Continuous Short beeps


Oct 8, 2006
So my handy dandy P965-S3 Manual says that this is a power error. So I was pretty much pissed that I had another PSU go down the drain. I go to my local Compuzone, pick up a cheapie PSU, got it tested, and plugged her into my PC.


Okay, not the powersupply, but I still have a power error. Did my motherboard just take a shit on me?
I have a Xclio Smartpower 460 as my current regular powersupply, but I tested the computer with a cheapie 550w generic PSU I got from Compuzone. I know the generic PSU works, and it should atleast boot up a computer probably only using 250 watts, no matter how crappy and cheap the powersupply is.
I decided to take out my ram and video card to see if I could get a RAM error or a Vidcard error for shits and giggles, but I still just got the power error, i'm starting to think my mobo pretty much died on me, any other suggestions before I go out and buy another motherboard?