professional" reviewers are all apparent morons and that site is next to worthless. :(

So says you. Calling all professional reviewers morons, because you dont agree is silly. So according to you, all reviewers, and gamers who rate the game are wrong. Your opinion is the only one that counts.

Then lets look at popular magazines;

Is Resistance 3 the best game out there? I would say no, but Im sure someone feels that way. The fact is, it is rated as a good game from just about every reviewer out there. Just because you dont think it is, doesnt mean thats the general consensus. The fact remains that he shouldnt have tried to insert his opinion, as a fact. Argument over.

So says you. Calling all professional reviewers morons, because you dont agree is silly. So according to you, all reviewers, and gamers who rate the game are wrong. Your opinion is the only one that counts.

It wasn't really about that game, which I have at this point 0 opinion about as I have not played or even seen a decent screenshot of. But more my feelings of metacritic based on experiences of actual vs. rated scores of games.

What I was more saying is that reviews on that site, either critic or user are to be taken with a huge sack of salt or just plain ignored. Resistance 3 might be the best game ever, but I will not (and haven't for a while) base or trust my opinions of that game on the political posturing of groups of fans on metacritic, nor the "professionals" with dubious reputations. As both have proved themselves rediculous/untrustworthy.

While they may be correct that the game is good, I am less than inclined to believe them without much more proof. But on the other hand, if I was told by a person/gamer that I trust the opion of I would be more inclined to believe more. It's like the nut on the street corner vs NASA saying the world is going to end. But yes, only my opinion truely matters. :D
So says you. Calling all professional reviewers morons, because you dont agree is silly. So according to you, all reviewers, and gamers who rate the game are wrong. Your opinion is the only one that counts.

Then lets look at popular magazines;

Is Resistance 3 the best game out there? I would say no, but Im sure someone feels that way. The fact is, it is rated as a good game from just about every reviewer out there. Just because you dont think it is, doesnt mean thats the general consensus. The fact remains that he shouldnt have tried to insert his opinion, as a fact. Argument over.


Most professional reviewers are bought and paid for, it's pretty common knowledge.
Eh. I'll just enjoy playing games on both my PC and consoles, instead of worrying what the "cool" kids & adults think is better/inferior/("makes up for cock size" mentality). Maybe when I conquer the world, as your benevolent leader, will I force people to play the superior system. The Dear Leader is always right, right? :)
i have been saying for years (can search and find it) that Console are just turning into PC's, they are not so much "consoles" any more, why everytime someone said PC gaming is dieing, i just said Consoles are becoming PC's but locked down PC's you cant do anything with.
PCs require a small bit of brain power to use. Not a lot of people actually want to bother.
For me I use my PC for MMO's or FPS. (can't wait for some BF3). My XBOX 360 I pretty much use just for rockband/guitar hero games and sports games. I have a Wii but my kids play that. I had bought a PS3 but I returned it after a week because I hooked it up, played for 15mins then it sat for an entire week untouched.
PC Elitism is hilarious. Have both (or all if funds allow) and enjoy a broader spectrum of gaming. It really shouldn't be about what box your wanting to play the games matter how much your wanna stroke that e-penis, it's about the games you wanna play.....
PC Elitism is hilarious. Have both (or all if funds allow) and enjoy a broader spectrum of gaming. It really shouldn't be about what box your wanting to play the games matter how much your wanna stroke that e-penis, it's about the games you wanna play.....

I grabbed a PS3 recently after being a strictly PC only gamer since my childhood, there are some good games on the PS3 and the reason to get them are entirely because they're exclusives. Red Dead Redemption, Demon's Souls, Heavy Rain, LA Noire.

Anything the PS3 does the PC does several orders of magnitude better, the only real honest benefit of consoles is the ability to play with a few friends on the sofa in a more relaxed environment, and with the right set up you can do this with a PC anyway.
Jim Sterling said:
So, I ask myself, what exactly is the benefit of console gaming anymore?

Well, I like using controllers for third-person games … except most PC games have controller options.

I like sitting back on a couch with my consoles hooked up to my big HDTV … except I can always hook a gaming rig into my HDTV and play it like a console.

I like online gaming … except PC games go online for free, and nearly every game has a burgeoning community unlike console games that usually get abandoned once the new Killzone/Gears of War is out.

I like … hmmm … well, I’m not sure anymore. I really don’t know why I persist, outside of some frail sense of tradition.

At the end of the day, as consoles become less about convenience and more about publishers protecting their profit from ghosts and boogeymen (for that is as much as I respect the “threat” of used sales), I cannot help but start to see the Xbox 360 and PS3 as less powerful, less flexible, increasingly less reliable computers. You have all the hassle of PC gaming, without the superior graphics, efficient digital distribution, cheaper prices and extended modification options..

Welcome to the light side Jim. :cool:
I use to have a live and let live attitude towards consoles,for me the limited graphics,assembly line games,lack of keyboard/mouse support,and no mods or conversions just didn't cut it . But it's become like an infection that's spread and gotten out of control. Developers have no interest in pushing the envelope anymore,they just want the fast cash,truly great games are a rarity now. I'm tired of games that are simply direct console ports,with little or no effort to produce PC versions that aren't crippled to run on 6 year old antiques. And it goes far beyond just graphics. A game like Crysis 2 is a total failure to me not just because it failed to surpass the graphics of the original,but failed to advance the gameplay as well. It's just another boring,linear shooter Crytek cranked out to cash in. Games are rushed out the door before they're even close to ready for release,the debacle with Dead Island is a prime example of that.
That's exactly why I support games like Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, Michael, they both are a blast of fresh air. They take you back to the good days when games were actually CHALLENGING instead of a six hour-one sitting experience like you get in 97.3 percent of all games released lately.

You're right about rushed games, but that does apply to consoles as well, unfortunately. You're also right about everything else, including how the PC versions are usually shit because of consolization.
When the current generation of consoles came out, most purchasers did not own a HDTV.

World wide only about a quarter of households with a TV have a HDTV.

It's more than safe to say people bought HDTV's more for HD Television content, not because of their console game.
I grabbed a PS3 recently after being a strictly PC only gamer since my childhood, there are some good games on the PS3 and the reason to get them are entirely because they're exclusives. Red Dead Redemption, Demon's Souls, Heavy Rain, LA Noire.

Anything the PS3 does the PC does several orders of magnitude better, the only real honest benefit of consoles is the ability to play with a few friends on the sofa in a more relaxed environment, and with the right set up you can do this with a PC anyway.

MSG4 was a fantastic game. Make sure you play it.
I like XBOX a lot but I'll never pay for yearly membership again. I'll get a PS3 if I get another console.
LOL, consoles are easy, period. That is their advantage and what makes them popular.

Seriously, you guys blow some of this stuff way out of the water. I still dont have to sit installing the games, worry about requirements, and inevitably you run across many buggy PC games that crash and grow incompatible over the years. Yes, some console games are buggy too, but they do not stop running and screw up other settings on your PC that you have to tweak to get them to work. Patches are also tiny and fast on my 360..seriously, they happen but usually take about 10-20 seconds to install and continue loading the game.

I really enjoy both, but to say the consoles are not easier is just hilarious. I have had both for over a decade now and the consoles by far are easier to plug and play vs. PC counterparts.

Not to mention, all of the consoles are about the price of one high end GPU these days....I could give a crap about all the overpriced accessories, the consoles themselves with what you need are not that expensive.
MSG4 was a fantastic game. Make sure you play it.
I like XBOX a lot but I'll never pay for yearly membership again. I'll get a PS3 if I get another console.

Forgot about MGS, I think the only thing i've seen from this series is very old gameplay from the old PS1 or PS2 I can't remember, looked a lot like splinter cell. It's only £8.99 used so I'll probably grab that after I finish RDR, thanks :)
From the article:

What with games becoming obsolete upon the release of a new OS

The last time I had any issue with a game and a new OS was back when I jumped to Windows 2000 as my main OS while they were still pushing Windows ME. Since Win2000 was more focused on businesses than gaming, especially at that point, there were some quirks but even then most everything worked fine.

In Win 7 64-bit even most games going back to the win95 era work fine as long as they don't use 16-bit installers.
"just"???? they have always been that way...
In other news, I never have to update drivers for my video card on Xbox nor do I have to worry about patching games.
Perhaps you have a different xbox than the rest of us because I am pretty sure the xbox has had both game patches and OS patches which probably contain driver patches. And on any console I have seen they take a pretty long time. Or maybe you are saying it is all automatic so you do not have to worry in which case it is all automatic for most games on a PC now days too. If you install the basic drivers that come on the DVD for a video card I have never actually needed to update them to get a game working.

It all comes down to apples and oranges. People claim x and y for the consoles but in fact the only reason they are different is because PC gamers have a taste that is so much higher than what consoles deliver. If you do not want to mess with a PC go buy one from any OEM and it will work, if you dont want to update drivers once again millions of people run with the drivers that came preinstalled on their OEM machine no problem. If you are willing to accept the poor FPS and performance a console offers you can get that on a PC too. If you do not touch anything and just install games through steam the vast majority with just work with fine graphics and fps. But when you want to start changing things that is where you have the power to do it on a PC if you are willing. If you are not it is not problem millions of gamers do nothing and just game on PCs.
I love you guys comparing the cost of the games.

When I buy a PC game I spend between 50 and 60 dollars now and I am generally out of 50-60 dollars. When I spend 50 to 60 dollars on a Xbox game I am usually for about 2 months only out of 30 dollars.

For example:

I bought LA Noire on release (May) with 20 dollars in amazon credit, which to most people around here is as good as cash.

so 59.99 - 20 = 49.99 shipped.

I then proceeded in August to turn around and sell the game back to amazon for 32.00. Residual value can vary by day. (ex: Fallout NV has a trade in of 6.25 one day and the next it is 12 dollars).

But had I gotten the same deal on PC even with the 50 dollar price tag.

49.99 - 20.00 = 29.99

I would still be ahead buying games on console.

You can say what you want about "not giving a shit about residual values" but games are some of the worse investments out of anything and when you collected games all your childhood and then one day you get rid of your collection because it just sits there collecting dust you will be happy you didn't let them sit there and depreciate down to like 1 dollar after 10 years with 8 years of you never touching them.

On a PC once you commit to a game you pretty much have zero trade in value.