Controllers for Star Wars Squadrons


[H]F Junkie
Sep 6, 2007
I'm planning on getting this game for PC rather than Xbox, but that leads me to the question of what kind of controller will you be using? I can't aim to save my life with a gamepad. My FPS gaming is limited to PC. However, even though this looks to have a FPS viewpoint, I am thinking a joystick might be a better option. Having a hell of a time finding one, though, and probably not interested or willing to spend the money on a full on HOTAS setup.

What's your plan for controller usage?
I'm going to see if the flight engine plays well on keyboard and mouse, and if not, I will use my Logitech stick

I also have serious accuracy problems with console game pads, and do not expect those to be serviceable.
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xb1 controller. as its not an FPS so no worry about headshots, should be fine.

Says the fool with perfect aim, who doesn't understand the issue.

When you and your target are moving independently in 3d space, it takes extra thought processes to make sure your projectile can collide with the target (especially if you are rotating in-space while firing that shot).

Not everyone here is Mr. Fighter Jock / willing to put up with the clumsiness of autoaim on a controller, while you are forced to remap flight controls to two tiny analog sticks.
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I just dug up my old Sidewinder Precision 2 and checking to see if it works under Windows 10. But my aim with a XBox One controller is....well...beyond terrible. I tend to hit everything but what I'm aiming for.
Says the fool with perfect aim, who doesn't understand the issue.

When you and your target are moving independently in 3d space, it takes extra thought processes to make sure your projectile can collide with the target (especially if you are rotating in-space while firing that shot).

Not everyone here is Mr. Fighter Jock / willing to put up with the clumsiness of autoaim on a controller, while you are forced to remap flight controls to two tiny analog sticks.
woah there spaz. it worked fine in battlefront/2 it'll probably be just fine here too.
Says the fool with perfect aim, who doesn't understand the issue.

When you and your target are moving independently in 3d space, it takes extra thought processes to make sure your projectile can collide with the target (especially if you are rotating in-space while firing that shot).

Not everyone here is Mr. Fighter Jock / willing to put up with the clumsiness of autoaim on a controller, while you are forced to remap flight controls to two tiny analog sticks.

Who pissed in your cheerios this morning? Dude just said that he didn't find a problem with controllers, not even replying to you or commenting on your post at all, and you act like he kicked your dog.
Who pissed in your cheerios this morning? Dude just said that he didn't find a problem with controllers, not even replying to you or commenting on your post at all, and you act like he kicked your dog.

Apparently , the second person who didn't read the OP's request, an decided to Threadcrap. I'm not going to treat you any differently .

Go away, the adults are having a discussion.
I like the X-box controller over the PS4 controller. I think playing with a actual suction cup on the desk joystick or
anything else would be pretty crazy for aiming I might be wrong. This game is VR as well and well if you go that route good luck to anyone
who tries that =)
Apparently , the second person who didn't read the OP's request, an decided to Threadcrap. I'm not going to treat you any differently .

Go away, the adults are having a discussion.

If you want to be called an adult you should act like one and not a pissy teenager.

Edit: And the OP asked what people are using with the game and said they THOUGHT a joystick would be better. They never demanded that the topic be joystick only. If the OP has a problem with the discussion they can say so. I'm pretty sure they don't need your angsty ass to throw a tantrum on their behalf.
I'll try it with keyboard and mouse. If that doesn't work, I'll switch to an XBOX One controller.
I plan to stick with keyboard/mouse unless it happens to be poorly done. I fly much better in Battlefront 2 with KB/M than controller since it has that Freelancer-style mouse input which I love for space games.
I'm wondering if a HOTAS is too much for this game? Im itching to bust out my Thrustmaster HOTAS X.
I'm wondering if a HOTAS is too much for this game? Im itching to bust out my Thrustmaster HOTAS X.
if i had one, i'd try it.
"From the Manufacturer. Finally, you can have the look, performance and percisiong you have been looking for in a..." you'd have so much percisiong!
I'm going to be using an Xbox One controller. At some point down the road I'd like to get a flight stick or a decent HOTAS set up but that's pretty far down the list of priorities for me. If I find the game interesting enough, maybe I'll play it again when I do get one.
Notice the PC control scheme (joy + key) gives you the same power mangement options as in the old X-Wing or Tie fighter...and not just the "console-settings" of max weapon, shield or engine.
One of the most crucial features in the it or not.