Cool Morphing Touchscreen Keyboard

I'm sorry but I had to LOL at the guy around 1:03.

Hey nice keyboard concept btw.
I'm sorry but I had to LOL at the guy around 1:03.

Hey nice keyboard concept btw.
Video was only 1:03 long, perhaps your meant the guy pulling the tablet out of his jacket like a jackass around :25.
Video was only 1:03 long, perhaps your meant the guy pulling the tablet out of his jacket like a jackass around :25.

Would you have him carry a purse? My iPad Mini fits my inner jacket pocket just fine and it doesn't bulge. So why the hell not?
On topic, I'm at work and the internet's slow, so I'm stuck watching low quality video. I could barely make out the keyboard at the lowest quality. I'll have to watch it again at home.
Video was only 1:03 long, perhaps your meant the guy pulling the tablet out of his jacket like a jackass around :25.
I don't know if it was just the look on his face or what but I literally spit coffee all over my desk when he did that. :D
i think this is cool, the main reason i hang on to my blackberry is the keyboard.
and the fact my company provides it with no bill to me! :)
Very cool. It could probably emulate all sorts of game pad layouts also. Perhaps also make it work with braille.
Would need to be a kind of flexible plastic. It would scratch and get marked up in no time.
swype style keyboards are just way faster than that..novel but not real useful. If you are still tapping your touchscreen like that, your doing it the hard way.
Hey, I have their tag line...

Tactus Technology
Bumped for your Pleasure...
swype style keyboards are just way faster than that..novel but not real useful. If you are still tapping your touchscreen like that, your doing it the hard way.

Indeed. Swype is so much faster than typing and really a superior way to do notes , texting and emails on mobile devices.
The only problem I can see with this keyboard is that some a**hat would get ahold of my phone and pop the keyboard like bubble wrap.
s[H]aqFU;1039559092 said:
i think this is cool, the main reason i hang on to my blackberry is the keyboard and the fact my company provides it with no bill to me! :)


I've worked in the wireless industry for 9 years. If you are still using a blackberry because you think the keyboard is superior, you really need to give a swype style keyboard (touch screen) a solid test drive for a week. Much more efficient and enjoyable to use for the vast majority of users.

I think the tech behind the raised keys is very interesting as there could be other applications that could benefit more (raised input buttons for mobile touch screen games), however I have to agree with some of the other posters that tap typing on touch screens has fallen behind the curve in speed.
FYI, a lot of stuff in this video is renders. Check out 0:48 and you can see that's clearly an iphone4 that's had the buttons rendered onto it.
There's some video of actual operation at CES.
The 'buttons' are still somewhat visible even when they disappear, and are discrete. You can't simply make one appear anywhere on the screen.
swype style keyboards are just way faster than that..novel but not real useful. If you are still tapping your touchscreen like that, your doing it the hard way.

I can't stand using Swype, or any similar software.

I much prefer to tap away on it.

Hopefully this new technology works as well as it looks.

Because it would be useful to me, and many others I know.

If we can have this then why can't we have $20-$30 sturdy full size backlit 104 keyboards that is water PROOF?
reminds me of those old clicky screen blackberries (I believe? I never owned one but a friend did) If the technology is any better than those I would definitely consider one.
I have long since given up on swypeing in favor of keyboard with really good predictive text that learns from your past behavior. Currently using swiftkey/swiftkey tablet (depending if I'm on my phone or tablet) Its the only app that I have ever felt was fully worth the purchase.

However I'm also still rocking a droid 2 (I don't buy phones on contract, and on budget) and I will probably always have a phone with a physical qwerty. But I would still love this technology for tablets.
Numerous flaws with the concept.

Buttons are predefined. Not dynamic.

The layer is stretched via fluid pressure to give you the shape.

The layer is FLEXIBLE.

There is LIQUID under that layer.

Even if it's cut resistant like ZAGG screen protectors are, that screen will eventually fail. And quite catastrophically. It's one single reservoir for all the fluid that makes the domes.
The lady sitting in the "meeting room" nodding her head DEMANDS THE OSCAR
Well... I guess blackberry will jump on this. Still get a feel y keyboard and a full screen.
The only thing I can think of for this is for it to popup in braille characters for blind people. Then we can all learn braille and read our phone while they are in our pockets.