Corded Logitech Elite keyboard cleaning question.


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 17, 2004
I am looking to give my keyboard a good cleaning.
If I unscrew all the screws on the back and open it up what will happen?

Will things fall over the place?
Will I be able to get at and clean parts that previously were unavailable to me?

I have experience taking apart my Creative Zen Xtra 30Gb MP3 player, my computer, remotes and such.

I do not give a shit about warranties by the way.
:D i'm glad someone is asking this. I'm tempted to put some blue LEDs back there and i wanna know how complicated it is in there. cleaning would be nice too, but mainly just modding :p
i took mine apart a few weeks ago to clean it and it wasnt difficult. there are plenty of screws to use so just use a magnet or jar to keep them all together, i took it all apart and sprayed the keys and stuff out in the sink, then wiped the rest down. i eat around my pc so there was a good amount of shit in the keyboard.
Just dont't let the keys fall out of thier holes, and be very careful of the 100+ contact pads on the bottom of the keys.. One, false jiggle of the keyboard when it's apart and those things can fly all over the place.. I wish to god I didn't know that.. :(
RandysWay said:
Put in the dishwasher.. :D

I tried that thanks to slashdot and I had a dead keyboard, its hit or miss with the dishwasher....

But yeah it should not be overly complicated just make sure after you get all the screws out that you pick up the top tray very carefully and do not tip it over. Picking up all the keys will be a pain in the butt
you know how complicated it would be to type with no bounce back from keys with that thing
The logitech elite keyboard is very easy to take apart and put back together. I was really tired one time and accidently nocked over my coke onto my keyboard. I went and opened it up and disassembled everything and it was pretty easy to put back together, the only problem i had was aligning the keys to the electronic contacts on the plastic sheet, it just took a few tries. My keyboard is working perfectlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy now. j/k

Good luck on the cleaning,

Corson said:
btw off topic hows the zen? im thinking of picking up a 60 gig soon

It is really nice.
The only thing that an iPod can do that the Zen can't is play games.
Eh whatever.
The price is much better.

The headphones that come with it will fall apart though.
I went through my pair and a pair from a friend of mine.
So make sure to buy a back up pair.
I like the headphones that come with it because of the behind the head design, but they are not well made.
UltimaParadox said:
I tried that thanks to slashdot and I had a dead keyboard, its hit or miss with the dishwasher....

It was on cold cycle right? :p

Only really works with battleship keyboards though
I'm glad to see other people are willing to clean their keyboards out too.

I had someome spill a tall glass of juice into my keyboard and they never told me about it. They just wiped up around the keyboard LOL! I found out about 12 hours later when my dad said the computer wasn't working right. I tipped the keyboard and got a nice shower of fruit punch.

I have the Logitech Internet Navigator which is basically the same board, just with buttons instead of a knob to turn the volume up and down (oh and it's white instead of black).

The only problem I had was that I put the sheets back in in the wrong order and dt didn't work right, I fixed that problem and it's worked fine ever since.

Just throwing away a keyboard (that is in good condition) because of a little spill or because it's "dirty" seems silly to me. Unless you receive one from a factory etc. then good luck getting all that dirt and grime off the keys.

Oh by the way I popped every single key off of my keyboard (they were all gummed up with the juice). I put them in the sink and cleaned them individually and then put them all back on (in the right order I might add). It can be done. :);)