Controling receiver from comp


Limp Gawd
Jan 11, 2003
anyone know if its possible to control an HK receiver from a computer using the (and this is a guess cuz im at work) rs232 port on the back. specifically the HK 635.

and if not, does anyone know of an IR device that i put into say my USB port and program a computer program to control my receiver, cd, dvd, md, tv, philips sl400 . . . (get the idea)

let me know
usb-uirt could learn the functions. problem is sending the signals. girder maybe? what are you trying to do specifically?
Technically it is possible to control any reciever with a 232 from a computer you just have to have the correct settings for 232 communications, the correct pin-out of the cable and the correct protocal for the information to be sent and recieved from the other device. When I am having a problem with a peice not responding to the crestron processor one of the first steps is to drop to terminal window and try to send the commands myself.

I agree with the USB-UIRT.