Coolermaster Releases some nice LED Casefans


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 14, 2007
Coolermaster has nice cases and some nice fans. And some of us are very keen on asthetics and colors. I personally am. Im excited to see these fans as they are fairly high CFM, they have a range of colors, and they are fairly quiet for 90CFM. :D

I'd gladly swap mine for these... ;)

Introduction wrote:
R4 series fans offer a unity of maximum rotational speed and optimum airflow. Using a unique long-life sleeve bearing fan, the R4 series offers long life rating of 50,000 hours. R4 series fans perform at a maximum of 90CFM at 2000RPM. These R4 series are available in red, green, blue LED and dark smoke (no LED).
Features wrote:

1. Up to 90CFM (maximum RPM)
2. 19 dB-A Silent application for CPU cooling
3. RoHS compliance for protecting the environment
4. Recommended for V10, V8, Hyper 212, Hyper Z600, Gemini, Cosmos, Cosmos S, HAF 932, HAF 922, CM Storm Scout and CM Storm Sniper
5. 50,000 long life hours




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Sorry, but anything in the 90CFM range is going to be far from quiet. This is also a 2000RPM fan and the 19dBA rating is going to be for the slowest speed of this fan and the CFM for the fastest, I never liked how CM rated their fans and how they never say what the minimum RPM is at which the test was done at and what CFM they were pushing. It's very deceiving.
Sorry, but anything in the 90CFM range is going to be far from quiet. This is also a 2000RPM fan and the 19dBA rating is going to be for the slowest speed of this fan and the CFM for the fastest, I never liked how CM rated their fans and how they never say what the minimum RPM is at which the test was done at and what CFM they were pushing. It's very deceiving.

Yeah, i figured that would be possible. I really dont know what the ratings are at 19dba or what 2000rpm sounds like. But i have 90CFM fans right now and they run at like 33dba... so if they run at even 23dba thats an improvement.
Finally someone builds a respectable LED fan. I have never owned a high performance LED fan. Most LED fans are really cheap and they sell because they have a gimmicky LED with a motor that goes bad on me. Now if I wanted a high performance fan in LED I would have to cut open a scythe or yate loon and build one myself.

One other thing is that finally someone builds a good green color that's not too flashy. I love the smoked blades and solid black frame.
Yeah, i figured that would be possible. I really dont know what the ratings are at 19dba or what 2000rpm sounds like. But i have 90CFM fans right now and they run at like 33dba... so if they run at even 23dba thats an improvement.

I would not count on it, at 90CFM the air noise is going to be through the roof, you can quiet a motor and fan down to nothing, but you can't do anything with wind noise. Just pick up a 1,900RPM (110CFM) slipstream and you will see what I mean.
Just what I have been looking for. I was looking to replace some of the Papst's on my Black Ice GTX 360. Looks like these are exactly the right aesthetic finish to my masterpiece.
Yeah, unless it's Scythe S-Flex or Noctua - fan ratings, take them with a grain of salt. ;)

Cooler Master, SilenX, Antec...99% of the other fan manufacturers completely fabricate their fan specs. Their fan may do a certain rated CFM, but I guarantee you the dB ratings they claim are WAY off.
90CFM @ 19dB? That's damn near impossible. Not even a P12 can do that and P12's are one of the best CFM fans for the lowest noise available.

Those are nice fans, don't get me wrong...I like the colors. But I wouldn't buy one expecting 90CFM and definitely not 19dB. :D
Those ratings are fake, is like saying a ferrari does 25mpg and 200mph. Only a fool would believe the car is doing 200mph at 25mpg but this is what CM wants to make you believe. It is very deceiving and with malice from any company the problem is that a lot of people with no computer knowledge will buy into this crap. I probably won't buy anything made from CM.
Not sure I like the black frames.

If you like the smoked blades but not the solid-color frame, Akasa makes some fans w/amber colored translucent blades and semi-transparent frames that are pretty quiet, think I've seen them at frozencpu and such...

What's so special about the LED glow on these btw? Once it's installed behind a grill/bezzel I doubt it'll look much different than most LED fans, and Antec/Coolermaster have always made half-decent LED fans AFAIK (the rated specs might be all over the place but I'm certain there were some you could undervolt w/o producing extra motor noise, etc.). I haven't visited in quite a while but the guys on the boards there used to cross-compare the heck out of fans constantly, was a pretty good resource last I checked.