Copyright Czar Appointed in US for IP Enforcement, Piracy Crackdowns

Are these those bullshit modern day dowsing rods that are being used all over Iraq which don't actually work and aren't scientifically evaluated?

No, but thanks for trying to neutralize my valid arguments by disparaging a research effort in the prototype stage that you know nothing about.

In fact, it is those not working well enough devices in the feild that highlight how damn important it is to get the real solution perfected and into our soldiers and law enforcement hands.

In the meantime, I pointed out that the number of Czars being used is a direct result of Republican senators holding up HUNDREDS of appointments for months on end, just ...


...and, that as politically esoteric as that might seem, at the end of the day there are REAL CONSEQUENCES to real Americans, while those fuckers fiddle and rome burns.

So in a very real sense, the Republicans in the Senate HATE America, and are working very hard to make sure the terrorists win. If they can't control it they want to destroy it... true patriots all.

You might want to check your facts on that last little diatribe.
Last time I checked, the Democrats were the majority party in the Senate, with enough votes to prevent filibuster.
They also chair every Senate committee.
So how, exactly, are the Republicans the source of this obstruction?

Having said that, I think it's worth noting that both parties abandoned any pretense of working for their constituents a loooong time ago.

Everything that is being currently said about each party was being said about the opposite party when the table were turned.

The vast majority of politicians in all levels of government (local, state, federal) view politics as a career, which goes against everything this country was founded on.
Regardless of one's party affiliation, or lack thereof, we never seem to get it through our collective heads that we deserve the politicians we vote for and if we don't vote at all, we have no right to complain.
Then again, when the criminals here can't get guns they use machetes instead, so we depend on the police that arrives to late to protected us .... so i can somehow see why guns for citizens may be necessary.... however over here we hire private housing security to keep us safe ;)

Is that subsidized by the government and available to all illegal aliens as well? Or is that just available to all the rich folk who make movies or work for the gevernement?

And by the way, a gun in hand is better than a cop on the phone!
its funny how one's personal views on a subject can grossly affect how they view actions by those that hold a different view.

ill freely admit i have a bias towards my personal views becuase i support certain ideologies. but even saying that, how can someone be angry with the other side force standing up for those beliefs? i mean really, why does bipartisanship even exist? There are some subjects where both sides agree, then there are other subjects where there can not be any common ground simply becuase they are core beliefs about the direction of the country. if people just gave up and agreed to whatever side was in power, things would get alot worse alot quicker.

as far as the czar business, its not a new thing, but it does seem to be a trend that has escalated alot during Bush and now Obama's presidency. They may just be advisors, but paying all these people that dont go through any scrutiny is not a good idea in the long run. Even as advisors, that does allow them to influence the decisions the president may make. People may downplay it, but they do have some power, just nothing direct.

as far as this particular appoitment, i know nothing about the woman yet, so i cant comment on what she might contribute.
Also, welcome to 1984! Why the government continues to do creepy shit like naming things "Homeland" and "Czar", I don't know, and it kinda freaks me out, honestly/


Just when I thought people couldn't get any more obnoxious.

I notice Jack also hasn't answered yet how the Dems can have a supermajority and somehow not get anything done, or how the Republicans "just want to do what they want", yet somehow the Democrats don't.

Shill a bit more.
I don't want to put words in his mouth Stiletto, but I think he said it was "years" ago that the position wasn't filled, that's why the funding dried up and the place had layoffs. Meaning the funding couldn't get passed through initially during the period of time the repubilicans were in charge. Whatever though.

The lesson is.. can we all please start voting independent? The two parties in place really need to be shaken up now.
No joke.

But be careful.

If you disagree with a democrat, I hear that makes you a racist. (even if you are a democrat)

don't forget "nutjob" "teabagger" "disillusioned" and "domestic terrorist" :rolleyes:

They're certainly not helping their cause by insulting their constituents
You might want to check your facts on that last little diatribe.

A perfect example of the utter failure of both our educational system and even the ability to read or listen to the news when they report on the subject of how the Senate works.

Well, let me try to explain this. the way the Senate works, any... ANY.. Senator can put a "hold" on an appointee for a position that requires confirmation.

It has NOTHING, not one damn thing to do with supermajority, or committee heads, etc. It is in the Senate rules that allows in the confirmation process any senator to put a hold on the appointment, which stops the confirmation process.

This is not something that can "hold" it FOREVER, but it can drag things out for many many months. The appointments were all prepped BEFORE inauguration (during transitions) and if the Senate wanted to AND none of the Senators put any holds on, the Senate could have all appointments confirmed or NOT-confirmed by the end of April.

However, collectively the Republican Senators are "hold"ing up literally HUNDREDS of undersecretary positions across all the departments. The Democrats can't FORCE them to take the holds off, they have to follow the rules and let the process play out.

As I said, eventually they will all get confirmed, but not until after the hold process has run its course.

Now, the contract in my example was fully funded by the Bush administration, and was up for renewal, and Congress APPROPRIATED the money for it, it is all approved BUT it sits in the Treasury because the law requires the specific undersecretary of Homeland Security to "disburse" the funds. That position's appointee is on HOLD. And the Bush contract ended and the funding for the renewal is in limbo awaiting the guy in charge with the authority to release it. Now the company was faced with either keep paying people and go bankrupt while waiting OR layoff almost everyone and keep the company going if and until the funding is finally released. Meantime 100+ actual hard working middleclass American engineers and scientists hit the bricks, many of whom have actually had to move cross country to take another job, others are scraping by on thier unemployment (45% of pay) hoping that the funding will come through, but the clock is ticking on the umemployment benefits.

So in this tiny little example over 100 families lives have been turned upside down due directly to the actions of Republican Senators literally ...


... holding up an appointee just to stick it to Obama and toss whatever monkeywrenches they can into the operation of the government. And as the icing on the cake, holding up the development of an actually useful working chem/bio handheld detector for military and law enforcement.

Apparently alot of people hear think everything in the world works like a dictatorship. Just because the Democrats have 60 Senators, and they are the chair's of every committee, means diddly-squat on the subject of the confirmation process.

Once the HOLD is off, yes, the commiittee will vote and if all Dems vote to confirm, the vote moves to the Senate floor.... and there, if all the 60 Dems vote yes, the confirmation goes through, end of story. But before we ever get to the committee vote, indivudual Senators can put a hold on (usually to ask for more info or clarification of something- legit point of the hold) and slow things down for days weeks months IF the Senator wants to ....


Hope that clarifies things a bit. And although the Dems can do the same, they DID NOT abuse this power when Bush was the President. Those are the facts, you can have your own opinion but you don't get to have your own facts.
Dr Stevil... remember the TEABAGGERS chose thier own name, Democrats did not call them that, they called themselves that, not even realizing (cause they are fucking stupid) what the meaning of the word was....

aka... to squat over ones other, and to dip ones neked balls into the face of ones other.

They thought, OH we are having tea parties (I guess because the "patriots" of the revolution had a teaparty?) and so naturally we must be teabaggers.... tea comes in bags, right?

Just so we are clear on that particular term.
don't forget "nutjob" "teabagger" "disillusioned" and "domestic terrorist" :rolleyes:

They're certainly not helping their cause by insulting their constituents

it was the republicans who called themselves teabaggers. it was even brought up in discussions that the phrase might have a double meaning, and only then did they realize it might not be the best campaign for them. these guys are stuck in the 1700's thinking england still has a hand over us... when in reality the rest of america is laughing at them for being ignorantly gay.
This thread is pure fucking gold. A+, would read again.
Hope that clarifies things a bit. And although the Dems can do the same, they DID NOT abuse this power when Bush was the President. Those are the facts, you can have your own opinion but you don't get to have your own facts.

that was long winded, but you are very correct. the dems did very little to piss off the republicans, allowing the bush administration to do basically whatever it felt like. now that the tables turned, i seriously feel like most 'republicans' would be better off dead- and thats after the bush era (at which, during that time i just hated republicans. they have been worse out of office then in, scary as that sounds.)

i think we all agree, political parties suck- and probably the root cause of all this crap were having to deal with. why? because it shifts blame off individuals into a whole party.

so, from now on, at least at HardOCP and anywhere else you can, we should all address politicians as people. nothing else. not, "Democratic Senator Dick Durbin" but rather, "Senator Dick Durbin". or, lets not go around saying "Republican Meghan Mcain" how about we say "Person Meghan Mcain" or of course, just 'Meghan Mcain".

these party lines are really drawn by the people. if we stop labling politicians as one way or the other, we will actually start looking at them on an individual basis (as it should be).
it was the republicans who called themselves teabaggers. it was even brought up in discussions that the phrase might have a double meaning, and only then did they realize it might not be the best campaign for them. these guys are stuck in the 1700's thinking england still has a hand over us... when in reality the rest of america is laughing at them for being ignorantly gay.

who? AFAIK, the very first tea party (atleast, what turned into the current movement) was in western NY and it was put on by a libertarian... and I didn't hear teabagger until I watched olbermann.

Why is it "ignorantly gay" to protest wasteful government spending? :rolleyes:

I do agree with party lines though. They're both equally retarded and they (the politicians) prefer it that way. "divided we fall"
Hey Jack, is it the vast right wing conspiracy? Do you not get that that is the whole problem with politicians on both sides? Like the Dem's didn't block and filibuster 100's of appointees under Bush when the Republican's had control. Or do you have a one sided memory too? They are all the same and all need to be voted the fuck out of office.
who? AFAIK, the very first tea party (atleast, what turned into the current movement) was in western NY and it was put on by a libertarian... and I didn't hear teabagger until I watched olbermann.

Why is it "ignorantly gay" to protest wasteful government spending? :rolleyes:

I do agree with party lines though. They're both equally retarded and they (the politicians) prefer it that way. "divided we fall"

im just being humorous. just because you heard it on tv first doesnt mean the republicans that are protesting all this shit aren't the ones who gave themselves the name. do some research, its a well known fact. they had meetings to talk about the phrase "teabaggers" and they couldnt believe what most people thought it meant. they are so far out of touch with reality it is amazing. since they called themselves teabaggers, i jokingly call them gay. ignorantly gay because they dont have a fuckin clue.
Yep, really quite funny actually.

Camiba... again, those darn facts. The Democrats did not block hundreds of Bush appointee's, in fact there were as many Republican "holds" used during the Bush years as there were Democratic holds. The Republicans of 2009 have now already used the filibuster more than the democrats used it in the entire 8 years of the Bush administration.

I don't know from conspiracy, but the cold hard FACTS present the picture of a clear strategy of pure obstruction. In the specific case of appointee's being held up, and the use of "Czars" to at least partially fill the responsibility gaps, there simply is no other way to put it.

Hold up appointee's en-masse and when the Obama administration uses the "Czar" concept to at least get some administration in place to try to get some work done.... lambaste Obama for so many Czars. Assume (rightly) that the media won't point out the underlying reason the administration has had to resort to using Czars, and play up the fact "some critics" are critical of so many Czars being appointed.

I'm no supporter of politicians, 95% of Congress is bought and paid for by major corporations and industry lobbying operations. It's a miracle when anything beyond "Congress shovels taxpayer money into Corporate coffers" is accomplished.

But supporting and defending the 100% of Republicans who are bought and paid for, to yell about the 90% of Democrats who are bought and paid for, while they both steal YOUR MONEY, is pretty silly.

At the moment, in this topic's subject matter, it is 100% pure Republican action that has lead to the use of the Czar concept, and until they are called on the carpet for it... BY THIER SUPPORTERS (cause they aint about to listen to me about it), thier obstruction just for the hell of it will continue. It's all fun and games until they fuck up something that directly impacts YOU, then all of a sudden it'll be a problem, to hell with all the people this is impacting right now.... just so long as it isn't YOU.

By "YOU" I mean people who think this is all funny, not you specifically.
With the amount of money being thrown at the government by corporations, of course this is a bought position. However, In a digital world, enforcement of crimes committed which result in equivalent 'real world' crimes is necessary. However, given the current political spectrum available, it is extremely unlikely that this position will result in anything remotely effective, reasonable, or ethical by anyone reasonable or ethical.

Also, if you don't think feeding information to the President and/or having your work directly result in a presidential decision being made, you are an idiot. This is not a "powerless" position.

Finally, just because nobody has done it yet...
In soviet russia, czar appoints you.
Yep, really quite funny actually.

Camiba... again, those darn facts. The Democrats did not block hundreds of Bush appointee's, in fact there were as many Republican "holds" used during the Bush years as there were Democratic holds.

So this is why in 2004 Trent Lott first presented the idea of the Nuclear option. Read into the FACTS. why did he need to propose such an idea? I can't believe you think that one party is so good and the other is so fucked. All politicians from both parties play the SAME tricks and then lie about it hoping their constituents are ignorant enough to believe them, they are both fucked.

On Czars, it is just a name. I don't care if you call them "little bitches" or Adviser's or Czars. The point is Article 2 section 2 of the Constitution states quite clearly that aside from the cabinet the President can have advisers but they MUST be confirmed by the senate. These roles have been around since Roosevelt and grew tremendously under Bush and now grown even more under Obama. They should be confirmed by the senate, it is not that hard and would end all this Bullshit.