Convincing sister on what to buy...


Sep 8, 2004
My older sister says she wants a laptop and only Sony or Apple will do. I ask "Why only those two?" And she replies with, "Because they're cute."

This is driving me crazy.

I offer her something much cheaper like dell. Nope. "They're dorky"

Any suggestions as how to convince her to go with other cheaper brands? All she does is email and websurf.
Sony laptops are sweet, but, if youre gonna be tech support, then make her get a mac, according to my sister 'Its like theres little fairies inside it'. Whats wrong with her spending more money anyway? Its not your cash is it? cheapest != best
Well, she also wants to get a car and my dad is against her spending too much on a laptop for just her simple purposes. My dad still sends some money down to her even though she has a job.

'Its like theres little fairies inside it' haha
If its just for typing + Such, and its anything even remotely critical, you really should steer her toward a mac, i recommend them to everyone i know that wants a new pc, but isnt arsed about games and doesnt know shit about computers. Little to no spyware/viruses to worry about, fully windows compatible, and iLife does rock. Put her the sims on there and shes set. As far as getting a car as well goes, the price difference is gonna be at most £200, which is haggleable on a car anyway.

PLus apple screens are very very good.

If you really need to convince her to get something else though, show her a tablet PC, cool as anything.
decent ibook would do the trick fo her...those aren't that expensive even by pc standards
Definitely tell her to get the ibook. If she's buying it because it's "cute" then odds are you don't want her calling you when she gets her Wintel notebook fulla spyware and other such shit. Lemme guess, she's a blonde too isn't she?
I will take all the opinions into consideration.

Mr_Evil said:
Lemme guess, she's a blonde too isn't she?

Haha naw. She's pretty smart (graduated pretty high rank from ucsd) but sometimes .. you know.
iBooks are actually a good thing for the person who doesnt know that much about computers and does not do anything that would really need them to use windows. My girlfriend had one for a number of years till her graphics design firm actually switched to almost entirely windows applications (shocked me too!). I enjoyed the little bugger for a long time too.
ibooks = ripoff, total waste of money, the specs are HORRIBLE for the price
sony = same as above

if you want cute get an Asus S5N or W5N it comes in white or black,
klowngoblin said:
ibooks = ripoff, total waste of money, the specs are HORRIBLE for the price


hell the g3 ~500mhz ibooks you can get off ebay run OSX just as well as the newer i books...

so a newer ibook should fly with it....

the ibooks definitley aren't overprices
klowngoblin said:
ibooks = ripoff, total waste of money, the specs are HORRIBLE for the price
sony = same as above

if you want cute get an Asus S5N or W5N it comes in white or black,

If you quote specs on an Apple product you have never used one then. Its not about specs, its more or less about the awesomeness of OS X.
It's ironic that he says that iBooks are a huge waste of money, when they have probably the best resale value of any laptop.
klowngoblin said:
ibooks = ripoff, total waste of money, the specs are HORRIBLE for the price
sony = same as above

if you want cute get an Asus S5N or W5N it comes in white or black,
You also have to take into account that macs arent PCs, so specs dont matter, you arent gonna be gaming on them, and Power PC owns intel/amd clock for cloc, plus OSX FTW! jesus i sound like such a !!!!!!, im really not, just people that cant work computers should be forced to have a mac.
Herulach said:
...Power PC owns intel/amd clock for cloc...
Aparrently that's no longer the case (not that I'm admitting it ever was the case) since Apple is moving over to x86 intel. About the only benchmark I've ever seen a Mac walk away from a PC in was a Photoshop benchmark.
Mr_Evil said:
Aparrently that's no longer the case (not that I'm admitting it ever was the case) since Apple is moving over to x86 intel. About the only benchmark I've ever seen a Mac walk away from a PC in was a Photoshop benchmark.
Still an unconfirmed rumour, but i was talking in terms of usability and the general 'feel' of the thing, my sis' ibook 'feels' at least as fast if not faster than my A64 3200 @ 2.3Ghz, despite being clocked nearly exactly a gig slower. (in general use of course, it smokes it in games etc.)
Herulach said:
... according to my sister 'Its like theres little fairies inside it'. ...
I'm crying over here... thats the funniest thing i've read all week!

Great stuff... great stuff...

Oh, and to the OP, I suggest, if she's spending the money anyways, get a mac, if not, take her to the mall if there is a dell outlet there and show her the "cute little" 700m. The thing is so tiny she's bound to find it adorable (*sigh* women....). Good luck with that!
Herulach said:
Still an unconfirmed rumour, but i was talking in terms of usability and the general 'feel' of the thing, my sis' ibook 'feels' at least as fast if not faster than my A64 3200 @ 2.3Ghz, despite being clocked nearly exactly a gig slower. (in general use of course, it smokes it in games etc.)
Where have you been? Jobs himself confirmed that Apple would be 100% x86 Intel by 2007. By this time next year Apple will have their very first Intel machines available for sale.

Edit: From the horse's mouth to your ears...
If I may ask, why is this so hard to decide. This is so much more of a Mac vs Windows decision the way it sounds. What is she going to doing with it? Your going to konw what she needs. If she is going to need to use it for windows compatible stuff, then get the sony if that is not an issue go with the mac.

By the way is your Sister hot?? I want Pics :p
cooter said:
If I may ask, why is this so hard to decide. This is so much more of a Mac vs Windows decision the way it sounds. What is she going to doing with it? Your going to konw what she needs. If she is going to need to use it for windows compatible stuff, then get the sony if that is not an issue go with the mac.

By the way is your Sister hot?? I want Pics :p
Well, if it were me, I don't like sony's customer service, and on something as delicate and expensive as a laptop, thats a big turn off to me. Dell's customer service may be hard to deal with some time, but at least they take responsibility for thier stuff, and will fix it QUICKLY if its broke. Not like some other big yellow and blue company i know............
This really isn't a Mac vs Windows debate, just trying to clear the air of some misconception. Hell I reccomended the ibook.

Herulach said:
In a hole obviously :)
Man, my condolences, I heard that Buffalo Bob shoved a lit road flare up your.....nevermind. :p
